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  1. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Comment by 'SoldadoDeDrogas' in media 'Methamphetamine Synthesis via P/I2 Ephedrine Reduction'

    Iodine is slighty soluable in water. This is probably the only liquid you *could* use in theory. I believe it is generated as a byproduct and you want to increase the total volume at the end of the reaction anyway. Try to only use just enough to dissolve the necessary iodine into solution and...
  2. SoldadoDeDrogas

    has anyone here tried IV 4-MMC Mephedrone?

    Not sure why I added this anecdote at the time, it is irrelevent in retrospect. This was about 10 years ago, and to be honest, I am not sure exactly what I had, all I had to go on at the time was the sellers world. Everything was going around at the time as "molly" or "m1" Different colors...
  3. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Meth Synth : is there alternatives to h3po2 or to red phosphorus they are unreacheable

    The red p or phosphorous content eats the iodine and hydriodic acid is the product, along with (I think?) some stuff that gets recycled (hypo?), phosgene gas, and some water? It is not necessary to make meth if you already have the HI (hydriodic acid), but it recycles and keeps reacting with any...
  4. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Meth Synth : is there alternatives to h3po2 or to red phosphorus they are unreacheable

    If you have hydroiodic acid, that is all you need to reduce ephedrine/pseudo into meth. You just reflux hydroiodic acid and ephedrine for a few hours. The hypophosphorous acid/red phosphorous and iodine reaction are just making the hydroiodic acid.
  5. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Help with pseudoephedrine extraction

    USE ENGLISH IN THE FUTURE PLEASE. But here: Pillen zerkleinern und in Methanol oder Isopropylalkohol auflösen. Feststoffe filtrieren und erneut 2 oder 3 Mal waschen. Feste Stoffe wegwerfen und Alkohol verdampfen. Wenn der Alkohol weg ist, bleiben Pseudo- und Triprolidin. Ich kenne keinen...
  6. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Making a good IV stimulant

    Sorry. 4mmc is mephedrone. Methylone is 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylcathinone 4mmc is probably easier to make, but methylone is the one you probably want. :cool: (y)
  7. SoldadoDeDrogas

    looking for easy recipe for cheap cristal stimulant

    Dobry dzien, Everything you want/need to know is here at BB or you can find some chem 101 stuff on YT etc. A good place to start might be reducing ephedrine or pseudo pills from the pharmacy into methamphetamine. You don't need much equipment (if any) and everything you might need can be found...
  8. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Making a good IV stimulant

    What about 4mmc aka methylone? .3g intraveinously will knock your socks off. I think cathinones will fare better towards your interests than any other class of stims. Amphetamines aren't that intense I don't think. Meth is great but its duration is quite long - plan on being awake for 3 days...
  9. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Help with pseudoephedrine extraction

    Correction - TETRAchrloroethylene See: "The tetra trap" for extracting pills.
  10. SoldadoDeDrogas

    I've got 50 tabs of ephedrine what can I do with them

    I agree, a red P cook, with proper ventilation, is a bit safer in theory. Just consider, what would be worse? Shake and bake with a pop bottle in your back yard or whatever... or a red P cook, with proper glass in the basement or garage etc. Minus the work up, they're both "one-step" reductions...
  11. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Comment by 'SoldadoDeDrogas' in media 'Methamphetamine from ephedrine tablets via red P'

    "Territory guy" Haha! ..No, its not him... XD
  12. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Help with pseudoephedrine extraction

    I think you'll be just fine with alcohol as far as seperating the pseudo and the binders. Ethanol should work no problem, I like to use methanol myself. I hear good things about IPA. Whichever one you pick, just make sure it is pure and anhydrous - no water. I don't think the triprolidine will...
  13. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Waxy substances when extracting PSE free base (with pictures)

    I would dehydrate and use the IPA, but they are all more or less interchangable for extracting pills. "Straight to Bee" or straight to base, refers to the first(?) step - when you add your NaOH solution to the pills, the amine(s) come out as an oil (think cocaine into crack). The idea is that...
  14. SoldadoDeDrogas

    I've got 50 tabs of ephedrine what can I do with them

    If you have extracted your pills and are morally prepared to turn them into drugs for consumption I wouldn't recommend attempting the above... If you decide you do a RP/I2 cook, just do it like they did in the videos. Ephedrone (cat) is an option, but not the easiest. Meth is probably the...
  15. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Help with extraction of pseudoephedrine 30mg

    The inactives are more or less irrelevent - we're just going to get rid of the whole mess! You can use methanol or IPA to extract the pseudo. This is going to bring the ibuprofen over with it, and it will be the majority of what is left after you filter and evaporate your extractions. All we...
  16. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Help with pseudoephedrine extraction

    I believe alcohol will pull the triprolidine along with the pseudo. Also if you base it, the triprolidine will convert to oil along with the pseudo, and of course, will precipitate along with the pseudo upon gassing. I haven't done this myself because I always make sure to get pills with pseudo...
  17. SoldadoDeDrogas

    What is the fastest way to dry amphetamine paste?

    Perhaps a food dehydrator/jerky maker? I have a small one made by Nesco I use to dry mushrooms that I got at a home appliance store for $40-50? You won't be able to use it to do a huge quantity all at once, but you could do a kilo or two of paste in a few hours I think. It is basically a...
  18. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Waxy substances when extracting PSE free base (with pictures)

    Yeah, I don't know about 'easier' methods. I said there was alot more information about cleaning pills all over this site. %91 IPA that you can distill or atleast dry with epsom salts should work fine, though if you could distill, methanol wouldn't be hard to come by. Whatever the alcohol is, it...
  19. SoldadoDeDrogas

    I was trying to remember a crock pot cook. I believe i hace it correct can anyone help?

    Totally a jail house string dope recipe. It's pretty funny when all the "good ol' boys" from down south come up and do time in the north east, they all bring this story about how they're a biker gang meth kingpin. I remember in my early 20s, being regaled by my a cellmate from Florida who "used...
  20. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Can anyone confirm if “straight to E” still works for red hot 30’s?

    Do you have a write up/details of this technique? I'd love to figure out and get EP/PSE to xtallize out of solution - at a high enough, or "the right" temperature? Seems like it'd be really clean and save alot of time if possible. Straight to base and gas is probably the next best thing, but it...