Search results

  1. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Psilocybin and psilocin extraction from mushrooms

    I was always under the impression that this was a bad idea and wasn't very practical because of the delicate nature of the psilocybin/psilocin. My trouble was always wanting to eat a good amount of shrooms but not being able to manage the stomach load well - trying to get into your trip with an...
  2. SoldadoDeDrogas

    For the love of god I need some assistance

    Sorry for late response... So how did it come out? Well.... about as shitty as it did the first time. Why? I am not exactly positive. I used the generic wal-phed 96*30mg 'red hots', which I have had success with before. The difference this time was that it is summer instead of winter and I did...
  3. SoldadoDeDrogas

    For the love of god I need some assistance

    @SauceySockss Yeah, the yellow bottles of HEET are the ones you want. They contain mostly methanol (with a little cyclohexene or something.) The methanol is what you want to use to clean/extract your pills, it seems to be the universal solvent for them and has always worked in my experience. Of...
  4. SoldadoDeDrogas

    For the love of god I need some assistance

    Yeah I ruined my favorite pair of camo pants and a hoodie, somehow I splattered myself with H2So4 and didn't think much of it. Next time I saw those clothes they were in tatters like a horde of moths got em'. Had a drop roll over the backside of my hand and didn't think much of that either, that...
  5. SoldadoDeDrogas

    For the love of god I need some assistance

    Greetings - I am the self-proclaimed unofficial resident SnB assistant. I don't know if you've been looking too hard in your studies of SnB because at some point you should have come across me and reached out ;] This is pretty much the only reaction I have been doing for months. Many successes...
  6. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Safer Shake and bake method to be reviewed.

    When I originally did the successful run I had to warm it up on a hotplate for a bit because it was wintertime here. Obviously I don't know the PSI, but like I say, I throw everything in and close it and I don't have to open it until it's finished usually. If there is still any visible Li I just...
  7. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Safer Shake and bake method to be reviewed.

    No problem, my friend. I'd like to make a good detailed video explanation at some point. At the very least, I will make another post about the experiment. Looking back at my last post I feel I didn't do it the justice that I could have - but it wasn't meant to be a stand alone post. I just tied...
  8. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Safer Shake and bake method to be reviewed.

    It is somewhat reckless of me, no doubt. I do it to give some confidence to the rest of us. I don't know, maybe I shouldn't.... I can't explain how it came to me so easily other than my base knowledge and experience from other areas in life going into it. Exhibiting dilligence towards reading...
  9. SoldadoDeDrogas


    This reminds me... I've been meaning to call my dealers and suggest that the drugs I've been purchasing aren't adulterated enough...
  10. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Safer Shake and bake method to be reviewed.

    Why post YET ANOTHER shoddy SnB recipe? As if there wasn't enough confusion and urban legend surrounding this particular method. Why keep adding to it? I've posted a safe way to do this successfully - and I'm confident enough in the safety of it that I do it in a glass bottle to boot. Everything...
  11. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Melted Methamphetamin turns Blue

    Beautiful site. Thank you! o7
  12. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Methamphetamine from ephedrine tablets

    If Ibuprofen is insoluable in H2O and PSE is ~%90 soluable in H2O. What more of a method do you need? If you can't figure out to extract and clean those pills knowing that then you need to hit the books my friend. I would hold off on cooking or doing anything serious until you can walk through...
  13. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Free samples from BB Forum for everybody!

    Something else I forgot to mention was the shipping/package. It took about a week to get into the USA from central Europe. It took about another week to get to me in North East, USA. It came in a small envelope about the size of a post card. The envelope contained a sealed mylar bag which...
  14. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Free samples from BB Forum for everybody!

    This is the sample I got from the folks at BB. 2g of 4mmc or "cat". Sorry for not taking a better pic of it outside the bag. It was mostly crushed up and powdered so not much to look at, but either way, free drugs so no complaints here (y). I recognize that smell... yes... that distinct...
  15. SoldadoDeDrogas

    How can I safely grow some shrooms in my house?

    I did not know there were over 100... wow.. where are they, lol? Mushroom hunting/identifying would be a wonderful skill to have, seems pretty daunting though. I don't think I would ever feel confident enough to safely identify and consume myself. Seems like another pursuit of a lifetime I will...
  16. SoldadoDeDrogas

    How can I safely grow some shrooms in my house?

    Don't try to grow mushrooms at home you're going to blow yourself up! Just kidding... It's probably safer that smoking weed. Just dont eat anything that isn't a healthy looking mushroom. The other good news is that there isn't anything illegal about it until you actually have DRY mushrooms in...
  17. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Quality over quantity

    Always. Always. Quality over quantity. The only product that should (and needs) to be cut is [raw]fentanyl - or some other extremely powerful opiate or tranquilizer. Any substance in which the raw product would potentially kill the average consumer. You are really only cheating yourself by...
  18. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Getting drugs to your buddies in prison!

    Yea now that I think about it, I remember hearing some stories of guys who hadn't had any contact with synth-noids whatsoever, no weed in years, they got dosed and 'went off the deep end', more or less... They ended up losing their head and either had it go down as a rare, but managable...
  19. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Getting drugs to your buddies in prison!

    Things like cocaine and heroin don't work trying to get them in through the mail sprayed on paper. I am assuming that if the prep is good and the letter doesn't look tampered with in any way, as in, it doesn't look like it's been sprayed with something or smells funny, it is the ambiguity of the...