I was sent 2 grams of 4mmc from glitchy and am very happy with what I received! He was very responsive with communication and the process was a breeze. The product came from Germany in a discreet envelope which was sealed in an airtight bag. It was very professional and I’m pleased with their stealth. The amount I received was closer to 3 grams and the consistency was a mix of large shards/crystals and broken chunks.
I partook of the 4mmc in all the ways possible aside from boofing. My favorite was to use it was iv however ingesting it orally was a safer and more efficient method. If smoked, I’d recommend the lowest heat possible and small amounts at a time as a lot of vapor is produced which isn’t very pleasant if it gets too hot or too much. Insufflation or sniffing this 4mmc produced a noticeable effect however the burn was pretty intense and my eyes got a good watering.
The effects were a nice boost of energy along with enhanced visual acuity and euphoria which got me motivated to get up and do something physical. Dancing was fun and listening to music was incredibly enjoyable. These effects lasted for about 2 hours with a comedown of another hour or so before I wanted to redose.
The hangover was mild however I did feel some cravings, fatigue and depression which lasted for about half a day but could be pushed through with a bit of mental toughness.
overall I was very happy and can’t wait for more and to try something new from Glitchy. Thank you!