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  1. Brain

    It used to be better. Why is it better to tax drug trafficking rather than ban it?

    The most important period of the War on Drugs may not have been the 1970s, when President Richard Nixon declared war and Congress passed the Controlled Substances Act, or even the early 20th century, when lawmakers approved new taxes and regulations that effectively banned the distribution of...
  2. Brain


    totally agree with you, bro 👌
  3. Brain

    The pharmacology of psychedelic therapy

    Psychedelics used for recreational, medicinal, or ritual purposes have been ubiquitous throughout human history. The Greek roots of the word «psychedelic» are psyche (mind or soul) and delos (to reveal). Unfortunately, during the Vietnam era, psychedelics fell into the «hippie» and...
  4. Brain

    Let's put THC in all foods?

    Christina Chase knew she wouldn't be able to get her mom to smoke pot with her. It wasn't for lack of trying — Christina had talked openly about her cannabis use in the past with her mother Laura, a 64-year-old Taiwanese immigrant. But smoking was a particularly frightening idea for her mother...
  5. Brain

    Can can cannabis be used by pregnant women?

    Strong public policy suggests that cannabis use during pregnancy is dangerous to your health, but what does the research say? Some of my friends have babies and some of my friends smoke pot. Sometimes they do both — and not too long ago, a friend asked me if it was safe to smoke during...
  6. Brain

    Synthetic urine. Interesting?

    Riding the bus from his apartment to downtown Chicago, Kyle carried a jar of artificial urine between his breasts. A few days earlier, a client had required that all counselors working with him at the firm be drug tested. Now he was on his way to the clinic for a urine test two days after...
  7. Brain

    50 shades of research for psychedelics (Chapters 3-5)

    Chapter 3. It is still unknown for what reason psychedelics cause such a powerful trip. In a recent study, British researchers used brain imaging techniques to assess how the brain looks under the influence of LSD compared to a placebo. They found big differences between LSD and placebo: brain...
  8. Brain

    50 shades of research for psychedelics (Chapters 1-2)

    After years of struggling with treatment for worsening cancer, Kevin felt miserable — anxious, depressed and hopeless. Traditional cancer treatments had weakened him and it was unclear whether they would save his life. But then Kevin got a spot in a clinical trial for an exotic drug. The drug...
  9. Brain

    Psychedelics are a revolution in the drug world

    «Triple» drugs may open up more possibilities for psychiatry. Just don't call them psychedelics. Today's psychedelic renaissance thrives on a list of drugs that can be counted on the fingers of one hand. MDMA, psilocybin, LSD and DMT are revolutionizing psychiatry and addiction medicine...
  10. Brain

    Why can psychedelics dramatically change lives?

    Under psychedelics, everything seems very deep. Scientists are beginning to wonder why. In 1882, sitting at his desk with pen and notebook open, Harvard philosopher William James inhaled a thick cloud of nitrous oxide — today better known as laughing gas, a substance dentists use to anesthetize...
  11. Brain

    *****, Religion and Drugs

    Of course! In his book Food of the Gods, Terence McKenna describes this theory. However, I personally have little faith in this theory.
  12. Brain

    The future is psychedelics: why does it work? PART II

    For decades, the guide community has been quietly working in the shadows, delivering psychedelics to people across the country. And they're not so different from their «land-based» counterparts. Many have trained for years with traditional healers in Peru and Brazil, and follow a strict code of...
  13. Brain

    The future is psychedelics: why does it work? PART I

    On the second night of the ayahuasca ceremony, I had a dangerous episode. I saw my *****age self disintegrate into particles and finally disappear altogether. I took off my sleep mask and saw the people around me turn into shadows. I thought I was dying or perhaps losing my grip on reality...
  14. Brain

    The happiness movement: how popular drugs are shaping culture

    In the XX century, mankind managed to «get over» several types of drugs — at the beginning of the century they invented to treat morphine addiction with cocaine and heroin, in the middle of the century they tried to find harmony with society and with themselves with the help of LSD and...
  15. Brain

    Fun chemistry: 5 books about banned substances

    The word «drugs» these days is commonly used to refer to just about any substance recognized by the state as illegal — it doesn't even have to be addictive. However, before being included in the lists of banned substances, these interesting substances had already been taken up by scientists...
  16. Brain

    Salvia divinorum: La Maria says in a low voice

    Salvia divinorum (soothsayer sage, ska maría pastora, soothsayer sage, yerba de la pastora), a relative of sage, is a plant that grows wild in parts of Mexico but is also cultivated worldwide. The leaves of the plant can induce psychedelic experiences when consumed because of the psychoactive...
  17. Brain

    Methadone treatment: China, Iran, Africa (Part II)

    Mauritius: the island of addiction As a 2009 study published in the Lancet noted, «in almost all sub-Saharan African countries, including those most affected by HIV, drug treatment is unavailable, needle exchange programs are non-existent, and legal services are too expensive». Since then, the...
  18. Brain

    Methadone treatment: China, Iran, Africa (Part I)

    Methadone substitution therapy is recognized by WHO and the UN as one of the most effective treatments for opioid dependence. Drug-dependent patients are given the opioid methadone dissolved in syrup (so that they cannot inject it) — it does not cause euphoria and does not alter consciousness...
  19. Brain

    Unprofitable humanitarianism: why methadone substitution costs states less than the war on drugs

    Now methadone substitution treatment programs are operating throughout Western Europe, in many Eastern European countries and most CIS countries. However, there are some states that are opposed to the treatment of opiate addiction with methadone. Moral arguments about the humane treatment of...
  20. Brain

    BBgate's going to Africa

    How does a plant psychedelic help Gabonese people keep in touch with their ancestors and what made white people interested in it? Neema Paul Tombi is the head of the Gabonese Association of Traditional Medicine, a priest of the African psychedelic cult of Bwiti, the son of the king of the Membe...