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  1. Brain

    Looking to replace alcohol

    The first time I experienced the effects of mushrooms was probably the last time I ventured out to consume them. The moment it happened, I was playing Mario Kart, suddenly handed the controller to someone else, and abruptly stepped away from the screen, which became frightening to me. A familiar...
  2. Brain

    Don't ignore the risks of psychedelics

    Psychiatrist Humphry Osmond coined the term «psychedelic», describing their effects as a path to enlightenment or, conversely, to deep despair. Contemporary discussions of psychedelics often avoid mentioning the negative aspects of the experience, softening their description as «difficult»or...
  3. Brain

    Collapse of the war on drugs

    The widespread decriminalization of drugs is not as crazy as it may seem. Prologue A tall white man in a denim shirt stands in front of a stove. The camera follows his hand, which reaches into the egg carton and then pulls away, revealing a cast iron skillet. After making eye contact with the...
  4. Brain

    Meditation is more than a drug

    The Western perception of meditation has been divided into two strands: the quick release of stress through short meditative practices and the deeply transformative pursuit of enlightenment. However, this simplistic view ignores the wide range of meditative experiences that are far richer and...
  5. Brain

    Psychedelics help with PTSD?

    Bessel Van Der Kolk, a recognized expert on trauma, was initially skeptical about studying the effects of psychedelics on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, the results of his research ultimately overturned his doubts — in the best possible way. The findings, published in January...
  6. Brain

    Psychedelics in the treatment of severe chronic pain

    In addition to everything that has been described many times on our BB forum regarding the positive effects of psychedelics, here's another strange and understudied prospect — psychedelics can actually treat severe chronic pain. For Kevin, a former martial arts expert and Crossfit coach (as...
  7. Brain

    Federal Legalization Of Marijuana: Background

    Nearly a decade ago, a majority of Americans expressed support for cannabis legalization, and the trend continues: according to Gallup, 68% of the public supported marijuana legalization two years ago, and that support has held steady since then. In 2020, when the coronavirus pandemic swept...
  8. Brain

    Is Alcohol A Problem For Americans?

    Medication can help the 1 in 12 people who suffer from an alcohol use disorder. But most of them will never be treated. Something that claims the lives of more Americans each year than fatal drug overdoses, car accidents, or firearms remains legal, requires no background check to purchase, is...
  9. Brain

    The Opioid Crisis: New Steps | PART II

    Challenges in accessing best practices in addiction treatment The story of one of the patients receiving substance ***** treatment from Sarah Wakeman reflects his view of the process and the obstacles he faces. Under the pseudonym Sandy, he first encountered opioids in high school on a doctor's...
  10. Brain

    The Opioid Crisis: New Steps | PART I

    Decades after the deadliest drug overdose epidemic in American history, people continue to die from overdoses at higher rates than ever before. According to data from 2017 to 2021, the number of opioid overdose deaths increased from 47,600 to 80,411 — far more than the number of Americans killed...
  11. Brain

    Cocaine crisis in Ecuador

    According to Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa, the country is currently in a state of war. Most recently, a state of emergency was declared after the leader of one of the country's two largest gangs escaped from prison. The next day, members of that gang stormed a TC Television news program...
  12. Brain

    The Path To Mental Health

    A long time ago I wanted to start seeing a therapist, but it wasn't that easy. First I didn't have the time, then I didn't have insurance for mental health care, and then I was busy with my job where seeking help was mandatory. When I finally had the opportunity to choose a therapist, I was...
  13. Brain

    Are religious groups returning to ancient psychedelic practices?

    Some advocates focus on the spiritual side of psychedelics as a way to decriminalize through religious liberation. The journey through psychedelia can be one of the most important and spiritual experiences in a person's life. However, the desire to use psychedelics for spiritual reasons is...
  14. Brain

    War on Drugs | PART II

    According to the Drug Policy Alliance, waging the war on drugs costs the U.S. more than $51 billion a year. As of 2012, the U.S. has spent $1 trillion dollars on the war on drugs. The cost estimates do not take into account the loss of potential taxes on currently banned substances. According...
  15. Brain

    War on Drugs | PART I

    The U.S. has waged a global war on drugs for decades. But as prison populations and financial costs rise and drug-related violence continues around the world, lawmakers and experts are reconsidering whether the potential benefits of the war on drugs are really worth its many drawbacks. What is...
  16. Brain

    Mushrooms, LSD and other sweets — talk about good stuff?

    A 27-year-old Albany, NY resident named Jessica was looking for ways to improve her mood. She spent two and a half years in therapy, studied many self-help books, and took antidepressants. She made significant changes in her life, incorporating regular exercise and leaving her city of birth...
  17. Brain

    What happened to cannabis?

    New York City's fresh fall air has a distinct scent, and this year that scent is pot. Many city streets have also taken on a new look, with marijuana and cannabis products being sold out in the open everywhere. New York legalized recreational marijuana in the spring of 2021, but the state is...
  18. Brain

    It used to be better. Why is it better to tax drug trafficking rather than ban it?

    Thank you! This problem gives birth to a lot of discussions, but now the situation is more positive than before.
  19. Brain

    What do we lose when psychedelics are turned into medical drugs? [PART II]

    How to increase access to psychedelics? There is some tension within the process of shaping post-drug law. Expanding the use of psychedelics by making them easier to access could increase risks to individuals and trigger new legal reactions. As different states continue to propose new bills...
  20. Brain

    What do we lose when psychedelics are turned into medical drugs? [PART I]

    Psychedelics have had a long history of use as sacred and ceremonial plant medicines for thousands of years. During the cultural revolution of the 1960s in the United States, they became popular with consciousness-expanding proponents who used them to achieve unusual states of consciousness...