Search results

  1. Osmosis Vanderwaal

    Less Than Half of U.S. Jails Offer Essential Opioid Treatments

    This hits close to home. My little sister in law is in jail waiting to ship out to prison for 6 years on 2 agg. Assault charges, and the county jail was over full so they sent her to a different counties jail and the new jail doesn't offer any of that so she just cold turkey by force quit...
  2. Osmosis Vanderwaal

    It called "The Cocaine Handbook by David Lee. If you are interested in knowing more about...

    It called "The Cocaine Handbook by David Lee. If you are interested in knowing more about cocaine and using it, read that. I could link you, but you shouldndonthatn30 seconds of work yourself so we know you really want it hard😙
  3. Osmosis Vanderwaal

    there are however other solvents one could us that would collect various amounts of different...

    there are however other solvents one could us that would collect various amounts of different adulterants. Diethyl ether chloroform and hexane come to mind. I might try a multistage wash coming very soon where I wash it in 3 different solvents. Stay tuned. There's a book, it's available free as...
  4. Osmosis Vanderwaal

    Ok after looking at my wallet I got this "locally" I drove and got it, it wasn't "local" just...

    Ok after looking at my wallet I got this "locally" I drove and got it, it wasn't "local" just not off of dnm. It was only ok 70% stuff. Decent, not great but run of the mill cocaine. Acetone is a versatile solvent, just don't use junk, but the best stuff you can get ( meaning the cleanest best...
  5. Osmosis Vanderwaal

    Pseudoephedrine extracted from pills

    It's OK buy it won't work. Traditionally what people have used to seperatr antihistamine from pseudoephedrine is chlorinated brake cleaner. Trichloroethylene I'm assuming the dcm in it is fine to leave , you can also get technicalmgrade
  6. Osmosis Vanderwaal

    Some cocaine hcl that was washed in distilled acetone,dried over 3A molecular sieve. I got this...

    Some cocaine hcl that was washed in distilled acetone,dried over 3A molecular sieve. I got this "locally" if you consider 70 miles one way local. .
  7. Osmosis Vanderwaal

    Postal services against someone who scammed me

    This site explicitly prohibits doxxing and any sort of aggression/violence. Posting a letter usually involves a stamp and envelope and a mail carrier. Im sorry you got ripped off. Stick around and younwont have that problem anymore. You can even make a deal with anybody on the earth, and come...
  8. Osmosis Vanderwaal


    There's at least a 1/2 dozen different synths for cocaine. There are phenyltropanes, and other analogs of cocaine that are far easier, then there are things like the WIN and WF series, substituted cocaine analogs that were made from cocaine like troparil, some being up to 60x as potent. These...
  9. Osmosis Vanderwaal

    nicotine / nicotine salt synthesis ?

    You could hey some tobaccum domesticum or aztecum seeds and grow it, there are other Plants that have nicotine. Nicotine looked hard to male when I looked at it
  10. Osmosis Vanderwaal


    It's been talked about ad anuseum over the years and the overall concensus is a person could potentially profit, but not excessively. The truth is you probably couldn't profit. The bottom is out of the market. Cocaine is cheaper and purer now than it was in 1985. A lot. Then when you figure...
  11. Osmosis Vanderwaal

    help with propinol chloride synthesis

    I watched this earlier and I forget whatnyhey used to chlorinated. I've had a bottle of proprionic acid for a while that I bought when I was drunk. I've never opened it. I would rather give it away than throw it out,which might be a big no no. I'm not thinking my wife will love it. She isn't a...
  12. Osmosis Vanderwaal

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a good supply chain

    Question Looking for a vendor 
    Australia is terrible, when it comes to drugs, they are so militant that nobody wants to send there. I think it's worse than the US even. That's why drugs are retarded expensive there. I can get meth for $20/g by the gram and as low as $4 if I buy a lot. $25/g cocaine. Just leave that wretched...
  13. Osmosis Vanderwaal

    soaking meth into clothing

    Well if you want to use water you'll need the salt, but if you use the base it's an oil that won't dry and is very caustic
  14. Osmosis Vanderwaal

    Crystal meth with red P method.

    Are we talking aboutnthe lithium ammonia way? Those in the know call that a birch LIKE reaction because it's not quite a birch. The solvated elctron is absorbed into ammoniated nonpolar solvent. It doesn't require anhydrous ammonia
  15. Osmosis Vanderwaal

    Crystal meth with red P method.

    Sure,it's actually in a close race with lithium/ammonia for the most popular method in the unitedstates. Of course you'll need the iodine too
  16. Osmosis Vanderwaal

    You can't have 2 reviews for the same product, so there isn't one. You can report your own...

    You can't have 2 reviews for the same product, so there isn't one. You can report your own review and ask them to delete it because you want to write a new one for that product
  17. Osmosis Vanderwaal

    Mephedrone (4-MMC) Synthesis [2B4M, Etyhyl Acetate, Methylamine HCl]

    There is one, in the video section. Exactly this
  18. Osmosis Vanderwaal

    Mephedrone (4-MMC) Synthesis [2B4M, Etyhyl Acetate, Methylamine HCl]

    117.6% of the 2-b-4-mp amount. You write me the calculation. ( tip: it is the heavier element divided by the lighter one
  19. Osmosis Vanderwaal

    Have you met her?

    Have you met her?
  20. Osmosis Vanderwaal

    Cocaine supplier

    Where you gonna be shipping from? I bought an ounce of cocaine last month, and I sat here in my simulation and cooked and smoked every bit of it in 6 days. I washed it dried it A/B extracted it, I was like Scrooge McDuck but swimming in cocaine instead of golf. Needless to say, I'm a bit of a...