Search results

  1. D

    Ketamine synthesis from 2-(2-Chlorophenyl)-2-hydroxycyclohexanone

    How difficult would this be to do with little (i.e none) starting equipment? Honestly, do I need a rotovap? C'mon.
  2. D

    Review: Incognitо Market

    SCAM Busted 
    Advanced search function is a bit primitive compared to others, however the side-bar navigation is quite nice.
  3. D

    Fentanyl Synthesis

    I used to IV fent analogues, and I was pretty good at not dying, but then one day I did too much, and there's just no time for naloxone - as soon as the needle is pressed down, that is my last memory (before waking up to a naloxone shot with <20% blood oxygen saturation levels)
  4. D

    Introduction to Black Pyramid Market

    I don't trust you.
  5. D

    Heroin purification

    Now what if we're starting with the typical European "H#3" which is usually mixed with caffeine and only about 25% pure (last time I tested it)