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  1. D

    Should I colour my product

    oh lol - well its a strange sense of humor nonetheless 😛
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    Should I colour my product

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    Suggest me a downer!

    They only work until they don't.
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    Making a good IV stimulant

    Thank god there's no edit button. Note to self: stop taking benzos and making forum posts. Though the question still stands!
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    Cocaine extraction from Coca Leaves

    Well that's all fine and dandy, but where does one actually find the coca leaves?
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    Biohackers. Free mephedrone samples. Dead drops

    I'm a foreigner living in India. The drug scene in scarce. Would love some a-PHP, a-PVP, 4-MMC, or whatever you have.
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    Making a good IV stimulant

    I'll be concise. I'll be frank. I want to IV a good stimulant. It's been too long. Nothing good is available here in India. I got an A in Chem-2 in college. Maybe I could try to synthesize something. Anything, cathinone, pyrovalerone, etc. What's the easist thing I can synth, such that: - the...
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    Alpha-PVP synthesis (1-10kg scale). Complete video tutorial.

    Do I really have to buy a rotovap? Starting from nothing, what would be the initial cost of all this? It's too bad it's so hard to simply find this stuff, that we have to make ourselves...
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    Free samples from BB Forum for everybody!

    I never say no to free stuff. Do you ship to Asia?
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    Generic wash cocaine to remove as much adulterant as possible

    Hmm. Seems to hold at 90% 1 month later though...
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    Generic wash cocaine to remove as much adulterant as possible

    ^ due to having only 1g, mainly trying to avoid loss from transferring/filtering/etc. -- what's called? mechanical loss or something? I have ethanol and acetone, but I'm not going to bother making anhydrous versions of it. So given what I have, what's my best option?
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    Generic wash cocaine to remove as much adulterant as possible

    I'll just extend this thread. I'm looking to clean up 1g of cocaine. It's not fully water-soluble. I want to filter out whatever insoluble thing is in here. I'm okay with leaving this 1g C in water-solution at the end of this. Ideas? I was thinking dissolve in an oral-syringe, then push it...
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    So 4-CMC, definitely toxic. 3-CMC... okay?
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    Black tar from opium raw

    Thread title "Black Tar" is quite misleading then, as "Black Tar" means heroin to most people.
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    Amfebutamone / Bupropion Sustained to Instant?

    *****-resistant extended release or sustained release is not fun. If we can convert it to instant-release, it will be better. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this conversion? (+Bonus for a good extraction method to remove pill binders/fillers)
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    Ketamine precursor synthesis

    That's not the intention, but due to poor synths, yes that is happening. Check wedinos or drugsData
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    Purification of heroin #3 and determination of diacetylmorphine content

    > only one vendor indicated a realistic DAM content of his product who? Also, how can you quantify DAM content? Simply by final weight / starting weight?
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    Ketamine precursor synthesis

    Unrelated: but I think dirty synths leave behind precursors in street ketamine batches - we see this data many times on, and these precursors contribute heavily to the urinary and bladder issues that heavy ketamine users report.
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    Cocaine extraction from Coca Leaves

    Why the difference? Also, any alternative to kerosene? Also, why is the "agua rica" solution chilled to 4-5 °C?
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    How to make synthetic cocaine?

    But sometimes you want to come-down in 1 hour, not 12.