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  1. BrownRiceSyrup

    DMSO method

    ive not done it and it seemed too good to be true. Its not that simple but that the same time it is. Uncle festers methods seem mostly theoretical ive tried a few of them with little to no luck... but take a read of this, this should explain it in more detail...
  2. BrownRiceSyrup

    Delivery address

    what do you mean by that? can you elaborate some?
  3. BrownRiceSyrup

    Cathinone from Phenylpropanolamine

    wow pemoline, that looks like a fairly difficult molecule to make without experience. Good job lol... I cant imagine you'd find the ingredients for that over the counter. How was it? Thats good advice, ive wasted a lot of chems figuring out i should do small scale first... In fact i noticed...
  4. BrownRiceSyrup

    is phenylephrine good for anything?

    as far as i know..... no. it would be easier to begin from scratch than to modify that garbage into anyting useful.... at least from what i know..
  5. BrownRiceSyrup

    Cathinone from Phenylpropanolamine

    Yea, i made it back then too.. it turned brown within a day or two lol.... i was so sad. so much work went into it. I had a hard time drying it and removing the hcl. i didnt have a vacuum filter either.. so i wasnt able to get powder and that probably didnt help.....but it was a nice bright...
  6. BrownRiceSyrup


    thats probably a fair assesment and a good educated guess..
  7. BrownRiceSyrup

    Cathinone from Phenylpropanolamine

    yes it was precisely this route that i tried. Same page from rhodium. This was several years ago during covid when i was a bit bonkers from all the free time in my lab and i was doing as many drugs as possible, for being pretty far gone i did pretty good i must admit lol (im off all hard drugs...
  8. BrownRiceSyrup


    Pihkal goes into an epic number of analogs, of which i could not find 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-amphetamine... which is basically vanillin run through the henry reaction with nitroethane and reduced.... I may just be an idiot and not be seeing it anywhere, even with a google search..... but has anyone...
  9. BrownRiceSyrup

    Are amphetamine sales up because of the stimulant shortage in the USA?

    So ive only ever been making it for myself, ive made a lot of things for myself just to experiment with but have been considering leveling up a bit and take advantage of this shortage. Ive never sold.... Im in college now though, 34 years old going back, naturally im going for a masters in...
  10. BrownRiceSyrup

    Are amphetamine sales up because of the stimulant shortage in the USA?

    From what i understand amphetamine profits are kind of lame compared to meth, but man everyone here in the USA is out of ALL prescribed stimulants... Are people turning to manufacturers from our neck of the woods? Is this a good time to get on the clandestine amphetamine train?
  11. BrownRiceSyrup

    Cathinone from Phenylpropanolamine

    thats correct, youd get cathinone from PPA. To get methcathinone you oxidize ephedrine. ive done it with jones reagent and also the potassium permanganate route... There have got to be better ways tho.... it was for my own use so i didnt care too much about yield. The better route to cathinone...
  12. BrownRiceSyrup

    1-Phenyl-2-nitropropene (P2NP) Video Synthesis From Benzaldehyde and Nitroethane. Henry Reaction.

    wowww... yea well im in USA so its harder for us here.... at least for me. Im making this for myself, Kind of a hobby project so im ok with making my own nitroethane. Though If i can make a decent enough product ill consider working my way up the ladder, why not.... Do people really buy...
  13. BrownRiceSyrup

    Benzaldehyde synthesis from benzyl alcohol. 1 kg Scale.

    Im hesitant to do this, and believe me i really *****ing want to, but im afraid of what ive heard about dmso. That at even its own boiling temperature without vacuum it can go through thermal decomposition and have some runaway reaction that ultimately can explode or some shit. Having acids or...
  14. BrownRiceSyrup

    1-Phenyl-2-nitropropene (P2NP) Video Synthesis From Benzaldehyde and Nitroethane. Henry Reaction.

    im just curious how you get a mole of nitroethane... I just spent the weekend making my own bromoethane and currently doing several runs of that and sodium nitrite... Ill eventually get a mole put together lol
  15. BrownRiceSyrup

    1-Phenyl-2-nitropropene (P2NP) Video Synthesis From Benzaldehyde and Nitroethane. Henry Reaction.

    This reaction generates water right? Is there a way to remove the water to drive the reaction? I remember i saw somewhere someone used toluene as a solvent and used a dean start to remove the water but heat goes up to the 86 or whatever the azeotrope is with toluene. Is there anything wrong with...
  16. BrownRiceSyrup

    Extract Amphetamine Base (A-Oil) from clothes - need urgent help

    wouldnt that possibly steam distill the oil to some degree?
  17. BrownRiceSyrup

    Red phosphorus from match boxes

    dude thats *****ing brilliant why didnt i think of that
  18. BrownRiceSyrup

    Lye solution somehow reacted with acetone? Google is useless here. Is my freebase recoverable?

    Ive never experienced that... but its interesting. I suppose i should remember that if it ever does happen to me. But im glad you figured it out man.
  19. BrownRiceSyrup

    How to use synthesized amphetamine base?

    maybe it isnt freebase... its probably the salt, which would explain why it doesnt smell funny, and basically has no smell at all.... If it were freebase it would smell funny. if it is the salts, well typically around 20mg at a time... thats what adderal is... and the max theraputic dose for...
  20. BrownRiceSyrup

    Lye solution somehow reacted with acetone? Google is useless here. Is my freebase recoverable?

    but wait.... whats a "P.A." dose of acetone? I cant make sense of what process your describing here. You didnt have solvents, so instead of just leaving the freebase alone you mixed it with acetone? where does the sodium hydroxide come in to play? and why is there water involved? You had a...