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    P2NP expiration date?

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    How to make salt withouth HCl generator,.

    yes you can use any alcohol. ethanol, methanol or isopropanol. make sure you evaporate everything that boils <100 degrees including water. then cool down and it will solidify.
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    Methamphetamine synthesis from P2P via Aluminum amalgam

    hard to believe :). at 40g loading it is very exotermic so you have to cool the RM otherwise all your methylamine just escapes. Have no idea what happens when you have kilos of aluminium foil. It is a bit less exotermic if you use aluminium balls
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    Video instructions.

    The writeup on this site has serious mistakes in it. By following this method you unlikely get any result. Basicallly the last step is wrong. Doing it as described you'll convert all your p2p into tar. Proper ways is to prepare 10% NaOH solution in 50/50 water/ethanol mixture. Use 500ml of this...
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    How to make salt withouth HCl generator,.

    Yes you can use aqueous hcl and isopropanol instead of acetone. Just add acid by small portions, mix well, wait, then check pH. It takes time. If your solutions turned pink that means you have added to much hcl. 1. Mix your freebase with isopropanol and add HCL (aq) 2. Evaporate until syrup...
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    Methamphetamine synthesis from P2P via Aluminum amalgam

    This writeup is a total mess. Following it as is will give you 10% yeld. Or may be less. 1. Aluminium amalgam must be prepared in advance, it is important step 2. Add your p2p, Methylamine to amalgam along with isopropanol 3. Keep reaction temp <30 degrees 4. With 40g of p2p and 40g aluminium...
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    Phenylacetone (P2P) synthesis from benzaldehyde with butanone

    in the step 3 of this method you have to disill p2p under vacuum. there are many side products & tar created on this saponification step. real yeld is around 300g of p2p
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    Phenylacetone (P2P) synthesis from benzaldehyde with butanone

    yes it can be used. but not just instead oh h2o2. there are several patents on the internet about using oxone in bayer-villiger on unsaturated ketones.
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    Please give us guidance.

    you can't convert N-methyl ephedrine to meth
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    Does an electric drill with a mixing tip do the same job as an overhead stirrer?

    drill is bad idea. it will not last long as it is not designed to run continously. but fan will do the job. cheap fan can be upgraded to overhead stirrer. fans are cheap , brushless and speed-adjustable
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    Methylamine solution from methylamine.HCl

    You can try to dissolve NaOH in methanol until saturation. Then see how much NaOH dissolved and calculate the amount of methylamine.hcl. Add it to your methanol. The problem here is that very unlikely that you can get 40% by this method. NaOH is not very soluble in methanol. Plus you will get...
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    Looking for reliable supplier (China!) CAS 5449-12-7

    Looking for a vendor 
    Interested in 1KG of CAS 5449-12-7. Need shipping to Thailand. Any ideas?
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    Phenylacetone (P2P) synthesis from benzaldehyde with butanone

    yes you can distill water to make it more concentated. it is a bit dangerous, please watch videos on the youtube on how to concentrate H2O2. do not attempt to make more than 50% as it becomes an explosive
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    Phenylacetone (P2P) synthesis from benzaldehyde with butanone

    saponification in aqueous NaOH at 50 degrees ?! Thats really bad idea
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    Phenylacetone (P2P) synthesis from benzaldehyde with butanone

    Original twodogs write up does not use peroxide. It uses sodium perborate. 100g of ketone, 143g sodium perborate, 625ml of acetic acid, 50-60 degrees celsius, 6hours mixing time. It is exotermic reaction so check temp and cool if necessary.
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    Phenylacetone (P2P) synthesis from benzaldehyde with butanone

    This whole synth procedure makes me think that guy who posted it never actually tried it. 1. Better to use 1:2 PhCHO to MEK molar ratio. 2. For each 100g of PhCHO you need roughly 20g of HCL., not just "bubble 1.5hour" You CAN use aqueous 35%..37% HCL 3. Reaction mixture must be cooled...
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    Phenylacetone (P2P) synthesis from benzaldehyde with butanone

    it is recommended. otherwise you'll end up with really low % peracetic acid. There are charts somewhere on internet about %H2O2 versus % peracetic acid you get. High %H2O2 is essential.
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    methylamin 40% solution in water

    From the question I suppose you don't have any chem glassware nor knowledge, so you can do this: 1. Buy muriatic acid (35% is ok) 2. Put your methylamine bottle in a fridge to cool it down (but not freeze!) 3. Mix your cold methylamine with muriatic acid (add acid by small portions) 4. Check...
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    CAS 10250-27-8 2-Benzylamino-2-Methyl-1-Propanol

    What is the conversion procedure to p2p?
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    Synthesis of 1-phenyl-2-propanone (P2P) using aniline

    Any success with this reaction?