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  1. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Any meth synthesis using shake and bake with batteries here?

    Yes, OK.. when you pour out the jar to filter the solids... let the fuel dry from the jar. When the jar is dry, whatever is stuck to the inside of the jar you can dissolve into water or alcohol and then evaporate. Whatever is left should be meth.
  2. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Any meth synthesis using shake and bake with batteries here?

    No, that's OK, I can understand you. I just don't really understand how you can filter a solution and there is still solids left behind in solution. That kind of defeats the purpose of filtering...
  3. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Any meth synthesis using shake and bake with batteries here?

    The solids that were created when you HCl gassed. That is your meth. You HCl gas into your 'fuel' and it starts creating solids and looks like it is snowing. You continue gassing until no more solids come out. When finished gassing, you pour your fuel through a coffee filter and collect the...
  4. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Any meth synthesis using shake and bake with batteries here?

    After you HCl gas. Collect your solids in a filter. Wash your solids with cold, dry acetone. This is your meth. It is in "crank" form - it is not crystallized. It should look like flour or powdered sugar. Any color besides white is impurity.
  5. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Shake & Bake Recipe (TEXT ONLY)

    Where can one obtain Ammonium Sulfate? Or is it easy enough to make?
  6. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Shake & Bake Recipe (TEXT ONLY)

    After you HCl gas and precipitate - "snowglobe". You filter and collect. At this point, the product can be used, however, it is HIGHLY recommended one should wash the product with cold, dry acetone and let dry before use. After the acetone wash one can further crystallize.
  7. SoldadoDeDrogas

    SnB success story

    Let's get the terminology straightened out so you can communicate with everyone. You extracted the pseudo from the pills. You did the SNB, which is the reaction, which is a "reduction". You are taking atoms off the pseudoephedrine molecule to "reduce" it into d-meth. Dry THEN filter in the...
  8. SoldadoDeDrogas

    SnB success story

    I don't know what you mean, 'used lye in the reaction process' Not sure what you did exactly. Assuming you reduced ephedrine or pseudo. If you used RP/I2 or hypo , you have meth "Hl" immediately after your reaction, dissolved in your solution. This is when you need to add lye to make the pH ~13...
  9. SoldadoDeDrogas

    SnB success story

    Baking soda to raise the pH? Not sure if that is a good idea or not, I don't know if there is a reaction in there somewhere. Preferably NaOH or KOH last resort if you have it. Did you use lye to base the first time after the reaction?
  10. SoldadoDeDrogas

    SnB success story

    Something similar happened to me during my first RP/I2 cook. During gassing I started to see snow and I kept going until saturation however after some additional gassing I was left with a small red colored phase at the bottom of my fuel which sucked up all my meth. When I tried to filter it, it...
  11. SoldadoDeDrogas

    SnB success story

    Hello friend. I am not too sure of what exactly you did, or IF and HOW it might be able to be fixed. The only thing that sounds like it might have a chance to help would be to raise the pH back to ~13 to get it to go back into freebase form. If it is in H2O solution the oil should push out and...
  12. SoldadoDeDrogas

    testing purity of ephedrine and purifing

    Jokes... Most likely pills, but ya never know.
  13. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Synthetic urine. Interesting?

    That doesn't make much sense to me... whatsoever. Urine, which normally comes from inside your body at ~98 degrees... how da fuq does it reach a higher temperature attached to the OUTSIDE of your body? Was he wearing leather pants during the summer in Arizona and jogged to the clinic.. or what...
  14. SoldadoDeDrogas

    testing purity of ephedrine and purifing

    Where is your EP coming from? Do you have pills? Ma Huang? Conversion from L-PAC? If you want help you need to specify and give more info. The better you can explain the better people can help...
  15. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Welcome to the USA 🇺🇸 section of the forum! I could use your help!

    The question everyone really wants to know is.. Where is the suzy !?
  16. SoldadoDeDrogas

    testing purity of ephedrine and purifing

    What is your starting material, my friend?
  17. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Watch the breaking bad series online free

    Hey @miner21 I just checked back because of your message here, it is working again - (for now) - enjoy!
  18. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Shopping list homelab for noob

    I wasn't thinking solely about glassware, I don't see too much risk in buying glassware. It's the thought of buying everything necessary for a synthesis all at once, with the same method, to the same address, etc. I don't mean to come off as overly paranoid, I am probably one of the most stupid...
  19. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Shopping list homelab for noob

    Frit has got your back. 💪 It may be better for stealth purposes to buy everything piecemeal. If one did decide to get a heating mantle, it would be best to get a larger one and then you can use smaller sized flasks in it by using a sand bath?
  20. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Welcome to the USA 🇺🇸 section of the forum! I could use your help!

    Alles klar, herr komissar? :cool: I have a tendency not to divulge too much information until I am prompted in the right manner, then I might not be able to shut up depending on my mood. A questionaire might help in getting the answers you are looking for from individuals such as myself. Let...