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  1. M

    Methamphetamine synthesis from P2P by NaBH4 reduction. Medium-Scale.

    Well, thanks for the information, yes I'm referring to the btcboss comment because he wrote it with methylamine hcl, that's why I asked agr not confused.
  2. M

    Methamphetamine synthesis from P2P by NaBH4 reduction. Medium-Scale.

    in this method do you use methylamine hcl, or freebase?
  3. M

    Methamphetamine synthesis from P2P by NaBH4 reduction. Medium-Scale.

    kami dalam metode ini apakah Anda menggunakan metilamin hcl, atau freebase? in this method do you use methylamine hcl, or freebase?
  4. M

    Comment by 'Mr.Blanks00' in media 'Mescaline and TMA synthesis (and analogues). Video manual.'

    do you have a method of making blue meth, or blue meth
  5. M

    Phenylacetone (P2P) synthesis from benzaldehyde with butanone

    hello, nice to meet you, I'm a new participant here from Indonesia, I want to ask all chemists, I made p2p from penylacetic acid and lead and glacial acid in a stainless steel bottle, I got almost 100% yellow and red oil and water, I want to ask if the yellow oil is penylacetone, and how to wash...
  6. M

    Phenylacetone (P2P) synthesis from benzaldehyde with butanone

    halo, salam kenal, saya peserta baru di sini dari Indonesia, saya ingin bertanya kepada semua ahli kimia, saya membuat p2p dari asam penilasetat dan timbal dan asam glasial dalam botol stainless steel, saya mendapatkan hampir 100% minyak kuning dan merah dan air, saya ingin bertanya apakah...