Search results

  1. MisterAnonymous

    People in Europe who want to help and start some shit up!

    Yeah i wish i had a nice goverment job!
  2. MisterAnonymous

    People in Europe who want to help and start some shit up!

    There iss no DEA in Europe morron! And to people thinking the same before we talk business i will videocall you and i will take a couple lines on camera and i will providde you with the proof i am from for real and when you feel comfortable we can talk!
  3. MisterAnonymous

    People in Europe who want to help and start some shit up!

    Hello, I am searching for someone in Europe who want to help and set up a little lab to do some business we share the investement and the profit!
  4. MisterAnonymous

    MDMA Recrystallization!?

    Hello, I just made a batch of mdma but i want bigger crystals. Does anyone know how i can perform recrystallization with mdma? Thanks in advance!
  5. MisterAnonymous

    Using Diethyl ether in the Cocaine Synthesis.

    I know I have special precautions!
  6. MisterAnonymous

    Using Diethyl ether in the Cocaine Synthesis.

    Yeah i ordered ether and chloroform gonna use the ether to extract the base cocaine and dry it and dissolve it again in chloroform and filter it that should get rid of impurities!
  7. MisterAnonymous

    Using Diethyl ether in the Cocaine Synthesis.

    Yeah your right it's not a synthesis but an extraction and they are using acetone so i just replace it with Diethyl Ether?
  8. MisterAnonymous

    Using Diethyl ether in the Cocaine Synthesis.

    I am going to make cocaine but i know years ago they used Diethyl ether in the process of the synthesis because it makes it allot purer but they stopped doing that because its very dangerous but can someone explain how i can do this in a safe way? @GhostChemist
  9. MisterAnonymous

    Cocaine extraction from Coca Leaves

    i can! without a problem...
  10. MisterAnonymous

    Amphetamine synthesis from P2NP via Al/Hg (video)

    @HIGGS BOSSON in the second video they say 0.1g of Mercury (II) nitrate and in your write up 0.3g what is the correct one?
  11. MisterAnonymous

    Cocaine made with Diethyl Ether?

    Hello, I bought 10KG of Coca Leaves to make cocaine like here. but ive heard that if you use ether in the process you will end up with allot purer product? Does anyone know how to use ether in this synthesis? Because i want a pure , sparkling qnd fishscale brick. Can anyone help me?
  12. MisterAnonymous

    Freebase cocaine with ether instead of ammonia!?

    The only thing is that i don't start from Cocaiane Hydroclhoride because i just made it i have a Vacuum filtered H2SO4\cocaine solution. And normally i only add ammonnia and it gets cloudier everything i add ammonnia till the freebase fell out: Do i add the ether also first here or how do i...
  13. MisterAnonymous

    Freebase cocaine with ether instead of ammonia!?

    @SoldadoDeDrogas Thanks maestro how much ether and ammonia do i need to freebase 10g?
  14. MisterAnonymous

    Freebase cocaine with ether instead of ammonia!?

    Hello, I bought coca Leaves in Peru and i am going to synthesize cocaine but i wanted to freebase my cocaine with ether giving me a much purer product does anybody know how to perform it correct normally we use a 10% ammonia solution!? Please help me..
  15. MisterAnonymous

    Cocaine extraction from Coca Leaves

    Does anybody now how to freebase the cocaine with ether that produces a completely pure product!
  16. MisterAnonymous

    Amphetamine Speed paste

    If your amphetamine is white when wet but turns a LITLLLE BIT yellow when dried is not a problem your right with that but if its dark yelllow like on the picture above you mention its just toxic shit!!!
  17. MisterAnonymous

    Amphetamine Speed paste

    I live in The Netherlands and you have professional labs here who test every drug for free and 90% of the amphetamine thts tested has at least 70% caffeine but those fools don't know tht so much caffeine can be deadly but they only care about profit so i starterd buying freebase only clear as...
  18. MisterAnonymous

    1-Phenyl-2-nitropropene (P2NP) Video Synthesis From Benzaldehyde and Nitroethane. Henry Reaction.

    Send me a DM I will provide you with a contact for nitroethane and N-butylamine...
  19. MisterAnonymous

    Ask DrugGPT anything

    when doing steam distillation on P2P you need to add Potassium carbonate with H2O in the beginning do i need to add something to the amphetamine freebase or just H2O? Explain the whole process please
  20. MisterAnonymous

    HOw to convert (S)-3-Hydroxy-gamma-butyrolactone CAS No. 7331-52-4 into GHB CAS: 96-48-0

    I know 96-48-0 is Gamma-butyrolacton it was just a typo lol 😆 But about your question i also want to know i am hit my boy up! He a professional chemist with a masters degree from one of the best university in the world! He will know! I will get back to you give Mr a day or 2...