P*****y problems


Don't buy from me
Feb 18, 2024
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Hello, I have posted this on the vespiary and reddit and have gotten no help. This is a copy and paste from the reddit post. I don't know if there's something I'm missing but I will pay for help at this point.

The PyCC intermediate is made by the bisulfite method, crystallizing overnight in the fridge and melting around 27c which is close enough to literature value.

The grignard reagent is made with reagent grade bromobenzene and dried thf, it also decomposes with addition of water.

PyCC in thf is added dropwise to the grignard reagent in thf which produces some bubbles and is then refluxed for 3 hours. Everything looks fine at this point, but I have tried this bullshit 3 times now and can't get any product.

A quench mixture is made with ammonium chloride and water, the reaction mix added dropwise which creates blobs of what I assume are magnesium salts which dissolve after further addition of ammonium chloride and water.

The clear, slightly basic mixture is extracted with toluene twice and then an amount of concentrated hcl is added equimolar to the amount of predicted product. Azeotropic distillation is performed until only a yellow toluene goop is left and what little crystallizes upon addition of acetone is inactive.

Where in my workup am I going wrong? Do I need to do an acid base before I do azeotropic distillation? I am 99% certain this workup is the problem because all previous steps and reagents perform as expected. I don't have hbr and literally the only thing I can think left to try is quenching the mixture with hcl rather than ammonium chloride.

Edit: not sure how important this is but none of this was done on ice, the addition of PyCC was added to the grignard after the magnesium was all dissolved and taken off heat. The addition of this to the quench solution was done after sitting at room temp for 15 minutes after the 3 hour reflux. But there was no crazy reaction either time so I don't see the need for doing it on ice

Edit edit: next run going, put in the freezer for an hour before quenching which was done with only ice and ammonium chloride. Made even more basic with dilute naoh and extracted with toluene. Dean stark rather than distillation now, thf came off first and now waiting for the hcl to be pulled off. Still open to any suggestions

Edit edit edit: has nothing to do with ice temps. Still *****ing nothing


Don't buy from me
Feb 18, 2024
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After a week of daily failures and scouring all the sources I can find, this one quote from the vespiary sticks out to me. "I noticed in the previous reaction a crystalline side product (which was actually the main product) that dissolves in aqueous acid but poorly in ether and melts cleanly at 204-206°C. Maybe it is the product from addition of the Grignard to the nitrile group, benzoylcyclohexylpyrrolidine, but I don't have a reference melting point" So this leads me to believe that there are some special reaction conditions I am not following, but I have not been able to find anything regarding this addition product formed from a nitrile and grignard. There is also no mention of any addition compound when searching for the bruylants reaction. I am bad at searching literature though, anyone can give any amount of insight on this would be greatly appreciated.


Don't buy from me
Feb 2, 2024
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How we can help if you didn't specify what exactly methods you follow, including for the nitrile.
As far as I know bisulfite method often sucks, you should use good quality cyanide salt.
Did you take at least 3 molar excess of grignard? Are you sure it's not "dead" before rxn?
Quenching should be done with crushed ice, ammonium chloride AND AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE (ammonia solution in water).
You should also know that some HCN will be released anyway. Did you feel its odor?
Alternatively hydrobromide salt can be crystallized in freezer, but in that case even more HCN will be released.
Hydrochloride salt likely will not crystalize out, as it is too soluble.
Too many questions left anyway to give you good answer.
I hope you are not newbie chemist to start with such syntheses.


Don't buy from me
Feb 18, 2024
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I thought the bisulfite method was common knowledge because it is the method used by Maddox in his 1965 paper. But anyway, it's taken from here

Everything was done the same except on a smaller scale, this being only a 2x excess of grignard to PyCC.

No hcn was smelled because everything is done in a fume hood.

Why do you say the bisulfite method is not as good? Now that I think about it, the only time I have gotten product from this is when I used NaCN...


Don't buy from me
Feb 18, 2024
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Can't figure out how to edit so sorry for the double post.

As for the dead grignard, I do not think it is dead because there is always a reaction between it and the thf solution of PyCC. Toluene has been used too to dissolve PyCC. If it was dead there should be no reaction, and addition of it to water gives a reaction as well.

I tried with ammonium solution a couple times but it didn't help any. I tried with dilute hbr with overnight in the freezer and got no precipitate. But I couldn't find any solubility data on this hbr salt and evaporating a small amount of the solution gives the same inactive powder as before