Question How to make LSD (#1)


Don't buy from me
Sep 20, 2023
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Note: The techniques described here are potentially dangerous. He It is highly recommended that the physical and chemical properties of the reagents used and the reactions employed be given further study by people unfamiliar with them. For the layman to try these Procedures without first preparing well is inviting almost certain disaster. The publishers therefore deny liability for any damage or loss arising from undue manipulation of the chemicals and the techniques described, and strongly urge all people who are not qualified to carry out the reactions to use extraction rather than synthesis.

#1: Chemical Cooking Extraction of LSA (lysergic acid amide) of Morning Glory (Ipomosea Purpurea) seeds or Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose Seeds (Argyreia Nervosa)

NOTE: Morning glory seeds can be coated with a toxic chemical by the seed company in order to avoid ingestion. If a package of seeds contain coated seeds this fact shall be stated in the container. Soaking the seeds in hot water for 1/2 hour and Rinsing on a filter should remove this coating.

NOTE: While many varieties of morning glory contain the active LSA (Lysergic acid amide), the yield varies greatly. Therefore, the use Pearly only gates, Wedding Bells, and Sky Blue varieties for The best results.

Chemical cooking follows.

Materials: blender, hopper, filter paper, petroleum ether or lighter fluid, methanol (wood alcohol), glass bottle, Pyrex baking sheet Grind Morning Glory or Hawaiian Wooden Baby Rose Seeds in a blender until they are a fine powder, and spread them to dry. Soak the powder with lighter fluid or petroleum ether. Cap the container to prevent smoke, and do not smoke nearby, or You're going to be very sad.

In a well-ventilated area (neither ether nor lighter fluid are good for you), filter the solution through filter paper on a funnel. Discard the filtrate (the liquid).

Mixture dry completely. Soak in the methanol mixture (wood alcohol) for 2 days. Be careful - Its vapors are toxic and can be explosive. Filter and save the filtered. Soak the mash in methanol again another 2 days.

Filter. Discard the mash, save the filtered. Pour both filtered into a close-up dish and evaporate in the absence of direct sunlight. Sunlight will break the LSA. Preferably, perform all procedures in a cool and well place ventilated and away from sunlight. After evaporation, a yellow gum will remain on the plate. Sc***** it. To the dose in the LSA, add a little harmless filling (starch, flour, milk sugar), for the gum until it is not sticky. Put in gelatin capsules or take as is. 30 g of morning glory seeds or 15 Havaianas seeds Woodrose baby should make a pleasant trip, so adjust the dose accordingly. If you want to turn LSA into LSD, you can [see below], but It's much harder and very dangerous.

Follow me to #2

If I got something wrong, please correct me in the comments.

Osmosis Vanderwaal

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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Troll level 1 bro. Bring us some high brow comedy. Lysine +sertraline is combined with glycolic acid by a chemist ( aka a bad magician ie a gic) you get lysergic acid. Tune in next week for the synthesis of diethylamine from diced carrots ethyl methyl ketone and a secret ingredient