Addicts and Society


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Sep 6, 2022
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How does the world typically view addicts?
Stereotypes vary by country, but are generally similar. In the perception of the average person, an addict is a person who has sunk to the bottom, is sloppy, sickly, aggressively cowardly, and has no money. Junkie.
Indeed, some of the addicted public looks and acts that way. And while stereotypes are built on them, there is a much larger group of consumers behind them. Some of them are and have been very prominent individuals.
Let's take a look at some examples of people whose lives were closely tied to drugs, but who went down in history only as talented and influential people.

In the "autobiographical" movie The Wolf of Wall Street, it is clearly shown that the world of stock traders and top managers is saturated with drugs. That hasn't stopped them from making billions of dollars and getting to the top of the food chain. For them, cocaine was just a "harmless" distraction that certainly did not improve their cognitive abilities or help them work.

If we start talking when we start talking about the top of the food chain, it's worth mentioning really influential people like
John F. Kennedy, the President of the United States.

Kennedy went down in history as a fair and just president who could and would make a difference.
He was publicly shot as a warning to those of like integrity.
Although many things happened in his life that are fondly remembered by posterity, few people remember that his life was inextricably linked to hard drugs. Kennedy's medical records show that he regularly used methadone, Ritalin, and many other substances to help him cope with physical and emotional pain. He especially liked the fancy medical cocktail, highly addictive "vitamin shots" prescribed by famous doctor Max Jacobson. А doctor who had invented a secret vitamin formula that gave people new energy and cured their aches and pains, and who was given the code name "Dr. Feelgood" by Kennedy's Secret Service detail. This cocktail was not bad: it was methamphetamine mixed with various vitamins and other pleasures. Kennedy consumed these cocktails for years. It did not stop him from being remembered as one of the most popular and beloved presidents. And none of the descendants dare to say that this Kennedy of yours was, in fact, a meth addict.

Throughout history, great men have used drugs. This is not commonly remembered.

The works of the composer Ludwig van Beethoven (born in 1770) are listened to for generations, they are taken apart in institutions, they are worshipped. The works of the writer Edgar Allan Poe (born in 1809) are the delight of philosophers and literary critics, his works astonish the readers. But who can say that both Beethoven and Allan Poe were users of drugs, especially opiates. They went down in history as the greatest representatives, the "fathers" of their directions.
You'll be amazed at what an intoxicated mind can produce when you hear and read them for yourself.

And what about Freddie?
The lead singer of the band Queen, whose songs are still in the top 100 of all compilations. He went down in history as the greatest rock star. And gay, of course. Can't go without the gays. Well, yeah, Mr. Mercury was gay and he was the greatest singer, people are talkin' about it all the time. Even homophobes listen to his songs with pleasure. Especially homophobes. But his drug adventures are remembered by only a few people, those who are "in the loop". He went down in history as the greatest gay singer, but almost no one talks about the fact that he was a junkie and that he was addicted as hell. His drug parties at the time were legendary.


This is probably the reason why Sascha Baron Cohen (a.k.a. Borat) was not allowed to make a movie about Freddie and play the title role. Cohen wanted to show everything as it was, without any editing. And that's a lot of dirt, *****, booze, and hard drugs. In the end, they took the Queen movie away from Cohen and released a snotty biopic starring Mr. Robot.


Drugs are not a sentence and addiction is not a stigma.
You can use drugs and live life to the fullest, you can have a family, a job, fresh thoughts and encouragement to grow. But here you are responsible for yourself: you are always on the edge when you use hard drugs. You can walk on the edge with confidence for years, or you can fall off the edge in a single day.
To prevent this, you must control yourself, your periods of use, your health, and your drugs. The purity of hard drugs is the key to controlling your use, to knowing your dose. That's why it's deadly dangerous to buy drugs on the street: you can always get diluted goods. And it's good if they dilute it with aspirin, but they can also dilute it with something very bad, or they can even mix up the ziploc and instead of your favorite meth you'll be taking methadone crystals, that's a straight shot to the afterlife. So you should always try to be as sure as possible that you are using a pure and tested substance.

You can get all of them with the help of our forum. We have prepared for you the clearest and most detailed instructions on how to cook your favorite drugs. Explore how to cook the Meth, Alpha-PVP, Amphetamine, Mephedrone, and more others drugs right in your kitchen. You don't need to be a chemist or an honors student. All you need is space and time, and we'll do our best to help you with the rest. You will be able to cook your own favorite drugs and be in control of your usage.
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