
  1. marsella

    Synthèse d'Amphétamine par P2NP avec NaBH4/CuCl2 ( Quantité 1 POT/1 KG )

    Schéma de réaction Réactifs Alcool isopropylique (IPA) - 20 L; Eau distillée - 6.2 L; Tétrahydruroborate de sodium (NaBH4) - 1739 g; P2NP - 1000 g; Chlorure de cuivre(II) - 105 g; Hydroxyde de sodium (NaOH) en solution aqueuse 25% - 8 L; Acétone sèche - 2.5 L; Acide sulfurique (ou Acide...
  2. L

    Help : Nitrostyrene > 2C-H> 2C-B

    Well Howdy there folks! There’s a lot of info and conversations and loosely, reliable syntheses on many forums discussing using 2 particular reagents, but I need something objective. I’m looking for this “gold standard” synth everyone is having success with using Sodium Borohydride and...
  3. KokosDreams

    Question regarding amphetamine synthesis via P2NP + NabH4/CuCL2

    Hey folks, going through my notes (read below) I am wondering about three main questions right now: My questions now are: What PH do I need to bring the reaction to before adding DCM? Is it necessary to extract the aqueous phase with IPA or can I just extract with DCM and distill after...