

    Mephedrone synthesis (4-MMC) A to Z

    Sit back, my dear reader, and be patient for a fascinating story about how to make everyone's favorite 4 mmc.🥰 Let's figure out what and how in moles will be to our favorite reagents and reactions. So, what we know about them, and what we get (check the calculations yourself). 1...
  2. K-Cyanide

    Mephedrone (4-MMC) synthesis; easy to perform- high yielding

    Introduction: In the following, forum members will be presented with a synthesis that is very easy to perform, does not take much time, and gives an exceptionally high yield. The method is a result of many years of experience and inputs from various sources that go back to the times of the...
  3. T

    Mephedrone 4MMC

    Hello, I do not know if this is the right section for this. I am a occasionally user of 4MMC, and also was a user on the pre-ban era, so I know what 4MMC is capable of. However, in today market, all of stuff that is found on markets, are brown, grey, yellow, so dirty. And the problem is that...