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  1. BHBlueberry

    Few basic but most important amphet-amine facts

    Hello. Maybe someone will save his life or health, knowing these rather new facts observed in my own laboratua. 1. Amphet-amine does not work always the same even if taken from one bath (cooking) - Your body will sometimes get full of this substance. I know, it's hard to accept but most...
  2. BHBlueberry

    Synthesis of amphetamine from P2NP via Al/Hg

    One question: Why the ***** are you using thin aluminum cooking foil instead of solid pieces cut from non-elastic aluminum plate? It doesn't make any sense letting everything get destroyed and let it solute in the mix instead of when you can get everything out after reaction..
  3. BHBlueberry

    5-minute Methcathinone synthesis (from pseudoephedrine)

    translation via google from pl: Place the funnel on a clean jar with 3 coffee filters in it. Filter by carefully pouring the methylcathinone solution through the filter. Take care that brown sludge remains at the bottom - it ends up in the filter last to prevent clogging of the filter. The...
  4. BHBlueberry


    I have tried L-Dopa and I can clearly say that it is simply ineffective. The only nice thing I can say about her? it? is that she? it? smells really awesome. My observations are telling me that probably - supplemented (I took orally) L-Dopa is not passing the blood-brain barrier. I would...
  5. BHBlueberry

    Enantiomers of stimulants. Part 1. Basics. Amphetamine

    I'm sad when I see such a high-standard articles on this forum - meeting even bigger holes in knowledge and deadly ignorance of people concentrated only on making highest profit.. Thank you for your efforts but you would probably got bigger audience by simply writing something like "L-amph is...
  6. BHBlueberry

    Electrolytic reduction of P2NP to yield amphetamine

    I mean neutralization of this acid :)
  7. BHBlueberry

    4-MMC (mephedrone) synthesis. Complete video tutorial.

    Awesome and fully professional :) I have only 1 little improvement to this work: Finally when you are washing your salt with acetone - I would do it differently. I would close the sink, pour acetone in and stir the mixture for minimum 5-10 minutes for acetone to dissolve the impurities. I know...
  8. BHBlueberry

    Smell of AMPH

    My bath (*H2SO4) smells like: The beginning of toothpaste smell (somehow like when you open your used toothbrush holder with some old paste in it) combined with some fermented tea-alike herbs. The scent is being felt mainly by the middle part of nose.
  9. BHBlueberry

    Electrolytic reduction of P2NP to yield amphetamine

    500ml of Acetic Acid tells me everything I want - never ever ;)
  10. BHBlueberry

    5-minute Methcathinone synthesis (from pseudoephedrine)

    I could show you everything but there is not much to see there :) The methcathinone (ephedrone) is very popular in our country. The product is crystal clear liquid - the brown coffe-alike things you reject. Here you have video of making it for shots (longer time)...
  11. BHBlueberry

    5-minute Methcathinone synthesis (from pseudoephedrine)

    We just need one pack of sudafed 720mg pseudoephedrine (or local equivalent) and 350mg KMnO4. We take out the pills, put them between two paper sheets and destroy them with the hammer to dust (red shield too). We pour about 80ml of warm water into the glass (not cold but not hot like from the...
  12. BHBlueberry

    Amphetamine Psychosis Analyse

    I have to share with you my knowledge about amphetamine psychosis. I can read here that it is l-amph fault but it isn't really. The reason why these things are happening are maybe over my think-tank but I can only basically explain this problem. So the reasons why psychosis are happening are...
  13. BHBlueberry

    Amphetamine testing protocol

    i don't know exactly why but when I am making my amphetamine - I don't make her purely white but I leave some bronze and when I do it this way - she's stronger. I think that it works like chelating process for the micronutrients - this bronze resin in some quantities is helping our body...
  14. BHBlueberry

    Simple methylone synthesis (bk-MDMA)

    good M1 have a great blow - for me even too great to produce it :) You use a lot of DCM here, I don't like it, can I replace it with anything else? (Ether?)
  15. BHBlueberry

    4'-Methylpropiophenone iodination to 2-iodo-4'-methylpropiophenone by iodine/cooper(II) oxide. Video manual.

    Sorry but I have never heard about this - is it a precursor or what?
  16. BHBlueberry

    Mephedrone synthesis (4-MMC) in NMP solvent. Large scale.

    Wow it looks so easy.. If I only would like meph I would play with this formula ;)
  17. BHBlueberry

    Alpha-PVP synthesis (1-10kg scale). Complete video tutorial.

    Very precise recipe :) Thank you. Could you analyse the Hex-en recipe?
  18. BHBlueberry

    Synthesis of synthetic cathinones

    I don't know if you already noticed but cocaine is also a ketone but with the enormous tail ;)
  19. BHBlueberry

    Hex-en (for check)

    - 2-Bromohexanophenone (9.A.) Experimental:Similar to 0.A., a solution of-5g Hexanophenone(28,4mmol),-5,7g N-Bromosuccinimide(32mmol), and-550mg p-Toluenesulfonic acid(3,2mmol) in ~5ml MeCN was prepared,and heated at 60-70°C under strong stirring for about 2 hours, after which the starting...
  20. BHBlueberry

    Amphetamine sulphate by P2NP reduction - Polish Method (VIDEO)

    Hey ya all :) I've created this method myself - the source was this pdf anyone can find when typing "amphetamine from p2np" in google. Using my technique - you are reducing 100% of P2NP and you prevent Hg for getting into the final product. I'm not selling my product (and it is strong)...