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  1. S

    It will be posible obtain PMK of this product

    Yes that's definitely another way
  2. S

    New Chinese Restrictions

    I was aware of the first. But not the second...
  3. S

    New Chinese Restrictions

    Also boc chemicals tert-butyloxycarbonyl precoursers and just remove it later.. IDK this is just ideas for someone self taught if I am wrong on any of em let me know. But that's just looking at a chemical and going this does look possible. But sometimes I'm always missing something.
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    New Chinese Restrictions

    Or maybe 2-Methyl-3-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)propionaldehyde (2MMPP) is a minor constituent of piperonal Or PMK acetyl acetal derivative of PMK (PMKA) or similar I figured any Half decent person could come up with something... Without much work Just feed similar compounds into molspec or...
  5. S

    New Chinese Restrictions

    For more fun.. I guess iodine adducts 3,4-Methylenedioxybenzene 1,3-Benzodioxole-5-carboximidamide 3,4-(Methylenedioxy)aniline may? Ummm or how about MDP2P oxime or epoxide... Ok I'm done for today XD
  6. S

    New Chinese Restrictions

    3,4-(Methylenedioxy)phenylacetonitrile sounds fun also. Someone asked about it but IDK why they needed the info Turn the nitrile into an amide or carboxylic acid and go from there. Hell piperonyl alcohol or the acatate intrigued me when I was first starting I got others that substitute as 1...
  7. S

    It will be posible obtain PMK of this product

    Hints APAAN (α-phenylacetoacetonitrile) began to be imported to Europe for meth. But really looking at structures But my guess I would look into nitriles into amides or carboxylic acids into your desired compounds...
  8. S

    New Chinese Restrictions

    @G.Patton MDMAPA 3-oxo-2-(3,4methylenedioxyphenyl) Butanoate There is already MGPA, which is the 4 phenylbutyrate, instead of the 2 phenylbutryate, so I assume there will be a MD version soon, as well as an ethyl version of MDMAPA For the...