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  1. R

    Home Laboratory: DIY Exhausting Fan Models and Filters

    If you went it outside without filter, the smell could (and most likely will) attract unwanted attention. Radial fans (centrifugal) make high pressure air, while axial (noncentrifugal) fans make low pressure. This males radial fans more effective, especially when useing a long duct for exhaust...
  2. R

    Home Laboratory: DIY Hot Plate Stirrer

    The issue is the hotplates made for cooking are often magnetic, which interferes with the stirrer. Another problem is the stirring fan is plastic and not suited for such high temperatures. My idea was getting a alumunium plate and heat it using a nichrome wire, thats glued to the plate using...
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    Home Laboratory: DIY Hot Plate Stirrer

    Buy a pwm duty cycle regulator (just google that), or make it urself if you got basic soldering skills using a transistor (depending on ur motor used), 555 timer, potentiometer and some diodes
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    Manufacturing and Shipping the FINEST DRUGS with DIRECTION and MAGNITUDE - Vector Laboratories

    Im looking for reliable long term supplier, please send me a methamphetamine sample please
  5. R

    Get BMK Glycidates on BB Forum

    Are there bmk vendors left?
  6. R

    i need some formaldehyde

    Methanol via copper catalyst - google this
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    Recept České cesty

    Podelim se jeste o jednu zabavnou prihodu. Znamy kupuje od nejakych ukacek kazdy tyden asi 100g na prodej. Pry je parno varene ceskou metodou, a ze to (cituji) “filtruje pres stribro, nebo nejak tak”. Zajimave, pomyslel sem si. A az pozdeji mi to vsechno docvaklo: nitroethane via silver nitrate...
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    Comment by 'ruen' in media 'Amphetamine Salts Smoking Experiments'

    God blesd you and all your offsprings, i am ordering adipic acid right now.. can someone share with us what the taste is like?
  9. R

    Czech way of cooking meth?

    Pm me i can You propably didnt search properly, the internet is full of recipes. Propably time to put the needle away (fuj strelec) 🤣
  10. R

    Czech way of cooking meth?

    Bad idea, lye will turn pseudo into volatile freebase, which might decompose while evaporating solvents with high boiling point
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    Recept České cesty

    Jestli ale nekdo zaplati adekvatni cenu tak se podelim o recepty :) a pomuzu s prvnimi krucky
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    Alternatives To Methylamine in Mephedrone Synthesis?

    What about nitromethane?
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    Alternatives and substitutes

    I have more news for you: you can use any amonium salt for shake and bake
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    Co to je PIKO?

    Fuj strelec
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    Recept České cesty

    “Receptu je tolik, kolik vařiču, a málokterý varic děla dvakrát totéž”, se píše na erowidu
  16. R

    The simplest Methamphetamine synthesis from Amphetamine

    Hello chemists, cooks, law enforcement officers, and all other people with interest in clandestine drug synthesis, Did anyone successfully manage to finish this monomethylation and could share his/her tips and yields? I have tried on several occasions, but never sucessfully. Last time i tried, i...
  17. R

    Co to je PIKO?

    Chtel bych tu rozjet malou anketu. Chtel bych zduraznit, ze zadna odpoved neni spatna, zajima me pouze vase osobni zkusenost a nazor, proto se nenechte ovlivnit odpovedi ostatnich uzivatelu. Definijte co je pro vas "Ceske piko". Pro me je to methamphetamin rozdilne kvality, barvy i cistoty (v...
  18. R

    Suche jemanden aus Berlin der mir helfen kann

    Pm me