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  1. Y

    Nano RP/I reduciton of pseudoephidrine?

    I was attracted to this synthesis method at one time, but I never performed it. After all the hell we go through to properly clean pills for this type of reaction, I decided it would be in my best interest to rely on methods with far more acceptance by others and also more support in the form of...
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    SnB Woes...I'm at an impasse and need help

    When requesting help to determine a solution to gakk from pills in a reaction product, we must know the brand name, dosage, and duration of action listed by the pill manufacturer. This is at the very least of required information. Please list all of the inactive ingredients from the package you...
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    How much does a kilo of Alpha-PVP sell for?

    At the height of my "adventures" with A-PVP, I was getting 3 kilos shipped to Midwest USA for $5600.00 and when I sold my last gram I collected $200 for it. Now, here's the *****ed up part: I sat on the first 100 grams I ever ordered for almost 2 months and didn't earn a penny! Nobody I knew...
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    Beta-alanine and L-alanine, which one should I use in production? N-methylalanine used to make ephedrine

    You don't want beta-alanine. The procedure I've read that details this method of producing ephedrine references the use of DL-alanine. As I understand it, this will produce racemic meth when the product of that reaction is reduced by HI/P.
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    Shake and bake meth

    The only batteries you should use are Energizer Ultimate Lithium. This way you'll be able to follow nearly every procedure ever outlined by anyone who published it online. Search the internet for videos explaining how to extract the lithium strips. If you decide to buy elemental sodium metal...
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    Shake and bake help me (meth)

    Yeah, that's what I was wondering, too. I read an article long ago that outlined a method to use Li-Ion batteries but it requires additional reactions that eventually yield (if I recall correctly) lithium chloride, not elemental lithium. There's also the very real danger of injury from the...
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    Shake and bake meth

    You need AA Energizer batteries, not cell phone batteries. They have different battery chemistry.
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    Match striker paper

    Those sheets are a decent source for OTC phosphorus and WAY faster than matchbooks/boxes. Just soak in pure acetone, sc***** all of the brownish red shit onto a clean Pyrex plate with a razor blade or other flat sharp object, and then do a final rinse in acetone to remove more adhesive residue...