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  1. Johnny_Hammersticks

    Methamphetamine from ephedrine tablets

    why would you boil the rp in naoh solution? no it shouldn't turn grey, it should still be red when you're done.
  2. Johnny_Hammersticks

    Comment by 'Johnny_Hammersticks' in media 'Benzaldehyde Synthesis'

    That makes sense and thank you for the explanation. It also explains why there isnt a bunch of talk surronding the oxidation of toluene.
  3. Johnny_Hammersticks

    Comment by 'Johnny_Hammersticks' in media 'Benzaldehyde Synthesis'

    You can use toluene as a solvent for extraction. You cannot use it for the reaction instead of DMSO. You sir are awesome and I read through your worms quite a bit on the site. So I don't mean to question your expertise on this subject; but I've found multiple online sources talking about the...
  4. Johnny_Hammersticks

    Comment by 'Johnny_Hammersticks' in media 'Benzaldehyde Synthesis'

    Hello! Yes I was wondering, but I think I confused this with the oxidization. Toluene can be oxidized to benzaldehyde correct? I think I could get by without some of the equipmemt usef in the video. i.e. reactor, rotoevap and overhead stirrer.
  5. Johnny_Hammersticks

    Comment by 'Johnny_Hammersticks' in media 'Benzaldehyde Synthesis'

    This should also work with toluene correct?
  6. Johnny_Hammersticks

    Video instructions.

    Definitely this!!!! as well as prepping the RP from matchbooks since thats where most clandestine chemists would source theirs from and the most economical way of obtaining pure I2 crysrals. which I guess brings me to my nect suggestion that someone else already suggested : synthesis of...
  7. Johnny_Hammersticks

    Nano RP/I reduciton of pseudoephidrine?

    Until I can get a hold of some precursors p2p is out of the question for me. So I am wanting to try a small scale reduciotn via RP/I and found a writeup by a fellow named Curbshot. There is honestly more people against the forementioned write up and the main reason being that todays pills are a...
  8. Johnny_Hammersticks

    What is your current situation with the reagents procurement?

    Hello all! So has anyone ordered from any of the vendors in the marketplace with good results?
  9. Johnny_Hammersticks

    Shake and bake help me (meth)

    You did not leave the ephedrine in solution long enough. A few things must happen for this reaction to be successful. #1 is free'd electrons from dissolved lithium need to be formed to reduce the ephedrine, the ephedrine must be based before it is soluble in the non polar solvent so that it can...