Question Thujone extraction from Salvia officinalis essentials oils

Wiley Smith

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Jun 7, 2024
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Thujone the GABA antagonist, is a very straight forward extraction. If you are extracting thujone from wormwood, mugwort, salvia spp. for a home extraction all you need is ethyl alcohol, the plant material (preferably dried) A jar, cheese cloth or coffee filter, and a glass dish or a plastic petri dish. These are the steps
  1. Add plant material to jar
  2. Add ethyl alcohol (at-least 80% pure alcohol) into the same jar as the plant material
  3. Stir and or shake for a few minutes, the longer is better, shoot for 5 minutes
  4. Once mixed thoroughly, filter the mixture through a coffee filter or a cheese cloth, making sure all of the liquid is collected, and the solids are left behind
  5. The solids are scraps, unless if you want to run another extraction of the remaining scraps which will yield low levels of thujone
  6. Once the liquids are gathered, carefully pour the liquid onto a large glass dish, if this is not available, pour this mixture into a petri dish(s) until all liquid is in the dish(s)
  7. Let this mixture sit until all of the ethyl alcohol evaporates, do not try to speed this process up with heat, as some chemicals can be denatured by heat (thujone does not, but don't take risks)
  8. Once the liquid is all evaporated you should be left with a crystalline solid, this solid is made of solid compounds (phytochemicals) within the plant material.
  9. This crystalline solid should be mostly composed of thujone, the GABA antagonist. scrap this crystal material off of the dish(s) and store this in a safe place. If you want to have a liquid extract to spray on to leaves of salvia spp. do the same steps but remove the evaporation steps and collect the liquid.