Dihydroheroin and 6-monoacetyldihydromorphine from DHC


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Jul 28, 2023
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Here is a rather simple synthesis I found on this website: https://bluelight.org/xf/threads/wo...o-morphine-at-home-work.933255/#post-15862587


It's perhaps more serious chemistry than most people are capable or interested in, but there is a simple, two step process for making a mixture of dihydroheroin and 6-monoacetyldihydromorphine (its main metabolite and equally active) as HBr salts suitable for injection or smoking.
1. Codeine freebase converted to dihydrocodeine base with hydrogenation. Gaseous H2 is so last century and is an unnecessary risk. Rather, catalytic transfer hydrogenation can be used quite nicely. Dissolve base in methanol, carefully add to catalyst in a flask (any sort of Pt or Pd will work, on any support, at any loading), add anywhere from 5 to 7 mol ammonium formate (1 -1.5g per g codeine), stir at room temperature for an hour or two, filter the catalyst over celite (sc***** the top layer off and save it for next time). Evaporate the methanol and partition the residue between water and DCM/chloroform, give it a cursory drying with MgSO4, evaporate DCM. Boom, almost 100% yield of dihydrocodeine base.
2. Dissolve the DHC base in acetic acid, 1g / 2.5 mL. Then add 2.5 mL of 33% hydrogen bromide in acetic acid, or its equivalent (the 'secret sauce' for this transformation, can be made by constructing a generator for dry HBr and bubbling it into dry acetic, stable for quite some time). Now, put this all in a thick walled glass pressure vessel or other means to prevent escape of gas, and immerse it in a boiling water bath for two to three hours. Nothing should boil or vaporize, and it should remain quiescent. After it's done cooking, take it out of the bath, cool it with running water, carefully open the lid (fumes of HBr and acetic) and slowly add cold methanol. Then evaporate the mixture down as far as you can. Add more methanol. Repeat until you have a dry crusty powder. Finally, use a minimum amount of methanol to rinse it out of the flask and into an evaporation dish, where excess methanol is removed with gentle heat, vacuum, or both.
By virtue of not discarding anything significant at any step, yields are as close to perfect as you can get. Back of the napkin math says about 1.4-1.5 grams of effectively pure dihydroheroin (without cutting, and with generous portions, minimum $300 on the street) per gram of codeine ($8.99 per gram at a pharmacy near me) plus labour (12 hours) and reagents (probably no more than $200 for several batches). The real kicker is the equipment but even then it can be improvised if you know what you doing.

It's not kitchen chemistry but it's the closest you'll get to heroin-from-codeine. You can thank Kenneth Rice and the Naval Institutes of Health for this banger. It got snuck into a footnote in a paper about a suspiciously similar looking compound. The US government looking out for the little guy, y'know?


(Sci-hub paper url: https://sci-hubtw.hkvisa.net/10.1021/jo0206871)

Now, I have dihydrocodeine tartrate. DHC continus pills, more concretely. Do I need to convert the DHC tartrate into freebase? How do I go about this? Thanks.


Jul 5, 2021
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Hello, yes, you need. Dissolve in water, add some NaOH or NaHCO3 and then extract with DCM/chloroform. Dry extract over anhydrous MgSO4 (or Na2SO4). Decant the solution from a desiccant and evaporate solvent. You'll get DHC free base.
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Don't buy from me
New Member
Aug 19, 2023
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I would like to find it out too. I have DHC 120mg tabs, what is the best way to extract the purest DHC? Cold water?
And After the extraction, put DHC tartrate into base with ammonia?