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  • Waiting pretty long for solution
    First you wrote having problem with logistic and package was returned to you .
    Second waiting next xx days and I send you another money then/big mistake/

    you sent me coffe!!!
    you told me what happen but it's not my fault and trouble

    Say owner of revolut account where money were sent to send money back immediately
    Hey mate has this issue been resolved?

    We're currently in negotiations with bombySk for large amounts of "Russian Meth" and would like to know if anyone has previously dealt with him before. We're talking about upwards of tens of kilos monthly so we appreciate any feedback.
    hey sir what you doing? i wrote that you didnt sent product i payed for
    waiting almost 3 weeks and you wrote you having problem ..
    you not comunicate on signal with me
    prety much days passed by and you not offered any solution
    of my loose and your profit around 280 Euros
    your offer here wasnt valid and you still present as valid = scammer
    you putting wrong shade on you and on bb forum peoples
    and if you not write here apology to me and solution of this situation will lead you in troubles

    when i come back from work tomorow and you not gime money back or solution​
    your life may change​
    explain it here
    you had week to reposnce all my complaints to your profile bcz i was sick had atb and was laying
    bud next week from thursday will be ok
    so i give last chance to sunday26.5.24
    to apologize to me
    and then how you going solve what you did
    hope its clear
    dont let this uncreacted
    last chance
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