the thing i dont understand about drug schedules


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Mar 1, 2024
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hey, im an american, so let me know if its different for you guys but i dont get how literal METH (desoxyn) is a schedule 2 drug (allowed if you have a prescription) while weed and psychedelics are schedule 1 (not allowed at all). no matter how much the government wants to preach about caution and safety, the controlled substances act is NOT about the health of the people. its about what drugs make money and what drugs the people will accept. its about keeping american citizens complacent in 2 ways:

1. drugging the ones with dissenting opinions/anyone with creativity/anyone DIFFERENT in any way (for example, notice how every *****ing overactive ***** is diagnosed with adhd? my dad didnt even have anxiety, he was just a barhead, he just lied about some stuff and got a script. its absurdly easy to get medicated because anyone who isnt perfectly neurotypical (very few people are) just gets a pill bottle thrown at them. i will admit, its much harder to get meds for certain conditions, but that usually just ends up hurting the people who ACTUALLY HAVE those conditions. also the two can overlap, like with adhd and the adderall shortage. i know so many people who just got hit with an adhd diagnosis that they dont even agree with and they got put on meds they dont even like, but people who actually have adhd are unable to get the meds they need)

2. not promoting anything that may cause social unrest (since america has trained the people to be afraid of certain drugs, such as mdma, they need to be separate from the "good" drugs like adderall (literally just amph under another name, why are we trained to be afraid of one and love the other) and apparently meth. even though mdma shows promising results in treating autism, the government cant just backtrack and say "oh actually this is good and well let you do this" because the people will say "b-b-but the druggies!11!!1!! we cant have that in our good clean america." also the government cant just go change its opinion or else theyll look stupid and then people will trust them less. they have to be stagnant and unchanging, some kind of godlike figure)

the only reason the government (nationwide but mainly in certain states) is becoming more lenient about weed is because thats what people WANT. the government just wants to look good. its about keeping people obedient. its not about our safety or wellbeing. sorry if any of this doesnt make sense, i just typed it out on the spot because i was thinking about it lol


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Mar 1, 2024
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i understand the need for separation and the need for laws, but just punishing those who are in active addiction does NOTHING! yes some people dont want help but help should be AVAILABLE! and no it absolutely shouldnt be forced, i dont support just shoving every addict into rehab because honestly sometimes that can lead to even more harmful behaviors. i tried to go cold turkey once and just started trying to light myself on fire. but i believe there should be harm reduction resources available, like supervised use sites, clean needles, and naloxone. its not promoting drug use, its preventing death. and just shoving people into prison cells does nothing but put them in a situation thats just as unsafe. imagine overdosing and almost dying and worrying about what the cops are going to do more than your actual life. its not right. people who support strict drug laws dont care about drug users, they care about their stupid false sense of order. they care about upholding a silent dictatorship. they either have no humanity or have no eyes.


Don't buy from me
Sep 15, 2023
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So the drug scheduling system is definitely out of date. Weed was scheduled as a drug with no medical use. This may have been the opinion back in the day, but clearing weed is being successfully prescribed to treat certain things

If you have time check out some of Dr. Carl Hart from Columbia university. He is doing some great research with drugs. His view on drugs is they are a chemical with known and expected effects and shouldnt be thought of as the scary propaganda we have all been fed


Jul 5, 2021
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Portugal has shown the whole world the right and effective approach to drugs. But many countries are far from that, especially the US

Osmosis Vanderwaal

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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So drug scheduling in the US works like this
1. An illicit drug with high potential for *****
2. A prescription drug with high potential for *****
3. A drug with moderate potential for *****
4. A drug with some potential
5. A drug with little potential for *****

Since you can get a prescription for meth or cocaine they are schedule 2, even though cocaine is never prescribed ( you don't need a prescription as a doctor doing a surgery) cocaine will never leave schedule 2 because it is the drug of politicians and wealthy people


Don't buy from me
Dec 21, 2023
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Why should others pay for the consequences of your addiction? You pay drugs and we pay your rehab after your fun backfires. Drugtaking is a choice. Normal people don't do narcs (only secret maybe) but if they do they are normally careful not to poison themselves and get addicted. Legalizing drugs means more collateral. To save? Be a normal user like the jet set keeping it tidy. I don't agree in a actual government conspiracy on drugs. It is a cause and effect development that's nothing surprising. The addicts don't help our cause the freedom cause. It is a choice for most users as they are not that insane otherwise, but high they can rob you blind, I hate it and show no leniency. Utilitarism - live and let die


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Mar 1, 2024
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i agree with higgs bosson, look at what WORKS. decriminalization and destigmatization lower rates of drug use. when people are allowed to be open about their addictions, they are much more likely to get help. if you truly support what is good for society, then decriminalization would be the best course of action

perhaps the addicts dont help you currently, but once you stop beating them down, theyll probably be more willing. even if they dont, a persons value isnt based on what they can contribute to society. then what about disabled people? what about the elderly? are they supposed to just ***** off and die? not everything is about what a person can do for you. humans have inherent dignity

and while i agree that in most cases no one forced addicts to start taking drugs, addiction is a genuine mental disorder. active addiction is not a choice, it is an illness. you wouldnt tell a person with cancer that they did it to themselves, would you? even if say, they exposed themselves to risk factors. its a terrible thing to deal with and should be treated with compassion

if you want to FIX the problem, then show users kindness. treat them like people and offer help, but dont force their hand. they will come to the other side when they are ready. there will always be addicts among us but that would drastically lower their numbers


Don't buy from me
Dec 21, 2023
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"a person's value is not based on what they can contribute to society". If there is a fixed value, that's the chart to follow. Then what to do about this low/negative value? Private charity is a given. State charity(taxed) to a minimum. You work in a street soup kitchen and I keep working on getting the best joy chems to a better narcotics market. I been misused enough by (unhelpful) lowlifes "needing help" while they love to freak out and disturbing the human contracted calm safe free enlightened society (like this BB gate). Libertarianism is the umbrella word. Follow the money to what works - natural law, not cater to the parasite lowlifes. I look high up to be a spacefaring civilization. The carbon based human is a means to a cyborg🦾🤖🦿


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Apr 30, 2024
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I think your argument sort of ignores that a lot of people do narcotics, legally. The opioid crisis is as large as it is in large part because of over-prescription of opioids. You aren't going to tell your doctor "no, I will not use the medicine you prescribed", are you? And then they end up addicted, and when their supply of legal drugs runs out, they turn to illegal drugs.

This all happened to a family member. They were over-prescribed oxy after a (relatively minor) car accident, ended up hooked, and now they're dead. Another anecdotal story, a number of family members have received fentanyl from their doctors, because they needed it for breakthrough pain.

Other people (rich pharma companies in particular) should pay for the consequences of peoples addictions, because they caused a lot of them. I'm not a big fan of just letting them walk around with large amounts of money they got from knowingly hurting people.


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Dec 21, 2023
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I don't like downers, to down and not up, so I would sell the opiods I don't need. I can't get hooked as I stop if its getting too much load. I ain't had a legitime opioid need that could get me addicted. Addiction is like putting me under slavery, I don't do that. Overprescription in USA is a special thing and those responsible should pay up, but I is almost only weak lowachieving poeple that stay hooked on drugs, they cost alot to try helping with bad results. Oxy is a weak opioid medicine, mostly tablets, and something much less serious than heroin. But legalize all drugs and let nature take its course.


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Mar 1, 2024
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u have no *****ing empathy, which is one of the basic marks of humanity. ik im using an ad hominem attack rn and idc. if u cant argue with logic then i wont either.

btw i also dislike downers but addiction is a disease and i would never talk bad about someone with an opioid addiction. also arent u a user? wtf happened to solidarity. not everything is about what u can gain from others. thats called selfishness and entitlement, even if its on a nationwide scale in ur dream world. if anything benefitted others but not you, i dont think you would still support it. not to sound like im better than you cause im not, but if i could push a button and have many peoples lives improved under the condition that mine continues to suck, i would. drug decriminalization laws may be inconvenient for u because users will be more open/drug use will be less stigmatized (not glorified though), and maybe ur clean mainly majority neighborhoods might have... *gasp* an addict! even 2! scandalous! but in all seriousness, decriminalization has saved so many people. people are less afraid to get help and less likely to have a fatal od because of safe consumption sites. also, it decreased the spread of blood borne diseases due to more easily accessible, clean paraphernalia such as needles. think about that. real peoples lives are being improved (and even saved) by a simple law change. what do you really have to lose? these people have so much at stake here and u only care about money and ur own happiness. thats *****ed beyond words. do u ever think about anyone but urself?

its good that u arent addicted, im a relatively high functioning user (most of the time), but that doesnt mean im much better than the average gas station tweaker. we are all drug *****rs at different stages/with different drugs of choice. we have the same mental disorder. get off ur high horse and lose the superiority complex

youre right, addiction is like slavery: both are involuntary. some people can argue that they chose to get there, which CAN be true in both cases, such as slaves who were just indentured servants cuz of debt or as punishment for a crime, and its not like anyone forces addicts to start taking drugs. i will happily admit to that. however, once u start, u cant really stop. it plays on ur brains natural reward system. it uses ur body against itself, somewhat like an autoimmune disorder, if that makes sense

using the slave example, once u sign that contract, ur *****ed for the next [however long ur supposed to work for]. its still not really their fault, it was forced on them. they dont want it. same thing in the case of drug *****rs, once u find a drug u like, u cant stop taking that shit. by then its not ur fault, its ur brains bc ur addicted. not very many people genuinely want to be addicts, theyre just stuck like that bc of a dumb decision and too scared to get help because of stigma, financial reasons, legal reasons, or just because they "enjoy" using too much (no one likes being an addict, they just like escapism. if we were all in a good environment and mental state no one would want to do drugs. theres an interesting study on that called rat park, which i will link here)

also like @zfhxI said, its not even peoples choices in the first place sometimes, like with prescription meds. thats entirely the fault of big pharma, and while im glad u recognize that, u cant blame the people for being addicted. they are not weak, their brains are just different. they could be predisposed to addiction or maybe have issues with impulse control, or just straight up the addiction changed them drastically, because thats possible too, especially with hard drugs like meth. i read an article once that said it literally changes the pathways in ur brain to be more willing to take risks/be more impulsive

think about this: would u blame a cancer patient? even if they may have knowingly exposed themselves to carcinogens, maybe at their job for example? no one in their right mind would say "yeah, its totally your fault you got cancer, idiot. u reap what u sow." why do we treat addicts like that? even if they "did it to themselves", they need help and are trying to seek treatment (although even the ones in active addiction deserve dignity because theyre people just like us, and theyll most likely come around someday. i dont know many addicts who plan on staying that way forever. also like i said before, decriminalization raises the chances of addicts getting help and fixing their situations!) sometimes evil doesnt have a perpetrator, it just happens. its not the peoples fault. i guess its kind of their fault, just a little if they chose to enter the drug life, but if they want out then they should be given support and empowerment, not be *****ing beat down for being an "addict" or an "*****r" or just being a low functioning user because i know people who give strong preferential treatment to high functioning users like myself. its nice because im a bit more respected than some of my peers, but it says a lot about how people view each other: transactionally.

seriously, u can tell so much about a person by how they treat the "worthless," such as addicts, the homeless, the mentally ill, etc. just people who cant give much of anything back. i wish we lived in a world where everyone could show kindness to "useless" people, because they are our brothers and sisters in humanity, and you shouldnt constantly try to exploit ur family for personal gain. they deserve love even if they cant give anything but love back. i believe karma graciously repays the ones who manage to be kind to these people bc not a lot of people are. but i digress, no users deserve preferential treatment, high or low functioning. everyone has inherent value and ur not only cruel but retarded if u say otherwise

i guess, yeah, society places more value on some people but that doesnt really mean anything. it dictates how people will treat you/view you, not your ACTUAL WORTH. we are all equals, we are all members of the human race. u will be a lot happier when u finally accept that instead of being mad at addicts for things that are, for the most part, out of their control. if u dont like addicts *****ing do something about it! rally for decriminalization and safe use sites so theyre shooting up in a clean building instead of on the sidewalk when ur trying to walk to mcdonalds or whatever u do in ur free time

even cavemen were able to recognize their fellow humans as equals. wtf r u thinking? be for real. maybe im just an indignant kid who doesnt know shit but come on. caring about others and being open minded is free and you will learn a lot from it. look outside yourself, *****ing please. it wouldnt hurt to at least try.


Don't buy from me
Apr 30, 2024
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A lot of it has to do with politics. The scheduling system was put in place in 1970, when the Vietnam war and the hippies were a big thing, so by putting drugs commonly associated with them (LSD and marijuana) in schedule 1, they had an easier time targeting them. It's sort of like how crack cocaine was targeted over powder cocaine, because the people using crack were generally poor and black, while the people using power cocaine were usually wealthy and white.

Drug scheduling is also closely tied with lobbying. If a pharma company can make a lot of money selling it, and it doesn't have a bad rap already, they'll try to keep it on a lower tier schedule (with a fair amount of success). That's why Oxy is schedule II while Heroin is schedule I.


Don't buy from me
Dec 21, 2023
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I agree with the separation of cocaine and crack you write, but no race-sentiment. What drug damage society most, are crackheads more of a problem (yes). If poeple do drugs at home privately it is not to hunt by police. But it should be legal market. Follow the Money
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Don't buy from me
Apr 30, 2024
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I'm not mentioning race because it's just something I believe, it's something people in the Nixon admin (the administration under which the scheduling system was created) saying it. Race is a significant part of the story of drug legislation, and should not be ignored.

Nixon's domestic policy advisor literally said "... by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.".

The Reagan admin were the ones who started the whole Crack focus, and we don't have some clear cut quote from them, but
1) Crack cocaine was specifically targeted in the Anti-Drug ***** Act
2) Crack was at the time primarily used by black people
3) Methamphetamine, despite being officially recognized by the White House as a significant problem for lower class white Americans, was not given the same treatment as Crack by Reagan.


Don't buy from me
Mar 1, 2024
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tbh stereotypes exist for a reason. i do NOT support them but certain drugs arent just associated with certain demographics for no reason. btw its definitely true that crack is associated with poor poc (especially african americans) while coke is associated with wealthy white males, which explains the sentencing differences. the majority white people in power just wanted to keep their power and have a fallback plan, because lets face it, most rich white men in power are probably cokeheads. cocaine is a symbol of the american dream, to an extent. depends on who you ask ig. btw i heard that the coke demographic shifted to african american females, but honestly i think the article i read that from is bullshit. i dont know any black women who do coke but i know a lot of white people (both male and female tbh, mainly female for some reason) who do. if u interact with different drug users, u will notice some trends

like for example, meth is associated with lower class white people. ive seen it both in stereotypes (in jokes, movies, etc) and in person. im literally the only person of color i know who does ice. i have white friends who do it, but no other minorites (irl at least). maybe its cuz im half white but im definitely not white-passing so idk. im yapping sorry. either way, my point stands, some drugs are stereotyped for a reason, and racist laws are made using those stereotypes

i truly wish people were less hateful :c

crack and coke are literally the same drug but its mainly a socioeconomic divide between the 2 users. i think part of it is race but most of it is class since meth is just as stigmatized but mainly used by whites. poor whites, though. its important to acknowledge that. i think the ultimate division is between the upper and lower classes. once we fix tensions between the rich and the poor, the world will get so much better. maybe its not exactly tension, but rather rich people not caring about the struggles of their less fortunate counterparts. its like they dont even see them as people. that shit makes me so mad tbh

slightly offtopic but i hate the rich who look down on poor people with indifference and ignorance. they dont know what people under the poverty line have to go thru every day. maybe im just passionate about this bc i came from a low income/broken home but people have been such dicks to me about it for as long as i can remember, even in elementary. i got teased at school for most of my life cause of that (among other reasons, such as me acting kind of off due to mental conditions). really? just because im not a spoiled *****ing brat? just because im not neurotypical lol? stop judging people based on "money-earning" traits. it does nothing, and most people with potential dont use it anyway. and besides, wouldnt it be better for the economy to try to rehabilitate the "useless" people and get them in the workforce or at least contributing in some way? like volunteering or something. everyone who worships rich people is a straight up masochist cause i promse they dont care about us lol. idk why you put so much emphasis on how shitty crackheads r. i can assure u the average tweaker is more real than the average ceo

people like u who act like the rich r going to save the world are holding onto a blind, misguided hope. its up to us, because were the only people who care. i guess because as poorer people we (or at least i, theres no way a poor person could be this adamant about upholding the rich) have to stick together. theres a reason a lot of my friends are also under the poverty line. we have strength in numbers, and we can do so much if we just put our minds to it. poor people r just as capable as rich people and im so *****ing sick of the discrimination. theyre not stupid or lazy, the poverty cycle puts them at a disadvantage. look up a drowning machine. the poverty cycle is simply a financial version of that. being poor makes it harder to make money, so u stay broke. we need to fix the system, and the stigma around poorer people cuz im so sick of mfs acting like im a bad person or dirty or necessarily a drug user (i know many poor people who are moral champions and dont touch drugs or anything like that) just because of my economic status. u cant escape economic profiling, even from the government, as shown in @zfhxI s reply. truly disgusting. how could u support such an inhumane and ineffective system? if it at least worked i could understand your logic. what is the point in being unnecessarily harsh on the poor (and the homeless, and the mentally ill, and ppl with substance ***** disorder, since they often overlap)? u dont get much out of it and ur just making someones already hard life more miserable. how do u not question the implications of ur worldview? seriously, how do u sleep at night lol
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Don't buy from me
Dec 21, 2023
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I can't write that much well written american text like fidelis without big effort or drugfrenzy. I have a hard time typing/correcting my texts, if I dont there will by ugly typos and if I don't read it there will be lower grammar readability. I also have to focus on setup my drugdealing venture hampered by traitors.

Luckily I don't have to write much now even if I gladly want to. So I am practical. I go for what works best. What makes most money. I don't want to go soft and emotional. I am from a privileged background and high calm welfare country. A country that is now ravaged by burdening immigrants from bad off countries, raping my country as their playground. There is no input needed of religion or broadest eugenics facts to see the demonic influence in a short time coming in a whitish calm country that was politically labeled as the people's home. It is ruined by socialdemocrazy catering to parasitics and an maximum influx/infarct of "the unfortunate people who need help, and they will be thankful and do their best to repay (like white ukrainians refugees today)". I am done with caring for all the parasites and idiot freaks. Your socialist sentiment is not touching me; a ***** of communist refugees. We live and we die. In between we can do well or fail. Those who fail have nothing for me. I refuse to help them. The goverment (covered up help) state may help them.

Those in need are mostly stupid, lazy, lowvalue persons mostly. If they work hard or are bright they will succeed. If they are socialists, anarchists, violent, primitive or spaced hippies, they will fail in a effort-result-society. I don't go into hard truth social eugenics. I just ask about the person/event: how much value in money is it worth. I don't want anything to do with the problem people; like the most junkies. I want a world without defective people making problems they don't have to but freeriding. I want an evolving society who produce better life conditions, to raise us to be techno superb. Parasites are stealing our dream, they are plucking the good life and soiling it. I cannot cooperate with that scam. I hate them. Freaking addicts thieves psychos bah I have no heart for them, I save my heart for good people not the reds thieves at the margins. I bet on the elite egoism that works. There will be no synergy with the lowlife entities, the war will have a winner. CAPITALISM I hope. To hell with the reds grabbers. Let me be free to perish. Let you too naturally
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Don't buy from me
Mar 1, 2024
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well, i dont think i can change your opinion, so agree to disagree ig. just know that the environment you were raised in helped shape your political views. you were well off, so you had no need to be concerned for the poor. i wasnt as lucky, so i had to look out for myself and sometimes my friends, who also werent the most fortunate. my opinions are shaped by my experiences, good and bad. either way, it ended up giving me increased empathy for the poor (and other marginalized groups), which is something so many people lack bc they lived relatively easy lives. once u go thru financial hardship you will understand. if u actually spent time around poor people i think your opinions would be drastically different

while the concept of a sci fi utopia sounds good on paper, think about the implications. yes, the fruits of our labor depend on whatever labor we do in the first place. im not denying that. you reap what you sow. however, i think its unfair that some people have much better starting points than others. do you seriously think a ***** raised by, say, a homeless single mother is going to have the same opportunities as the ***** of a billionaire? i dont believe in forcing everyones outcome to be the same, thats unrealistic and just plain stupid. i just believe people deserve equal opportunities. different economic classes will always exist, but the schisms shouldnt be this *****ing drastic. sure, some poor people i know are lazy and arent making any effort to improve, but i *****ing dare you to say that shit to the face of someone whos working 3 jobs and still struggling to pay the bills. wealth is not determined by effort. those rags to riches stories you see on the news are not the norm. they are outliers and probably got financial backing from old rich people with some cash to throw away. the average poor person is honestly kind of stuck where they are, even if they are diligent, smart, and did everything right. u need money to make money. i want to live in a world where people under the poverty line at least get a decent shot at living a comfortable, meaningful, and fulfilling life. in the system you want, the rich would only get richer and the poor only get poorer. if you truly want a meritocracy, offer support for the less fortunate. if u want a society where people are judged on the effort they put in, then make it so that the effort determines the outcome instead of whatever financial situation u were born in, cuz i can assure u most rich people didnt even do anything to earn that wealth. most rich ppl r nepo babies with generational wealth (some rich people worked for it but they were often at least middle class at first). seriously, learn the difference between equity and equality before u wanna talk shit

im not a socialist just because i dont condone unnecessary cruelty/purposeful ignorance. would it significantly harm the country to offer addicts better healthcare? i highly doubt it. it definitely wouldnt hurt anyone, so whats stopping us? literally just greed. the same people who condone these types of systemic roadblocks r the same people who support the deliberate hiding of effective cancer treatments. research that shit, its *****ed beyond words. and guess what, things like that happen when you put money first. people like you (obviously youre not a part of big pharma but ur still complacent) take lives all for some paper. do u ever stop to think about the impacts of ur dream society? even from an economic standpoint, wouldnt rehabilitation HELP BUILD the world that you want? if all these users get "fixed" then they wont be "parasites" anymore. btw i seriously dont get how u can call other humans parasites with a clean conscience. wtaf. its the same deal with people who label immigrants as "aliens." remember the human behind whatever word u wanna call them. they have their own lives too; their own families, aspirations, stories, etc. how self absorbed do u have to be to not even consider them as people? your worldview is solipsistic and just plain retarded tbh. none of ur arguments make sense when u actually think about them. the cognitive dissonance u have is the result of u not going thru any real struggles. your limited thought process, lack of empathy, and indignation only prove my point further lmao

you will never build a technological empire if you just brush people off as useless. use these new innovations to help them, and once theyre in a good place, they can assist in building the world you want. surprise surprise, people improve when they receive treatment. yeah, some people dont want to change, but i promise most addicts do plan on getting clean. its just hard because drug addiction literally alters the brain (along with other factors which i will get into later). its a physical and mental illness, not just a choice. it usually started with a choice, but that is NEVER where it ends up. if they could quit, they would, but do u know how difficult it is in this day and age?. once healthcare and harm reduction resources for substance *****rs become more commonplace/destigmatized, i guarantee they will become "better people" (btw drug addiction has nothing to do with morality. yeah some drug addicts do *****ed up shit but its not a reflection of them as people, its a reflection of the disorder theyre going thru. its just like any other mental illness. they will show symptoms, thats how a disorder works. i think rigid ideas of morality are so *****ing bad for society bc of things like this. addicts are not bad people, they just need help. that statement could be applied to so many other things as well, but im gonna stfu about that before i go on a tangent)

nobody is saying we want to give users a free ride. we just want to improve their quality of life, which in turn leads them to contributing to society more. its a win-win. im not suggesting we give them million dollar grants. i just want them to be treated like people and have the option to get help without being judged. once u take away the “speed bumps” so to speak, so many people would jump at the opportunity. trust me, most addicts want to go clean, even if they say they dont, bc we all know active addiction ends in one of 3 places: institutionalization, death, or prison (yea there are high functioning users and i kind of consider myself one but im aware that its only a matter of time before the addiction progresses into something unmanageable. its like going unmedicated when u have depression. it will get worse without intervention). nobody wants that for themselves. anyone who says theyre fine with that is lying. however, there r so many factors getting in the way of them seeking treatment, like the sheer cost of rehab, or being judged for being a user in the first place (instead of being praised for stepping up and going sober), potentially losing friends/family, etc. stop making it difficult for drug *****rs to get help. it literally only makes things worse for everyone, including the rich. for example, once safe consumption sites get implemented in more places, there will be less addicts on the street lowering the value of neighborhoods and businesses. when treatment and safer use resources become more accessible and when people stop seeing addiction (and even getting help for it) as this horrible, unspeakable thing, there will not only be a decline in drug use, but the economy will improve. im sure there would be other benefits like, you know, these addicts getting a fair chance at life (most r under the poverty line and/or struggle with other mental disorders so they use drugs to self medicate. even tho they r statistically at a disadvantage, they still deserve a good life just as much as anyone else willing to put in the work), but i dont think you care about that lol

u only seem to have empathy for those who can benefit you, which isnt empathy at all. that shit is just plain selfishness. if u wanna talk about addicts being bad people, i suggest u look in the mirror first. i may be a drug *****r but at least i have respect for others and try to treat them with kindness. i have my regrets, im not a saint, but im so happy im not hateful and bitter in the name of “progress” (which, like i said, isnt progress at all and is actually proven to harm society. shunning these people/taking away their resources will not make things any better. its a net loss. if u still dont believe me, there is real world proof. read the above replies and do ur own research on portugals new drug policies and the resounding success it had)

i hope i could at least give u some food for thought ig


Don't buy from me
Mar 1, 2024
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also, if u genuinely believe drugs ruin peoples lives, why would u sell them? u cant complain about an issue that u are literally a part of. like i said, the cognitive dissonance is *****ing crazyyy. do u even think about the things u say? because most of them dont hold up when u think about them for even a couple minutes

making counterarguments for what u said wasnt hard because its all painfully obvious. i dont think ur dumb, just willfully ignorant and very entitled. maybe try traveling sometime, thats a good start to becoming more open minded. once u get to know people who arent exactly like u, u gain a more comprehensive understanding of so many different things. many topics will start to make sense once u put in the effort to learn the other viewpoints. i guarantee u will never find a philosophy that makes sense until u consider different ones. weigh ur *****ing options

if u stick with the same ideas u were raised with and dont bother to learn anything else, thats like wearing blinders while trying to drive a car. u need to see different perspectives to form cohesive arguments. forming opinions based on ur experiences is good, healthy, and natural, but its only possible to form reasonable opinions with a wide range of experiences and a lot of research and consideration. if u try to do that with limited experience and an intolerant mindset, u make arguments like THAT lmao

subjects, especially subjects with REAL HUMAN LIVES at stake like addiction, have nuance. these things are not just black and white. learn to see more shades of gray


Don't buy from me
Dec 21, 2023
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"if u actually spent time around poor people i think your opinions would be drastically different". I have. They are uninteresting at best. Of Course I am splendor smart in extremis with moral standards. Those who fail to meet the minimum criteria of a brainy human, and even don't pay for their existence, is nothing to me. They are victims of their own making, they are poor stupid insane addicted violent lying often ugly enemies to the splendor of western civilisation. Japan etc have high standards imposed and no junk immigration (Japan regrets letting the slimy Nigerians settle). No empathy for the poor, no no no, I fight the reds that use empathy. I am stone cold hearted manly hippie.

"i think it's unfair that some people have much better starting points than others.". That's life. Let the elite lead by example. Let the unfit fail.

"different economic classes will always exist, but the schisms shouldnt be this *****ing drastic.". Yes it should. Society have schooling for everyone, in rich USA it is ofcourse high class education. If the ***** is low, the parents are probably too. They are failures by ancestry. Socialism wants to twist the truth. Like you do by imagination.

"someone who's working 3 jobs and still struggling to pay the bills"... probably a stupid person, with honour though.

"i want to live in a world where people under the poverty line at least get a decent shot at living a comfortable, meaningful, and fulfilling life.". I don't want that, it will waste our resources too much for too little. As for the damn moslems I feel zero empathy (and for Israel). As an example, I could go on and on about baddie people groups. Chinese I try to stay positive, they sure know how to work the markets, and totally dominate Chems by surplus. Africans, Arabs, Native Nature Races, what's there to like (in contrast). Poor people=loosers. Rich" people=smart winners.

"if all these users get "fixed" then they won't be "parasites" anymore." They are mostly bad people to begin with. They can get fixed soon in rehab to abstinence. Why not. It's a choice or they are mad. Can't be helped then, off they go.

"its the same deal with people who label immigrants as "aliens." Thats me. Dont import failed states problems in a western society. They should be grateful workers. They want to live as free grose moslems with minimum effort. Exchange moslems with addicts etc. I know right. This is right.

"deliberate hiding of effective cancer treatments"? I have not time for discussing the weak people doing nothing (or evil) to me, I working to be an elite drugdealer with top drugs bettering the market. so I am needed and ethical. I don't want to cater to addiction, why don't they just use drugs and be good. I am better than the no-holds (junk) dealers.

Thank you for your red-splashing. It is like listening to our domestic leftist party leader. I don't like what war or slavery does to people (conquest of USA). But I accept it as mostly progress in the end as the strong and smart rules globally now (Western White and Working Japs etc). I been hurt enough by lowlifes addicts. I am studied in philosophy, politics etc. I don't have to experience something bad that I can learn at safe distance. I don't change about palestinians by being in Gaza. I (my society) don't have a need for them losers. And addicts too. Let them hurt you more until you get like me. I will now only talk about drugs profiting. And chem*****xx


Don't buy from me
Sep 8, 2024
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so what You think about UK where mushrooms are 'A' class drug? o_O
so if You have Your grow kit running, some poly bags, scale, and unfortunate someone grass on You, seems like 'manufacturing with intent to supply' which sound like few years in one of the most secure hotels of His Majesty ;)


Don't buy from me
Mar 1, 2024
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that's *****ing insane... wth


Don't buy from me
Sep 8, 2024
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as well due to scheduling lot of drugs as A, prices are bit higher than 5-10 years ago... :(


Don't buy from me
Nov 16, 2023
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Mushrooms were legal in UK too, up until not too long ago. Late 90's or early 00's ? Same with Japan. :[
Really such a shame that these substances which have unlimited potential when respected, get demonized.
So wonderful that spores are widely available and they easy to cultivate ;]
Shrooms has become more of a personal use home secret unless you know a nice big batch tek.


Don't buy from me
Sep 8, 2024
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There is a bit of true what You saying, cuz everything was in some point legal... But in late 90 was easy to get shroomies in most of funky shops in London (Camden Town) or khat in many cities...

And to be honest, legal status is nothing about harm, or taking care of people, come on, don't be naive...

Its all about tax and splitting money between government and so called 'crime', which in reality are usually good mates or biz partners...


Don't buy from me
Nov 16, 2023
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I don't have any delusions about the true intent about the ones who make these decisions and why.... $$$$$$$
I was going to add alot more actually, but I decided to save everyone the rant about big pharma and the judicial system etc.