The easiest way to make Amphetamine in the kitchen


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Sep 6, 2022
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We want to share with you a simplest recipe for cooking amphetamine.
This recipe is a little more complicated than baking a cake.
But the cake will add extra inches to your belly,
and the amphetamine will help you lose weight.

Synthesis of AMPHETAMINE from phenylnitropropene
(On the scale of a 1 liter reactor)

This is the simplest recipe for amphetamine and phenylnitropropene is the main component of this synthesis.
  • If you don't know where to get phenylnitropropene, in this thread we have posted the method of home synthesis of phenylnitropropene: it is as simple as possible and does not require any additional equipment.

A heat-resistant glass or plastic container (bottle or canister) can be used as a reactor for the synthesis. The heat resistance of plastic can be checked by a test with boiling water (water 100ºC). Fill half the volume of your container with boiling water, close the lid, shake and watch for deformation. If deformation has occurred, this container is not suitable for synthesis. A suitable bottle must have a wide neck, otherwise reagent loading will be problematic. This method uses a 1L flat bottom flask. For cooling, use a small tub of cold water or ice/snow.
  • If you need to synthesize a different quantity, then all reagent quantities are scaled by multiples.​


1. 1L flat-bottomed flask
2. Reflux condenser
3. 250ml beakers
4. Syringes
5. Small tub or container for cooling
6. Scales
7. Filter


1. Phenylnitropropene
2. Isopropyl alcohol
3. Glacial acetic acid
4. Mercury nitrate or nitric acid and mercury
5. Sulfuric acid
6. Anhydrous acetone
7. Indicator paper
8. Aluminum foil

Step 1: Preparation of phenylnitropropene solution.

Weigh 5 grams of phenylnitropropene and mix with 50 ml of isopropyl alcohol in a beaker until completely dissolved.
Then add 25 ml of Glacial acetic acid and stir to homogeneity.

Step 2: Preparation of mercury nitrate.

a) If you have mercury nitrate, just measure 50...100mg for the reaction and add it after the water in Step 4.
b) If you don't have mercury nitrate ready, you must make it.

Mercury nitrate is made from metallic mercury, both of which are toxic and must be handled safely by wearing gloves and a respirator and working in a ventilated area. It is unlikely that you will have mercury available to you in the store, the most common way you will find it is in thermometers. The thermometers contain different amounts of mercury, so it is advisable to clarify in advance how much mercury is contained in your thermometer. Usually a medical thermometer contains 1-3 grams of mercury.
Carefully crush the tip of a mercury thermometer in a shot glass to release all the mercury and pour nitric acid into the glass. Don't worry about splinters, they won't hurt. It is convenient to break the thermometer with pliers by squeezing the tip directly into the shot glass. After a while there should be a reaction. Mercury will dissolve in acid and release brown gas. It is strictly forbidden to breathe gas! If there is no reaction for 20-30 minutes, then the contents of the shot should be warmed up a little (most often placed on the radiator).
1 g mercury requires 5-10 ml nitric acid. After the mercury is completely dissolved in nitric acid, you will get a solution of mercury nitrate, which can be used in the reaction. If you do not use this solution immediately, the mercury nitrate will precipitate out. It can be filtered and stored in a sealed container until the next synthesis.

Step 3: Prepare the alkaline solution.

Dissolve 25g NaOH in 75ml of water in a beaker. The dissolution is accompanied by a strong heating of the liquid.
That's why this procedure is done in advance so that the solution cools down at the right time. It is not recommended to use a hot solution.

Step 4: Amalgam

A very important step. The success of your synthesis depends on the right amalgam. Usually, aluminum foil is used for the amalgam, which is the best one. Other forms of aluminum will give a lower yield and may negatively affect the synthesis.
The aluminum from which the foil is made must be activated for the reduction reaction. Aluminum is activated by mercury nitrate. The goal is to remove the oxide film from the surface of the aluminum foil and not allow the mercury nitrate to react completely with the aluminum foil. Readiness is determined visually using indicators. The foil becomes completely matte and a large number of small hydrogen bubbles are released. At the moment when a sediment begins to form on the bottom, it is necessary to drain the liquid so that the foil remains in the flask. Rinse the foil from the residual mercury nitrate with a fresh batch of water. Drain the water again and leave the foil in the bottle.

Cut the aluminum foil into rectangular pieces ranging from 0.5x0.5 cm to 2x2 cm. It is better to do it with gloves. This will prevent grease stains. If the pieces are smaller than 0.5 x 0.5 cm, there is a chance that they will burn quickly from the mercury nitrate. If the foil pieces are larger than 2 x 2 cm, it will be difficult to fit them into the flask. The pieces of foil should not be crumpled up and stuck together, because then not all the aluminum will react. The reaction goes over the area of the foil. We need 6 grams of foil for one synthesis. Next, all the foil is placed in a 1 liter flat-bottomed flask. Pour water into the flask so that all the foil is covered and add a solution of mercuric nitrate 0.5 ... 1 ml (or 50-100 mg of dry mercuric nitrate). Stir well so that the nitrate mixes with the water and is evenly distributed throughout the volume. Next, we take a close look at what is happening inside the flask. Tiny gray bubbles will begin to form in the flask. The shiny, glossy color of the foil will change to a matte gray. When all the foil has become matte, you need to drain the water, rinse the foil with an additional portion of water.

Step 4 FAQ:

The foil is perforated or has completely turned to sludge. What should I do?
  • In this case, you must discard the failed amalgam and make a new one.

2) Foil does not change the glossy look to matte. Can this amalgam be used?
  • This amalgam cannot be used. The glossy appearance of the foil indicates that you have not removed the oxide membrane and the reaction will not work. In this case, it is recommended to add a little more mercury nitrate and wait for a matte shade. If that doesn't work, redo the amalgam.​

3) Is any foil suitable for amalgam?
  • Only aluminum foil is suitable for amalgam. If the polymer or alloy content is high, the reaction will not work. Make sure that you are using aluminum foil.​
4) Can amalgam be made in advance and stored?
  • Amalgam cannot be stored because it has a very short life. Amalgam is produced at the beginning of the synthesis, otherwise nothing will work.​

Step 5: Synthesis of amphetamine (reduction reaction).

Add phenylnitropropene solution to the flask with prepared amalgam and place a reflux condenser on the flask. Start stirring the reaction mixture in a gentle circular motion. The reaction mass begins to heat up (exothermic reaction). It is important to keep the temperature ~60ºC and not to freeze the reaction. The temperature is controlled by cooling. Sometimes a reverse refrigerator connected to running water is enough, but more often it is necessary to place the flask in a small tub of cold water (ice or snow). To prevent the reaction from freezing, cool it quickly by immersing the flask in water and then removing it immediately. If the temperature is still high and the reaction mixture is still rising, then repeat the cooling procedure. Cool down carefully, there is a possibility that the reaction will be stopped by over cooling. After the boisterous part of the reaction has passed, the flask can be placed on the surface and stirred occasionally until the bubbling stops completely.

Step 5 FAQ:

How do I know if cooling is required?
  • With one hand we hold the flask by the throat, with the other we hold it and feel it from the side at the same time. The flask should not burn your palm (it's about 60 degrees). If the hand begins to burn strongly when groping (it is accompanied by a strong lifting of the reaction mixture to the throat of the flask), it is necessary to apply cooling. If there are no signs of overheating, there is no need to cool down.​

2) If the reaction is frozen too early. What to do?
  • In this case, you can try to start the reaction again. To do this, you need to heat the flask with reaction mixture on an electric stove, but do not overheat, also keep it within 60 degrees. Or place the flask in a bath of 80...100ºC boiling water.​

Step 6: Alkalinization and extraction of free amphetamine base.

When the reaction has stopped and there is no sign of reaction in the flask, add the caustic solution. It is dangerous to add the entire volume of lye at one time because the entire reaction mixture may solidify. Add 1/5 of the total volume, stir well, wait for the foam to subside, then add more. After adding the lye, stir well and pour into a glass. And wait for 30 ... 60 minutes until the mixture has broken down. Wait for clear layer boundaries and select the top layer. It is usually transparent, but sometimes it is yellowish.
  • If there is any doubt that the oil layer may have gotten into the layer below, you need to put the oil in the freezer for 3-4 hours. If there was water there, it will be at the bottom in the form of a clot, which will make it easy to separate the anhydrous oil.​

Step 7: Acidification.

Add 10 ml of acetone to 1 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid, stir and start acidification. Add a drop of a sulfuric acid solution to the oil until the pH is equal to 6. Use indicator paper to measure the pH. There will be flakes in each drop, this is amphetamine sulfate. The result of the acidification should be a mixture similar to sour cream. After acidification, the mixture should be placed in the freezer for 2-4 hours, to precipitate. This "sour cream" must be filtered and dried. You can use a dense cloth, paper filter, or vacuum filtration unit as a filter.

  • Amphetamine is considered high quality if it is white in color, nearly odorless, and has a bitter taste . ​
  • Average yield of a synthesis is 70% of phenylnitropropene, ~3.5g dry powder.​

That's all, folks. As you can see, it's really quite simple.
Check out the video of this synthesis method for a full immersion!

We hope this recipe will encourage those who have never tried cooking.
Write to us if you do not understand any step and we will help you
. ​


Don't buy from me
Apr 5, 2022
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Synthesis of phenylnitropropene at home: it couldn't be easier​

The main precursor for amphetamine synthesis is phenylnitropropene.
Phenylnitropropene is very easy to synthesize, which makes this method of amphetamine synthesis the most popular among chemists.

The synthesis will require:
  • Flask (glass bottle)​
  • Reflux condenser​
  • Electric stove (for water bath)​

The proportions of the substances are scaled in multiples, but it is recommended not to fill the reactor more than 2/3 of its volume.

The required proportions for a 1L flask are:
  • Benzaldehyde - 200ml.​
  • Nitroethane - 200ml​
  • n-Butylamine - 20 ml​
  • Glacial acetic acid (GAA) - 50 ml​
  • Isopropyl alcohol (IPA)​

The reaction is sensitive to water, so it is desirable to keep the reagents as dry as possible.
Add benzaldehyde, nitroethane, catalyst, and GAA to the flask, stir well, and place on a hotplate. Place over low heat and heat to 60ºC while stirring. You can use a water bath for heating. The temperature in the reactor can be controlled with a thermometer or by touch. The flask should be quite hot to the touch, but there should be no burning of your hand. Cooling is not required for this synthesis, you can simply turn off the heat for a while until the temperature returns to the desired parameters (~60ºC). It is necessary to stir periodically during the reaction, the synthesis time is 3-4 hours. During the reaction, the color changes from light yellow to dark red and remains clear. Then the reaction mixture is cooled to room temperature, poured into a glass or jar, diluted with 250 ml of warm water, covered with a lid and placed in the freezer for 2 hours. When cooled, open the lid and shake gently, allowing fresh air to circulate.

Crystallization occurs rapidly. The jar with crystals is again kept in the freezer for at least 15 minutes. Then you need to break the crystals and wash them with cold water until the traces of vinegar disappear (2...3 times is enough). Then rinse with small amounts of very cold isopropyl alcohol until impurities are removed. The resulting crystals are then dried in the air for a minimum of 10 hours. Store phenylnitropropene in a closed container in the refrigerator or dark, cool place.

Important to know!​
  • Flushing with isopropyl alcohol should be performed at the lowest possible temperature. This will reduce losses.​
  • Place isopropyl alcohol in the freezer for 8 hours prior to use.​
  • Rinse until the filtrate becomes colorless.​
  • It is convenient to use an ordinary thin cloth as a filter because the crystals are quite large.​
  • Phenylnitropropene has an unpleasant pungent odor and is corrosive to skin on the hands and face.​
  • The darker the phenylnitropropene, the more impurities it contains.​

Phenylnitropropene can be recrystallized from isopropyl alcohol just before starting the following reaction.
For this purpose, phenylnitropropene crystals are dissolved in isopropyl alcohol at 30ºC and the solution is brought to supersaturation. Then freeze at the lowest possible temperature until crystallization is complete. Filtered when crystallization is complete.
Phenylnitropropene dries in air, It is not hygroscopic (does not absorb water from the air).
Average yield is 300 grams (~70% of theoretical yield).



Don't buy from me
Nov 17, 2022
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Very helpful and very nicely processed.
Thank you!
Please, could you add amphetamine into methamphetamine synthesis?
Thread in the synthesis section is not clear to me. This is why I think it could be useful for others.
Last edited:


Jul 5, 2021
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Hi. What exactly don't you understand in my tutorial?
View previous replies…


Don't buy from me
Nov 17, 2022
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Only step 6 - extraction with DCM - how to do this step?

The Alchemist

Don't buy from me
Jun 7, 2023
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To extract means you add solvent (DCM in this case) to your reaction mixure, which will pull the target molecule into the solvent, which seperates into distinct layers. Then you remove the solvent layer (seperatory funnel is best), and add more solvent to the remaining reaction mixture to extract anything that remains.


Jul 5, 2021
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Hi, read about Extraction this topic. There is explanation how to extract properly by several portions of extragent.


Don't buy from me
Dec 23, 2022
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You might handle P2NP that hasn't been recrystallised and think that the safety and handling info about wearing gloves and a respirator is really overdoing it. Trust me, it's not. That stuff goes from pick up bare handed and smell it bare faced to being in the same room as recrystallising p2np is like letting of a CS gas bomb in a closet.

I've made many hg/al amalgams and done many reductions. Some say scrunch your al into little balls, some squares, some shred in a paper shredder. These are all fine and will work but hands down the absolute clear winner in best ways to make amalgam is to rip it into roughly 1 inch squares and put in a small coffee grinder or food processor until it gets to around this consistency

EDIT attached photo, inserting it won't work
EDIT2: I'll try again


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Jul 25, 2021
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Grinded foil certainly works. But it takes some experience not to burn the amalgam quickly. That is why we recommend a foil size of 0.5 to 2cm.


Don't buy from me
Dec 23, 2022
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The trick to not burning the amalgam quickly is not using GAA, tip courtesy of G. Patton.


Don't buy from me
New Member
Jul 27, 2023
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Hello i have question i can use P2P in this synthesis?


Don't buy from me
May 4, 2022
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<<<thanks for share


Don't buy from me
Mar 28, 2023
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My first time, I got this from 10g P2NP, is it normal?

I have problem with the acidification


Don't buy from me
Mar 28, 2023
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I have seen that it is better to use not to use acetone for the acidification, first 2times with acetone fail, but isopropyl alcohol work fine.

Beginner from China

Don't buy from me
Feb 14, 2024
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Hi, everybody. I'm from China. My English is very poor. So some translations are not quite accurate. I'm worried about buying the wrong "material". So can anyone tell me the CAS number? I will post the latest list of controlled items below. Please let me know if there are any alternatives. Thanks everyone.


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