Question Where to set up you lab?


Don't buy from me
Dec 13, 2023
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Where do you think is a good place to set up your lab?
I recently have seen an ad for cheap rent for a office in an office building.
Do you think its a good idea to set up your lab in an office building? Of course I wouldnt produce drugs while others were there but would produce at night or when all other people are gone.
What do you think of it?


Don't buy from me
Oct 15, 2023
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You can set it up anywhere, generators work. You need to deal with unbearable smell.


Don't buy from me
Dec 13, 2023
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Yeah I know. I was planning on buying growtents for growing weed. that should filter out all smells that are being made by the synthese. I mean everybody would find it weird if you smell Isopropyl alcohol or aceton in an office building.


Don't buy from me
Oct 15, 2023
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IPA or acetone should be least of your concernes.


Don't buy from me
Dec 13, 2023
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It's just an example. I wont run around with a kilo of P2NP in an office building when i'm high on coke and show it to everyone. I wouldnt be that dumb. I dont even use drugs and would only produce when everybody is out of the building.


Don't buy from me
May 26, 2023
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Set up where you're comfortable no one will ever see you use only what you need put it away as you're done have common sense oh yeah and never ever ever mention drugs unless you enjoy the structure of a prison like environment or being forced to do things for the police that if anybody found out probably wouldn't find you be an ideal friend

To sum up only the apparatus you require nothing more clean and put away as you proceed only use the chemicals you need and only in the amounts required and then depending on whether you like anal ***** tell people of your accomplishment or keep your mouth shut


Don't buy from me
Nov 16, 2023
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I was kind of disappointed to see a link here from the other thread regarding laboratory locations, as if one had the end all be all answer, only to find this. Please don't take this as a personal attack, but I am hoping my combination of tone, sarcasm and perspective drive my point home for anyone interested. As a response to the posts: I'm comfortable in my bedroom. That doesn't make it an ideal place to set up a lab. It's probably a bad idea to begin with to have a "drug lab" setup or operating on a rental property, as you aren't the owner and not the only person with a key, in a commercial establishment too? Well, that's OK I guess... so long as it is after hours and you made sure you're comfortable. Yeah, in fact, get REAL comfortable while you're risking your life and freedom. Wear your pajamas, make yourself at home. I understand by comfortable you mean, basically, just the confidence to operate in whatever capacity you are able to justify as 'safe'. However, I would not entertain it one bit, as this certainly can only lead to complacency.
What do they say about complacency? (I forget, but...) Don't ever delude yourself into a false sense of security, but don't turn your hair grey worrying about it either. "I'm not blitzed on coke running around the building smelling like ether with a kilo of methylamine, talking to everyone that isn't there anyway, so 'it's all good.'" Try to play the part of whoever you say you are and whatever you are supposed to be doing, and try not to look like you might be a paranoid, uncertain and unstable illegal drug manufacturer, attempting suspiciously, to conceal their actions. Treat every cook like the judge, jury and executioner are on their way to do a wellness check on you as soon as you get your crude product out with a militaristic spirit of initiative. Start breaking down and cleaning up before or during re-crystallization, if at all possible, for example.

Contrary to popular belief, jails and penitentiaries aren't full of homo*****ual rapists and or informants. Surely, there are many more than can be confirmed. I have had the pleasure of visiting a few of these lovely institutions. I don't know where or how everyone else likes to do their time, to each their own, I'd rather be left out that equation. Maybe Hollywood is to blame for the stereotype. Both sodomy and communicating/compromising with authority, at any level, is typically universally and openly shunned. Even the "OK" prison guards don't like snitches, as the guards themselves get told on also. I prefer to read and workout myself, chess is cool too. Loss of freedom as a result of getting caught doing something you're not supposed to comes with the territory, though it doesn't have to be and we do try like hell. At some point it ought to be expected and planned for, though avoided at sometimes high costs.

My advice: kick the biggest guys ass on the first day, or become somebody's bitch..... erm, I mean... Respect everyone but try not to make friends. Don't join any gangs. Stick with "your own people." Don't gamble or get high. Keep your shit to yourself. If you're a solid dude and mind your business and know when to STFU, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Most likely, nobody is going to force anything on you, cop or con, if you don't invite it. If you think you're going to break the law and nothing is ever going to go horribly wrong, you are delusional. Your own blood can be convinced to sell you down the river, "for your own good."... "To keep you from harming yourself or others." Indeed, loose lips do sink ships.

The bottom line, as the old timers said to me, "if you can't do the time then don't do the crime." If you want to step up, prepare for the consequences and to deal with them, ALONE. I promise you, people will listen and say, "well that sucks," but at the end of the day, no one is going to give a shit how bad your luck was and how things turned out. The smart bees don't buy spinning rims and decals for their brand new Escalade with their first wad of cash. They keep it for a rainy day, when they need a lawyer and bail and everyone has unsurprisingly turned their back. I apologize for any perceived offense. I mean none, only to help. Also sorry for the tremendous digression onto the jail topic, however, I haven't seen much advice from anyone on this forum with any real insight or experience about what to do when life gets SNAFU'd. We are not all going to make it to the finish line in one piece, if at all. Statistically, a lot of us are going to slam into a wall at one point or another on this road. I hope to see the BB crew fly above the radar. I wish y'all the best of luck and success and many fruitful cooks! Sorry also, for this tome of a post.
---With love and respect. o7


Don't buy from me
May 26, 2023
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I'm not mad at you dude everything you say is true there's place you can put one there's ways to do it right but you will get caught or the local businessman will f*** you up or you'll end up working for them this happens extortion will happen as soon as you get popular especially if you have a hard to find popular compound your days will be numbered quickly even if you don't tell anybody and people that are asking for a place to put a lab should get the answer that I gave in my humble opinion it's not exactly the correct answer for everyone but it's definitely the right answer for someone that asks where should I put a drug lab. There might be an argument that maybe he's just curious are doing research on a book are wants to put a drug lab where he has more money than sense. Believe me I don't see these things because I care about actual human beings and I'm I for sure am notjust trying to help. I would compare this to people that lied about the doses they took trying to brag saying he wrote doses and how everything turned out fine and I never thought that people would actually take that as reality and take 250 mg of Etizolamm. Are stored lines of NBOMe compounds well I feel bad people like that end up in the hospital talk to the cops end up having things banned having the community look like a bunch of f****** hooligans it's everybody's responsibility not to encourage the destruction of a community. I've never felt older in my life than the writing a back in my day I care about this place get off my lawn statement
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Don't buy from me
Dec 13, 2023
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My advice: kick the biggest guys ass on the first day, or become somebody's bitch..... erm, I mean... Respect everyone but try not to make friends. Don't join any gangs. Stick with "your own people." Don't gamble or get high. Keep your shit to yourself. If you're a solid dude and mind your business and know when to STFU, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Most likely, nobody is going to force anything on you, cop or con, if you don't invite it. If you think you're going to break the law and nothing is ever going to go horribly wrong, you are delusional. Your own blood can be convinced to sell you down the river, "for your own good."... "To keep you from harming yourself or others." Indeed, loose lips do sink ships.

will do that. STFU, deal with your own people and dont be a fool. act normal. done deal


Don't buy from me
May 26, 2023
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And no I do take offense to your projection of thinking you know anything about the life changing advice you give was such confidence it's a disturbing hearing you give advice based on absolutely no real world anything I could be anybody I could be making everything up I could be a chat program but what I'm not doing is encouraging people to do stupid things on the highest possible scale just think about it man


Don't buy from me
Dec 13, 2023
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Brother I'm more confused than i was before. Who the ***** are you talking to? Me? Somebody else?


Don't buy from me
Nov 16, 2023
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I am sorry you feel that way @testint - I believe he is speaking to me @Kanalratte556
However, I don't believe I have done the things you are accusing me of. Certainly not intentionally. Reread what you said and 'just think about it, man'
I intentionally didn't call any one by name, or out of their name for that matter, so .. don't be so sensitive, please. We are all here communicating with the intent of helping and learning with and from each other (I hope).

Life changing advice? With such confidence and -absolutely- no real world ....anything.... ? Did I encourage anyone to do stupid things on a large scale? Think about what, exactly? My advice was and is simply: it is not a smart idea to ever get comfortable while doing crimes - that's how otherwise successful criminals usually get caught. Don't take risks you can't handle the consequences. Have money saved in case of said consequences. Maybe don't use a public place for secret drug manufacturing. Try not to get too close to the so called sodomites and police slaves if you do go to jail.

"My advice: kick the biggest guys ass on the first day, or become somebody's bitch..... erm, I mean..." -- was meant as a little humor to try to disarm any perceived offense. @testint Your advice seems to be merely, 'choose a location in which you are comfortable, and keep your mouth shut unless you like jail *****'. Forgive me for playing 'devils advocate' to your points and adding my two cents to the whole thing. One should not ever assume that anything is guaranteed safe or that they know everything, that is all I am trying to say. I know I don't know everything, I don't try to act or sound like I do. ....I DO know what I know, however. Noone can take that away and I will preach it until my last breath if necessary.

Take what I said for what it is worth, friend. Which shouldn't be worth shit. After all, I am most certainly a nobody, from the internet, that is making things up as I go along, I could even be AI. So no need to be offended. This was not meant as an attack or argument, only suggestions and criticisms. By all means, DO WHATEVER YOU WANT. I was mostly speaking about the idea of taking risks and being prepared for the consequences .. just BE RESPONSIBLE for your actions, most importantly, to yourself.

As far as "asbolutely ...any real world ...NOTHING", for lack of a better word. I mentioned I have actually been to these places, more than a couple times at a couple locations, for extended periods. Like I said, not all the visitors end up being stool pidgeons with soft buttholes. It's something that happens, but it's also not hard to avoid that whole mess if one wanted to avoid it. I would not try to tell anybody how to live their life, in or out of prison, I think my advice about how to do your time (if you had to) without all the extra bullshit is a good place to start for anyone trying to do exactly that. Don't let what I said hold any of you back from glory. Do you, man. Bee all you can bee. Bee safe <3


Don't buy from me
May 26, 2023
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Thank you I needed that really having done things myself and knowing how far away the real thing for lack of a better trem is from the real life shit that I have experienced makes me a bit jaded 8 should stop and remember everything is not like what I have experienced thank you for your response