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Breaking Bad [Studie trhu s léčivy


Don't buy from me
Apr 11, 2024
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I would like readers prior to diving into this research to take note that Lithuania is a small northeastern European country, a member of EU. It consists of only 2.9 million inhabitants, with over 600 000 people living in the capital city, Vilnius. Another 400 000 living in the second largest city, Kaunas. This, along with port city of Klaipėda and to much lesser extent, city of Šiauliai that consists of 90 000 inhabitants, is where vast majority of drug use and trade is focused, but Vilnius and Kaunas is two places in the whole country that pretty much dictates drug trade to the rest of the country.
Due to humble size of our country and small numbers of population, and only recently regained Independence in 1990 – transition from authoritarian Communist police state to Democracy, our drug culture if you could call it that, is much less diverse, much less developed and traces it‘s roots much earlier than our European neighbors west of us. This is something the reader should take into consideration: only recently the state employed NTAKD – Departament of control of Narcotics, Tobacco and Alcohol, to conduct regular, consistent research of drug use and trade in Lithuania. I will be using official statistics provided by state agencies such as NTAKD, law enforcement and RPLC – Republican Centre for Treatment of Addictions, and often, where no reliable information or data available, on my own knowledge and experience in the field of drug use, addiction, imprisonment and intimate knowlegde of drug scene as a whole (including all spheres) for over 17 years – since 2007.

Thank you.

Vilnius, spring of 2024

Criminal liability for use, sale, manufacture, transportation, storage, shipment or any other kind of distribution, and possession of illegal drugs in Lithuania

Irrespective of the type and quantity of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances available, the Criminal Code provides for liability both for illicit disposal of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without the purpose of distributing them, or with a purpose to distribute them.

According to Lithuanian Criminal Code, the two most relevant articles are 259 (usually possession for personal use) and article 260 (sale and distribution, manufacturing and transportation as in sending and receiving illegal drugs) of with both include such matters as manufacturing, re-processing (for example acetone wash of phenethylamines), acquisition, storage, transportation, shipping, sale, or any other kind of distribution:

Article 259. Illegal disposal of drugs or psychotropic substances without the purpose of distributing them

1. He/she who illegally manufactured, reprocessed, acquired, held, transported, or sent narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without the purpose of selling or otherwise distributing them,

a fine of either arrest or imprisonment of up to two years.

2. He/she who illegally produced, reworked, acquired, held, transported, or sent a small amount of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without the purpose of selling or otherwise distributing them did criminal offense and punishable by public works or restriction of freedom, or a fine or arrest.

3. A person who voluntarily appealed to a health care institution for medical assistance or applied to a state institution to give up illegally produced, acquired, considered unidentified drug or psychotropic substances, exempt from criminal liability for the production, acquisition and storage of drugs or psychotropic substances used or which that were handed down.[1]

Article 260. Illegal disposal with narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances with a goal of distributing them or illegal disposal with very high levels of drugs or psychotropic substances

This article covers everything: manufacturing, reprocessing, acquisition, storage, transportation and shipment of illegal drugs.

1. He/she who illegally manufactured, reprocessed, acquired, held, transported, or sent narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances with the purpose of selling or otherwise distributing, is punishable by two to eight years imprisonment.

2. He/she who illegally manufactured, reprocessed, acquired, held, transported, or sent a large number of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances with the purpose of selling or otherwise distributing them or sold or otherwise distributing a large number of drugs or psychotropic substances, punished by imprisonment from eight to ten years.

E3. He/she who illegally manufactured, reprocessed, acquired, held, transported, or sent, or otherwise distributed a very large amount of drugs or psychotropic substances, punished by imprisonment from ten to fif***** years.[2]

There is also an article 199, ‘’smuggling/contraband’’, which is added up to the charges if drugs were being, for example, ordered online or simply brought in via the border and if proven, often roughens up the case for a person of interest. Smuggling is punishable by a fine (which is of rarer instance and amount of the fine itself is not described in the article 199 itself) or imprisonment of up to eight years.[3]

A person in possession of small amount of drugs is often offered either a fine, which can be anything from 200 euros to thousands of euros, or, to serve jail time (not imprisonment) which does not exceed 90 days. For example, I was fined 2500 euros (was offered either a fine or jail time sentence which most likely would have been 90 days) for a possession of 95g of cannabis (article 259), as I managed to prove that the cannabis was for personal use (all of the cannabis were in one plastic bag and scales and packaging material was not present in my property). In another instance, 150mg of amphetamine sulfate that was found in my pocket during a surprise raid on a property of a person who was causing disturbance in the after-hours (again, article 259) landed me in trouble and I was offered either a fine of 400 euros or a couple of week jail time. These instances are quite often, as these settlements are made between the person being accused, the detective that is building the case against the person, and the prosecutor. This is being done to decrease the backlog of such, and similar, cases in order for them not to reach the criminal court. The detective and prosecutor judges the severity of the case, and if the case is seen as a matter for article 259 (personal use), they often offer such settlements: a fine or an option to do jail time (not to be confused with imprisonment, which is actual prison time rather than jail time). Then, the case is finished much quicker, because the case is not being taken to court, and it is usually useful for all three parties as tax payer’s money is being saved, time and working hours of law enforcement and time saved for the defendant. This obviously goes for instances, where the prosecuted is pleading guilty and portrays regret for the crime committed (by pleading guilty and expressing regret, all punishment is decreased by 1/3rd).[4] If the defendant is pleading not guilty, he/she can reject the offer and take the case to court, where an opportunity to withstand one’s innocence is presented.
Things found during the arrest or a raid on person’s property, like zip lock bags, scales, drugs being already packaged into smaller quantity bags, other immediate and obvious proof of intent to sell will no doubt make it more troublesome and efforts to persuade law enforcement that drugs found were for personal use will usually yield no positive effect.
One has to keep in mind that person’s previous criminal record has a big influence on how each individual case will be perceived by the justice system. It is somewhat difficult to strictly categorize what punishment is applied for certain drug related crime. Most often, each drug case is being prosecuted very individually (it is very hard to generalize punishments and outcomes of certain or most common situations especially when it comes to alleged drug dealing and possession of larger amounts of illegal substances). As mentioned above, these two articles, 259 – usually personal use or possession without intent to supply, and article 260 – possession of small and large amounts with the intention to supply, are being used in every case. Article 260 also includes manufacturing, re-processing (for example acetone wash of phenethylamines), acquisition, storage, transportation, shipping, sale, or any other kind of distribution.[5] While there are no current categorized articles in the criminal code for such things as advertisement of illicit substances, there is an article 264[6] (to persuade or encourage drug use):

264 article. Encouragement to use drugs or psychotropic substances

1. He/she who helped a person acquire drugs, persuaded or otherwise encouraged to use illicit drugs or psychotropic substances for non-treatment purposes, punishable by arrest or up to five years of imprisonment.

2. He/she who helped the minor acquire, acquire drugs, persuaded or otherwise encouraged to use illicit drugs or psychotropic substances for non-treatment purposes, punishable by three to ten years of imprisonment.

This article could be applied in case of advertisement of illegal substances in real life or online. Section 2 of article 264 is oriented towards matters including persons under the age of 18 years old. While I could not find any direct proof in the media (aside from official statistics below) of article 264 applied to any case, I personally myself am aware of this article being enforced in a case where an adult helped a *****ager to allegedly acquire 5g of amphetamine by allegedly arranging a meeting between a dealer and the *****ager in question. However, the defendant was acquitted, so no charges against him in regards to article 264 were forced upon him. I could easily imagine this article being used for administrators of, for example, Telegram groups, if arrests would be made and solid proof established between the accused and the evidence (ownership of said Telegram channel).

262 article. Manufacture of equipment for the production of narcotic or psychotropic substances or preparation of technologies or instructions for the production of narcotic or psychotropic substances
A person who illegally manufactured, stored, transported or created an apparatus or other devices for the production of narcotic or psychotropic substances or illegally prepared or distributed technologies or instructions for the production of narcotic or psychotropic substances, is punishable by a fine or arrest or imprisonment for up to four years.[7]

266 article. Illegal possession of precursors of the first category

1. The person who illegally manufactured, acquired, stored, transported, sent, sold or otherwise distributed precursors of the first category, is punishable by a fine or imprisonment for up to three years.
2. The person who illegally manufactured, acquired, stored, transported, sent, sold or otherwise distributed a large amount of precursors of the first category, is punishable by imprisonment from three to six years.
3. The person who illegally manufactured, acquired, stored, transported, sent, sold or otherwise distributed a very large amount of precursors of the first category, is punishable by imprisonment from six to ten years.[8]


In Republic of Lithuania, precursors are categorized by The Official List of Included Substances (Precursors) into 4 categories [9].

Illegal production, acquisition, storage, transportation, shipping, sale or other realization of the precursors is regulated and punishable in accordance with article 266[10], article 267[11], article 268[12] and article 269[13]. Punishment depends on quantity and actual substances for which the person has been arrested, and it warries from a fine (amount is not specified) and a prison sentence which can be anything from 3 to 10 years.
As drug manufacturing nowadays is not that common due to wide range of accessible drugs from countries like Germany or the Netherlands, demand for precursors in Lithuania seems to be decreasing with time. Most locally produced drug in Lithuania (aside from cannabis), amphetamine, is now more difficult to manufacture as precursors like phenylacetone were traditionally smuggled from Belarus or Russia as these two countries have somewhat thriving chemical industry. Liquid BMK was often smuggled using double fuel tanks in lorries and vans, transit was carried out by commercial trains as well by using corrupt customs officials or other subversive tactics. However, it is more economical to obtain already manufactured drugs in the Netherlands or Germany and import them as this is reasonably easy, and is an economically superior option over local manufacture of drugs.
Precursors are categorized into 4 categories in accordance with The Official List of Included Substances (Precursors):
Category 1 - chemical substances that are directly used to produce narcotics and psychotropic substances (key precursors). Permit to acquire and use these, from the government, can only be issued for chemists, veterinarians, law enforcement and customs officers.

HS Name (if differs)
HS Code
CAS number
2939 61 00​
2939 62 00​
2914 31 00​
2932 91 00​
Lysergic Acid
2939 63 00​
2932 92 00​
N-acetylanthranilic acid
2-acetamidobenzene carboxylic acid​
2924 23 00​
2932 93 00​
2939 42 00​
2932 94 00​
2939 41 00​
2926 90 95​
2939 79 90​
2939 79 90​
2939 79 90​
2939 79 90​
4-anilino-N-phenethylpiperidine (ANPP)​
2933 36 00​
N-phenethyl-4-piperidone (NPP)
2933 37 00​
Methyl 3-(1,3-benzdioxol-5-yl)-2-methyloxirane-2-carboxylate (PMK methyl glycidate)
2932 99 00​
3-(1,3-Benzdioxol-5-yl)-2-methyloxirane-2-carboxylic acid (PMK glycidic acid)
2932 99 00​
ALPHA-phenylacetoacetamide (APAA)
2924 29 70​
Methyl 2-methyl-3-phenyloxirane-2carboxylate
(BMK methyl glycidate)
2918 99 90​
2-methyl-3-phenyloxirane-2-carboxylic acid
(BMK glycidic acid)
2918 99 90​
Methyl alpha-phenylacetoacetate (MAPA)
2918 30 00​
Ethyl alpha-phenylacetoacetate (EAPA)
2918 30 00​
Methyl 3-oxo-2-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl) butanoate (MAMDPA)
2932 99 00​
Diethyl(phenylacetyl)propanedioate (DEPAPD)
2918 30 00​
Ethyl 3-(2H-1,3-benzdioxol-5-yl)-2methoxyran-2-carboxylate (PMK
ethyl glycidate)
2932 99 00​
N-phenylpiperidin-4-amine (4-AP)
2933 39 99​
tert-Butyl-4-anilinopiperidine-1carboxylate (1-boc-4-AP)
2933 39 99​
N-phenyl-N-(piperidin-4-yl)propanamide (norfentanil)
2933 39 99​

Category 2 - chemicals from which category 1 precursors are made, and some of them are used as the main precursor for the production of narcotic and psychotropic substances.

HS Name (if differs)
HS Code
CAS number
Acetic anhydride
2915 24 00​
Red phosphorus
2804 70 00​
Anthranilic acid
2922 43 00​
Phenylacetic acid
2916 34 00​
Potassium permanganate
2841 61 00​
2933 32 00​

Category 3 - chemicals that are very widely used in industry (acids, solvents, etc.)

HS Name (if differs)
HS Code
CAS number
2914 11 00​
Hydrochloric acidHydrogen chloride
2806 10 00​
Ethyl etherDiethyl ether
2909 11 00​
Methyl ethyl ketoneButanone
2914 12 00​
2807 00 00​
2902 30 00​

Category 4 - Medicines and veterinary medicinal products containing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine and their salts.

HS Name (if differs))
CAS number
Medicinal products and veterinary medicinal products containing ephedrine or its saltsContains ephedrine or its salts
41 00​
Medicinal products and veterinary medicinal products containing pseudoephedrine or its saltsContains pseudoephedrine (INN) or its salts
42 00​

Precursors that are under the 1 Category can only be obtained in the black market due to these substances being so strictly regulated. These are often obtained from Belarus or Russia, where chemical industry thrives and there is a wide range of precursors to be chosen from. Due to more thriving corruption in those countries, it is easier to bribe salesmen in chemical manufacture sector in order to evade a need for a specific permit required for purchase of controlled precursors. Another way of obtaining 1 Category precursors is on the dark net (usual drug markets that are the most trusted, popular and operational at any specific time as it is know that these dark net markets often get taken down, exit scam and otherwise are unstable). Websites of Chinese chemical manufacturers, both on clear and dark net, are also sometimes used to purchase these. However, long delivery times, lax stealth precautions taken by Chinese senders and local customs officer’s awareness of what kind of prohibited items often come from China makes this option less desirable.
Precursors under 2, 3 and 4 Category can be purchased locally from chemical manufacturers in Lithuania, open air markets like for example, Gariūnai[14] Market in or Kalvarijų Market[15] in Vilnius. Hardware, construction material and gardening supermarkets (these are usually quite big and have a wide variety of goods for sale including various chemicals). Best ones are DEPO[16], Senukai[17] and to a lesser extent, Moki-Veži[18].

Statistics: arrests, cases, confiscated drugs and precursors

Lithuanian Narcotics Tobacco Alcohol Department of Control (NTAKD) is responsible for publishing a review paper every year. Data is usually missing for the year the paper was published on, and new paper for 2024 has not been published yet, so there is a lack of information for 2024 and 2023. The department collects its data from Lithuanian Police, Courts, Customs and other relevant law enforcement agencies, as well as health services regarding harm reduction such as treatment from addiction, etc.

Criminal Activity202020212022
Art. 199 Smuggling/contraband227985
Art. 259 Possession without intent to supply2 20624482431
Art. 260 Possession with intent to supply674748579
Art. 260 pt.3 of which were Intent to supply in very large amounts 81158103
Art. 261 Intent to supply for minors221225
Art. 262 Production of devices for drug manufacture121
Art. 264 Persuasion or encouragement of drug use14128
Art. 265 Illegal cannabis or opium poppy cultivation112013
Art. 266 Illegal possession of 1 Category Precursors41512
According to the data of the Department of Informatics and Communications, in year 2022, 3,165 criminal cases related to smuggling, illegal possession, intent to supply etc., of drugs (Art. 199 pt. 4, Art. 259-266 of the Criminal Code) were registered in Lithuania. These cases accounted for 6.9% of the total of registered criminal acts in 2022 (according to the data of the State Data Agency, in 2022, in Lithuania a total 45,710 criminal acts were registered).[19] Illicit possession of drugs without the intent to supply them, among the criminal acts related to the illegal possession of drugs, accounted for 76.8%. In 2022 there was an increase of cases of smuggling and the downward trend of drug distribution to minors has changed.
According to the data of the Lithuanian Criminal Police Office, illegal narcotics and psychotropic drugs market and trends in Lithuania remain stable and largely unchanged. Type of narcotics and the countries of destination for smuggling of psychotropic substances are usually the United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia. Narcotic substances enter Lithuania not only through the usual transport by land, sea and air, but also using postal or courier services. Most of the shipments that contain narcotics and psychotropic substances arrive in Lithuania from European countries, and more than half of all shipments to Lithuania are sent from the Netherlands.

Cannabis is the most popular narcotic substance in Lithuania, which is usually smuggled/imported from Spain and the Netherlands. Small-scale cannabis cultivation is organized and carried out in Lithuania under artificial conditions, although the number of cultivation sites is decreasing. in 2022, 219.5 kg of cannabis were confiscated.
Amount of illegal drugs confiscated:

XiUdNy0R8Q [20]

As in previous years, in 2022 amphetamine-type stimulants remain among the most popular (I would say amphetamines are the second most popular drug, amphetamine being the most popular after cannabis, followed by MDMA/ecstasy and then methamphetamine) in Lithuania. in 2022, significantly larger amounts of amphetamine and MDMA/ecstasy were taken out of black market than in previous years. In Lithuania, there are production operations of amphetamine and methamphetamine, but on a relatively small scale. The most common destination countries for Lithuanian produced amphetamines are the United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia.
Amount of amphetamines confiscated (in kilograms):


The largest quantities of cocaine intercepted in Lithuania are related to smuggling, transported by land, sea and transit by roads. In 2022, a total of 22.7 kg of cocaine was confiscated in Lithuania. Cocaine is brought to Lithuania from South American or EU countries (Spain, the Netherlands), and the destination countries are mostly Scandinavian countries, the United Kingdom and Russia.
Amount of cocaine confiscated (in kilograms):

8AJlWfYkzR [21]

In Lithuania, the main trends of heroin consumption have been changing for some time, as it is noticeable that heroin is being replaced by carfentanyl. in 2022, a smaller amount of heroin was confiscated in Lithuania than in 2021. in 2022, there were 44 cases involving heroin confiscation and 255 cases involving carfentanyl.
Amount of heroin confiscated (in kilograms):

PW6qbeT1nx [22]

New Psychoactive Substances (NPS)

New Psychoactive Substances is a term used to describe designer drugs of ever increasing popularity. While there are no extensive data on specifics of certain NPS’s taken out of the black market (for now NPS’s are categorized by a group rather than a specific substance), however, there is some data by which one can make conclusions that these substances are increasing in popularity, and from my personal experience I can say that this is the case. NPS’s are such substances as follows: 3-CMC, 3-MMC, 4-MMC, 4-CMC, ketamine, GBH. They mainly arrive from India and China, but it is noticeable that their production is also increasing in Europe. Increased availability is observed in the Baltic States associated with synthetic opioids, especially carfentanyl and benzimidazole-type opioids (e.g. isotonitazene, protonitazene, metonitazene). Most seizures of synthetic opioids were found in the northern part of Europe, in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, which recorded 97% of all confiscation cases and 86% (7.1 kilograms) of the confiscated quantity. In Lithuania, it has been observed for several years that heroin is being replaced by the synthetic opioid carfentanyl, of which arrests increased in recent years (151 cases in 2021, 255 cases in 2022).[23]
According to the data of the Lithuanian Criminal Police, in 2022 synthetic cannabinoids that are distributed as substitutes for cannabis, it is the most common NPS that which is being taken out of black market. Compared to 2021 (7.5 kg), the amount of seized synthetic cannabinoids in 2022 remains similar - 7.4 kg, however the amount of confiscated carfentanyl increased significantly - from 0.7 kg in 2021 up to 6.5 kg in 2022.
Amounts of NPS confiscated (in kilograms); ‘’kitų grupių NPS‘‘ – other groups of NPS:

NjKP39AXx5 [24]

Like every year, the variety of seized synthetic cannabinoids in Lithuania changes every year. In 2021, synthetic cannabinoid market was dominated by MDMB-4en-PINACA (most often and in the largest quantities confiscated synthetic cannabinoid), and in 2022 – ADB-BUTINACA.
Number of cases of NPS detected in confiscated illegal drugs:

JFZE2niY3q [25]

Use of most common illegal drugs in Lithuania

Lithuanian Narcotics Tobacco Alcohol Department of Control (NTAKD) is relying on data from their previous research paper released in 2022 in regards with drug use within the population of Lithuania. There is no reliable data at the moment of this paper being written, so we will have to rely on data and numbers published up to the year of 2021.
In 2021, prevalence of illegal drug use in the general population, according to the research commissioned by NTAKD, 14.1% of the Lithuanian population aged between 15-64, used illegal drugs at least once in their lifetime. 4.5% of the population claimed to have used illegal drugs in the last 12 months, and 1.6% in the last 30 days. Compared with the previous year's survey data, the consumption of illegal substances in Lithuania increased from 11.5% in 2016 to 14.1% in 2021, with consumption increasing over the last 12 months from 3.1% to 4.5%. Other than cannabis, Lithuanian residents who have used illegal drugs at least once in their life share increased from 2.8% in 2016 to 4.7% in 2021.

Left - those that had used at least once in a lifetime, right - once in the last 12 months (m. – years) :

5i4bopFjNr [26]

Use of illegal drugs within different age groups; top – once in a lifetime, bottom – once in last 12 months:

0OJMYaPRrD [27]

Use of cannabis

The prevalence of cannabis use in Lithuania is twice as low as the European average. In 2021, 8.8% of 15-34 year-old Lithuanians used cannabis at least once in the last 12 months. Between the ages of 15-64 year-olds, 13.7% of the population stated that they had used cannabis at least once in their lifetime, 4.3% had used it at least once in the last 12 months and 1.5% at least once in the last 30 days.
Cannabis consumption in Lithuania’s population, at least once in the last 12 months, between the age group of 15-34 year-olds increased from 6% in 2016 to 8.8% in 2021. Age group of 15-64 year-olds that had used cannabis at least once in their lifetime had also increased: from 10.8% in 2016 to 13.7% in 2021.[28]

Use of cannabis between 15-64 year-olds. 1 out of 14 women; 1 out of 5 men:

HMfpWtusVY [29]

Use of cocaine

Use of cocaine in Lithuania has become more common in the last few years due to availability of it on the dark net, however due to its relatively high price and often lack of steady street level supply it has not yet taken root in the local drug scene. As I mentioned in arrests statistics section previously, cocaine that is intercepted in Lithuania is most usually bound to other countries such as Scandinavia and Russia. Small amount settles locally for sale in Lithuania, but again, these are more of an opportunistic cases; street dealers that do sell cocaine most usually would obtain cocaine from various dark net markets that are most trusted and operational at that time (often by finding them on a forum like Dread). Most often it is being cut with pretty much anything: from paracetamol and glucose to benzocaine and lidocaine. From my personal experience, only on rare instances could there be cocaine found of good quality and reasonable price. For these reasons, cocaine users often would simply obtain their user amounts or somewhat bigger amounts to last longer directly from European dark net markets in order to gain good product for a good price. Cathinones, such as 3-MMC, 4-MMC, and others, are most often more reliable choice due to affordability, ease of obtaining the drug and its reasonably high purity.
As opposed to 2,4% of total EU citizens of same age group In 2021, a much smaller proportion of Lithuanians - 0.8% of 15-34 year-olds indicated having used cocaine at least once in the last 12 months. At least 1.8% of 15-64 year-old respondents used it at least once in their lifetime. Per last 12 months - 0.6%, per last 30 days - 0.4%[30] Crack cocaine use, if anything, is of anecdotal instances level and its use is almost unheard of.

Use of MDMA/ecstasy

MDMA and ecstasy, like amphetamines, is seemingly being favored over by New Psychoactive Substances, more accurately, by a whole group of cathinones such as 3-CMC, 3-MMC, 4-MMC, 4-CMC and so on. However, MDMA and ecstasy are still quite popular in Lithuania’s drug scene. According to official statistics published by NTAKD, MDMA/ecstasy is more common amongst users than amphetamine, which is hard to believe from a firsthand point of view of observing the drug scene and market for over 15 years. This is only personal opinion and I will rely on official statistics, but I will, in some instances, add my opinion and only state it as such – only personal opinion.
In 2021, 0.8% of 15-34 year-old age population indicated having taken MDMA/ecstasy at least once in the last 12 months. 1,8% of 15-64 year-old age group took MDMA/ecstasy at least once in their lifetime, during the last 12 months - 0.4%, during the last 30 days - 0.1% of the said age group of the population.[31]
in 2022, in Lithuania like in the rest of Europe, there has been an increase in counterfeiting of MDMA products. When MDMA is included in the tablets (ecstasy), synthetic cathinones are often found. Although the overall extent of such cases is unknown, 4-CMC, 3-MMC, 4-MMC and others were found in ecstasy tablets, MDMA crystals and powder. Ecstasy pills are also often found with added MDA, PMA and other phenethylamines.

Use of amphetamine/methamphetamine

Although official law enforcement and other relative agencies publish statistics which state that MDMA type drugs and even cocaine is statistically more popular than amphetamines, from real life observations of well over a decade makes these numbers hard to believe in. Without a doubt, NPS’s such as cathinones are becoming ever more affordable, common and popular, and I would arguably admit that they are now more popular than amphetamine, let alone methamphetamine, but I find it hard to believe that they are less popular and less used than cocaine.
From my observations, amphetamine is now more popular of a choice for people in the age group of 30 year olds and above, as still few years ago cathinones were far less available and know than they are now. *****er generation seemingly prefers cathinones, where older generation is holding on to their preference of amphetamines which, from mid 1990’s up until early 2010’s were almost the only option for users with a preference for stimulants. Until 2010 or so, local production of amphetamine/methamphetamine was on much higher scale which was capable to fulfill the needs of local demand and to some extent, demand in the UK, Scandinavian countries, Belarus and Russia. Due to crackdown of law enforcement on organized crime in 2000’s and early 2010’s, scale of amphetamines production has dropped severely and is often not capable to supply even the local demand. However, some labs sometimes are established with a sole purpose of export, or supply of a certain area, usually locally. Example of local operation of manufacture of amphetamines in large amounts that was capable to supply Scandinavian countries and local demand:


Such cases are rare and law enforcement usually cooperates with their colleagues in other countries. These cases, in order to be finished successfully for the law enforcement usually take years, and are being seen rarer and rarer, whereas in 2000’s and early 2010’s such cases were somewhat common.
Due to such prevalence of amphetamines in Lithuanian society, it is hard to believe some official statistics which state that amphetamine use is less common than cocaine use. It is understandable that due to the rise of NPS, amphetamine’s popularity is decreasing, but in my opinion - not in such dramatic tempo.
According to the latest official data published by NTAKD, 1.4% of the population in the age group of 15-64 year-olds used amphetamine/methamphetamine at least once in their life, in the last 12 months - 0.2%, in the last 30 days - 0.1%.[32]
Use of drugs other than cannabis at least once in a lifetime within age group of 15-64 year-olds:

SEU2lQwamv [33]

Use and sale of amphetamines in Lithuania remains common in local drug scene. Due to its availability, low cost in comparison with cathinones and cocaine, amphetamines remain as a lucrative choice for dealers due to ease of obtaining the drug from Germany or the Netherlands from dark net markets, ever coming-back customers and huge profit margin that can be made.

Use of opioids

Opioids have been used in Lithuania since Soviet times. Due to strict laws and authoritarian society, choice of drugs was very limited. So, homemade drugs like opium were manufactured in very small amounts for personal use or in rarer cases, sale. After restoration of Independence in 1990 and during the rest of the decade, locally made opiates were more widespread than imported ones like heroin. Nowadays, homemade opiates are extremely rare, as those, who practiced manufacturing and use of such drugs have had either died by our time or in lesser cases, stopped using all together. By the turn of new millennium, imported heroin replaced homemade opiates and the situation remade more or less stable until early 2010’s, when more and more increasingly, synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, carfentanyl and their analogues started replacing heroin. In the last few years, NPS’s like benzimidazole-type opioids are becoming more prevalent in opioid-user circles. Heroin is much harder to find and is always much more expensive than new fully synthetic opioids, and even if heroin is obtained, there is no guarantee that it will be fentanyl-fentalogue free.
With the availability of heroin becoming scarce since early 2010’s, its use has been slowly decreasing, and new users are not keen to start using opioids by first going for something like NPS opioids that have a very negative image within local drug scene and society in general.
Use of most common drugs (heroin in purple line) in population within age group of 15-64 years old (percentage):

EkVfA91czb [34]

Latest NTAKD research states that 0,4% of 15-64 year-olds have used heroin at least once in a lifetime.[35]
According to Republican Centre for Addiction Treatment (RPLC), there are about 9,000 high-risk opioid users in Lithuania.[36]

Use of LSD/hallucinogenic mushrooms

In 2021, 0.3% age group of 15-34 year-olds reported using LSD in the last 12 months, and hallucinogenic mushrooms - 0.4% of the same age group.
Use of both of these substances is constantly increasing since 2010, however, it is not widespread nor common. These drugs, especially if used at least occasionally, are rather niche substances for specific demographic, like ***** people who attend music festivals, the creative and artistic types, like trans and psy music producers and fans.

New Psychoactive Substances

New Psychoactive Substances is a term used by our local and other EU law enforcement agencies to categorize, or describe, mainly research chemicals and substances that appeared on the drug markets not long ago and there is not that much information and research done in regards to them.
Most common of these in Lithuania just like elsewhere are synthetic cannabinoids, cathinones and opioids like fentanyl, carfentanyl and their analogues, and more recently, benzimidazole-type opioids.
I have seen NTAKD sometimes referring to ketamine and GBL/GBH as New Psychoactive Substances.
Most commonly detected NPS’s in Lithuania:

Qud64fa2MN [37]

Among all the new psychoactive substances, synthetic cannabinoids (e.g. Spice, MDMB-CHMICA, AB-CHMINACA, ADB-FUBINACA) account for the largest market share of illicit narcotic and psychotropic substances in Lithuania. Mostly sold as legal substitutes for cannabis in herbal mixtures that have been treated with these substances (like spraying or drenching tobacco or other herbal mixture with/in a mixture of synthetic cannabinoids and some kind of solvent, usually IPA) and are also found in powder form (most usually sold as wholesale for dealers to treat their own herbal mixtures as they wish and then distribute them in small amounts for street users).
Another trend regarding synthetic cannabinoids is ever increasing sale of locally made mixtures of vape liquid (or simply propylene glycol or just glycerin and vape juice flavor added to the mixture) and whatever synthetic cannabinoid is affordable, accessible or most popular at any given time. These mixtures are locally called ‘’smailai”, ‘’smailikai’’, ‘’smile’’ (eng. smile), and are most popular with really ***** users, *****agers of pre-adult age.
Synthetic cannabinoids are also very popular in Lithuanian prison system. There, they are sold as tobacco soaked in a mixture of diluted synthetic cannabinoid powder and solvent, already mentioned vape juice-type, and very often, sheets of paper (usually sheets of notebook for maths is used as it is easy to tear up the rectangles as doses) soaked or sprayed with already said mixture.

Synthetic cathinones (mephedrone, alpha-PVP, 3-MMC, 3-CMC ect.) are second in popularity. These are substances that are similar to the plant Catha Edulis active psychoactive substance cathinone. These substances are often marketed as legal stimulants such as substitutes for amphetamine, MDMA and cocaine on legal online stores usually based in the Netherlands. As the European law regarding these NPS’s is constantly becoming more and more restrictive and widespread, substances that gained popularity and got covered by either a local or global law and as a consequence got banned from these legal Dutch online stores, they then move to dark net markets where most popular ones like 4-MMC, 3-MMC, NEP (at the time of writing this paper most of Dutch online stores still legally sell NEP) and 3-CMC is widely available. They are mostly distributed in the form of powder, crystals, and in rarer instances, pills.
This group of NPS, cathinones, are becoming more and more popular in Lithuanian drug scene with every passing year and with time they are pushing out such locally beloved and widely used drugs like amphetamine/methamphetamine, MDMA and even cocaine, which to this day even hadn’t had a chance to root itself in the local drug scene. Age of users is getting lower which is a big concern (I personally don’t think school age *****ren should be using such drugs but then again this is my humble opinion). Also, more females and users that in the past would hardly fit the regular street type user of even party drugs stereotype are more willing to use cathinones due to their very recent legal past, little to none association with drugs that can be injected like amphetamines. And due to the fact that these drugs only appeared on our drug market very recently, they are mostly used by *****agers and ***** adults that have little to no relation to gloomy days of drug scene of 2000’s and early 2010’s. These drugs, cathinones, are becoming more prevalent on Telegram groups where users can buy their product without having to actually physically meet the dealer and alleged or perceived safety in purchasing drugs in such way sometimes plays a role in making these substances more attractive to groups of people that previously would not be considered as your potential drug user – all these factors make it more desirable for the *****, females and persons of self-prescribed, ‘’higher’’, imaginary social status.

Fully synthetic opioids – like carfentanyl, fentanyl, their analogues and more recently, benzimidazole-type opioids. These NPS’s by now nearly pushed out heroin out of Lithuanian drug market completely or at least, dominates local opioid scene, with carfentanyl leading the way.
Number of heroin and carfentanyl samples examined by state laboratories, 2022:

Z6etc3n9Td [38]

Characterization of Illicit Drug Business in Lithuania

While there is no local dark net or other local, Lithuanian based/orientated drug marketplaces such as your typical dark net markets that typically can be found on Dread forums, still, some drug dealing occurs online, mainly on Telegram channels. This is relatively a very recent phenomena which still is yet to take root in our local drug scene, but their popularity is increasing. While the traffic of these Telegram channels cannot be counted somehow like it could be if these would be websites, one can make conclusions by looking at the number of subscribers to each channel. However, this still not does indicate how many people actually use these platforms to buy drugs regularly, as large majority of people that are subscribed rarely actually use services that those channels provide.
The way these channels operate is very similar to how they operate in Russia and Ukraine, and it seems like it was almost ‘’copy-pasted’’ by local ***** aspiring dealers with little to none experience in classic type of street drug dealing, often to avoid direct contact with customers due to robberies of ***** drug dealers happening way more often than it would happen with older, street wise dealers.
Going further, I will be including more of my personal, first-hand experience based opinion and knowledge along with links to NTAKD and other law enforcement and media references where possible as I did previously. One must understand that Lithuania is a small country, of 2.9 million inhabitants, with 600 000 of them living in the capital city Vilnius alone. Only recently, law enforcement and other official state institutions started to pay adequate attention to drugs in general, and this is the reason why statistics for some matters are not always completed consistently (hence the lack of data for the year of 2023, from what I understood NTAKD will publish their research in November of 2024 with data for 2023). Drug trends that had taken root in Western European countries now for over a decade, such as online based drug dealing services, drug forums, websites to share experience and bond with other users or dealers – these things always arrive to Lithuania much latter, and changes in tendencies and trends also tend to happen slower. Again, due to the lack of coverage of some attributes of drug scene of Lithuania I will have to use my own experience, knowledge and first-hand accounts to explain and elaborate on matters where possible. I also would like to note that I am involved with drugs from the age of 14, all the way back in 2007, and had witnessed all the changes in drug use and drug dealing happening in this country. I have been jailed for it, not once. I do not want to elaborate deeper on my personal matters but I feel like it is important to address this in order for the reader to understand why more of personal opinion and accounts may be used when regarding certain topics.

Telegram channels: a new and developing phenomena

While using messaging apps instead of phone calls and SMS to interact with customers is absolutely nothing new here, Telegram channels that are created for sole purpose to set up shop online is relatively new and is still taking root here. These Telegram groups can either be organized by a group of individuals that have been dealing drugs in a classic way (let’s call old school, hand to hand, street dealing ‘’classic way’’), or a single person that obtained certain substances on the dark net and decides to sell them using this method.
How it usually works: prior to Telegram groups, there was a very popular messaging app that almost every *****er drug user or dealer had – Wickr. With time, person accumulates a number of contacts that are saved in his chat logs. Groups for a number of users could be created, where one could post an advertisement for his product, nothing fancy, simply stating what drug is for sale. Users would post asking about who has drugs available to sell or help obtain. As Wickr is not available anymore I cannot provide samples, but it is irrelevant anyways as it is not being used anymore. Most Telegram channel admins imported their Wickr era contacts and contacts from real life and from personal relationships. This is how the base of customers, as a foundation, is usually formed. Channels average from dozens to a couple of thousands of subscribers, but this is not an accurate indicator of their actual traffic, because, as mentioned before, most subscribers do not actually buy anything and just lurk in the background.
These channels mainly sell cannabis, cathinones and to lesser extent, cocaine, MDMA and hash. Their bestsellers seem to be 3-CMC and various strains of cannabis.

Examples of some of the more popular and bigger channels:


Uzzu-dreams: https://t.me/uzzudreams 2085 members
Vice City|Rockstar: https://t.me/ViceCityLT 1399 members
Drugs Parkas: https://t.me/dugspark 711 members
Los Market: https://t.me/LosMarketShop 2458 members

These channels, like any others, sell small, user amounts of cathinones, usually 3-CMC, and cannabis, whatever strains they have or can obtain at any given time. Payment is made by crypto. Once payment is made, buyer is provided with location (coordinates and photographic indication) where purchased drugs are hidden. These are usually places in parks, bus stops, underpasses, yards of social housing buildings and basically any other location one can think of.

Delivery services

Some operators do practice delivery option, but this is not always available and depends on the location of the customer, willingness of the dealer to actually interact with their customers face to face and so on. Delivery usually is additional 5-15-20eu, depending on the location, but it is usually 5-10eu on top of the cost of the actual product. There are no some exclusive services that do orientate only towards delivering drugs, this solely depends on the willingness and ability (ownership of a vehicle for example) of the dealer to make deliveries. Classic dealers that sell on the street, if you will, also can offer such delivery services for additional price, but usually the buyer will have to get to the location given by the dealer, and this is how it usually works. Classic dealers usually will charge 10-20eu for delivery, but then again, it all depends on how much a person is buying (larger amounts can be delivered for free) and on how far the dealer would have to drive to deliver the drugs.

Knowledge of existing Telegram channels usually is spread from user to user, or customers that the dealer knows and personally adds them to their channels individually. Online advertising is not common as there are no local online drug forums or websites that could host such activities. Once a person joins Telegram channel that sells drugs, he or she may find advertisements of other dealers in that same channel (usually a friend or a colleague of the administrator of host channel) who sell other drugs, or same drugs, but in a different area.

Example of Vice City|Rockstar advertising another channel, Los Market:


Advertisement is sometimes conducted by using stencils, or simply spray painting the name of Telegram channel’s name. However, I have only seen these two examples recently and this type of advertisement is not common:


Snapchat is also used to sell drugs online, however, Snapchat is used more as a messaging service rather as some sort of virtual store. It is used by classic street dealers, who add their customers individually to their contact lists, and message them individually with their menu and prices, often in photograph format. Due to safety reasons, posting of pictures of product for sale with prices and description in captions as ‘’stories’’ option on Snapchat is rare.

Example of advertisement sent individually to a customer on Snapchat:


Prices of most popular drugs sold on Telegram

Prices of drugs in local drug scene is not set in stone and vary greatly and are set individually by every dealer nowadays, since drug market became much more independent and unorganized. However, most prices for popular drugs such as cathinones and cannabis, when sold in user amounts on Telegram, are fairly consistent.
Approximate prices of most popular drugs sold on Telegram (user amounts)*:

3-CMC/3-MMC1g – 35eu2g – 60eu5g – 110-140eu10g – 180-240eu
Cannabis1g – 15eu2g – 30-35eu6g – 80-90eu10g – 110-130eu
Ecstasy pills1pc. – 10eu2pcs. – 15-20eu5pcs. – 40-50eu10pcs. – 70-90eu
Magic mushrooms2.5g – 35eu5g – 60eu10g – 100-110eu15g – 120-130eu
Cocaine1g – 90-110eu2g – 180-200eu5g – 450-500eu10g – 900-950eu
Amphetamine1g – 15eu5g – 50-70eu10g – 90-120eu20g – 170-200eu


Approximate prices of most popular drugs sold on Telegram (larger amounts):

3-CMC/3-MMC50g – 500eu100g – 900eu200g – 1600eu500g – 3000eu
Cannabis50g – 420eu100g – 750eu200g – 1300eu300g – 2000eu
Ecstasy pills50 – 300eu100 – 500eu500 – 900eu1000 – 1700eu
Magic mushrooms50g- 280eu100g – 500eu200g – 950euN/A
Amphetamine50g – 350eu100g – 600eu200g – 900eu1kg – 2500eu

*Please note that the prices are approximate and they vary quite widely. They vary from dealer to dealer, especially prices of large amounts. Because the whole market is very unstable and is not under some control or regulation by organized crime like it was during the 1990’s to 2010, prices can be set as seen fit, so please take this as what it is; an estimate (based on prices stated on Telegram groups and on 15 years of my personal experience).

Classic drug dealing: street dealing characteristics; users and locations

As online drug dealing in Telegram channels is rising, classic drug dealing on the street is still what dominates the drug trade. Due to perceived anonymity and safety of phone or computer screen presented by online drug trade, I believe this will eventually change, especially due to the fact that users are getting *****er and *****er. Nonetheless, this phenomena is still yet to take first place and street dealers still dominate Lithuanian drug supply. Older generation is not especially tech-friendly (even with such common and simple things like installing and using some messaging app). I aware of instances when people drove 100km from Kaunas to Vilnius in order to buy 3g of 4-MMC, just because in Kaunas these older people simply could not find 4-MMC sold hand-to-hand, paid for in cash that day. And I see this quite often. Registering on crypto exchanges, buying crypto just for the sake of obtaining small user amounts of drugs, then going to look for those drugs in a park, dark underpass or in any other public area and getting your hands dirty while the public is onlooking is not something your typical 30+ year-old here would like to do – and usually they don’t, unless they are some hardcore-type users.

Drugs sold on the street are pretty much the same as the ones sold on Telegram channels, with the exception of opioids, wider availability of amphetamines (especially locally manufactured ones) and niche drugs that are not very widely consumed in local drug scene, such as ketamine, LSD, benzodiazepines, methadone and others. This is not to say it is impossible to obtain all of the above on Telegram – it is simply more common to find these drugs from the hands of street dealers.

Street dealers nowadays acquire their drugs by either importing them by themselves from dark net markets from Western European countries in any amount that is affordable at that time and re-sell it to existing contacts or friends in their neighborhood, or buy them from other local dealers who had imported the drugs themselves from same dark net markets of Europe, trafficked them by car from Poland, Germany or the Netherlands, or obtained them from local manufacturers. Local amphetamine manufacture, according to NTAKD, is of relatively small scale and as I mentioned above, it is more often oriented towards export to Scandinavian countries, Russia and United Kingdom [39].
Drugs obtained from European dark net marketplaces (usually amphetamine, hashish, cannabis, MDMA/ecstasy, cocaine and cathinones), in the amounts of anything from 20-50g or 50-100 pills to 100’s of grams to kilograms and 1000’s of pills, are then most often offered to already existing customer base for a retail price. As mentioned before, there is no set retail price. Same dealer can offer same amount of same drug for completely different price to different people. If there is a consistent relationship between retail supplier and street dealer, then the price is negotiated and is usually agreed upon and stays the same. It really depends on the person importing the drug; the closer the end of supply chain, the more consistent prices are (for small user amounts). Ease of availability and access to drugs on the dark net made local drug business very unorganized and almost fully independent (unlike in Russia, for example, where drug market, quality of drugs themselves and service that drug dealers provide is strictly controlled by organized crime). Since around 2010, law enforcement strongly affected organized crime’s control of the actual drug trade (prices, services provided and even quality of drugs).

Opioid market is much more organized and monopolized, traditionally controlled and dominated by local gypsy ethnic minorities. Since early 1990’s they manufactured opium from harvested poppy plants until eventually they moved on to selling heroin, and now for the several years, mainly carfentanyl. This is probably the most organized and controlled section of local drug market in Lithuania. Opioids are mainly sold in Vilnius and Kaunas, two main cities in Lithuania, with lesser availability in surrounding towns and also port city, Klaipėda. Since the rise of fentanyl and carfentanyl and their analogues, opioid scene has become more niche and this is why it became more centralized, not as widespread as it was when heroin was far more available.
These new opioids are usually cut heavily in order to replicate similar user amount doses to what heroin doses looked like in the past. For example, one 6eu bag of any kind of new opioid will be something close to 100mg of substance, which is usually cut with glucose.
Gypsies usually distribute drugs using their family ties and business in large part stays within the family, with women being the ones responsible for the business as in their culture, women are responsible for financial income and most chores. They can employ a non-gypsy person, most usually an addict, to deliver small user amounts to customers, drive the dealer around town as a personal driver, use them for safer drug storage as gypsies involved in drug trade are most often under some level of police interest or surveillance.
To generalize, opioid trade in Lithuania has been dominated by gypsies for decades now (aside from heroin trade but as mentioned before it is more sporadic, rare and make no competition to synthetic opioid dealers) and is usually never contested by outsiders. Although, availability of pharmaceutical opioids such as oxycodone on dark net marketplaces may change that on small scale, as nowadays there is a small number of people that have an interest in all things pharmaceutical (benzodiazepines, mainly pressed Xanax bars and oxycodone) and some use this as an opportunity. Although, this comprises no competition to gypsy dominated opioid trade, and people who use pharmaceuticals are not typical opioid users and are mainly experimenting with these substances.

Small scale Telegram channel selling oxycodone, prices stated below:

opi-shop/info: https://t.me/opishopp


Drugs are being sold in every city and town, and nowadays it is not uncommon to find small time drug dealers in villages. However, both drug usage and sale is mainly a city thing. Traditionally capital city Vilnius, second biggest city Kaunas, and port city Klaipėda have been known for being main places to acquire and sell drugs. Šiauliai and Panevėžys are 4th and 5th largest cities, but on European scale these are towns with population of just under 100 000 inhabitants and traditionally had lesser availability of drugs and prices there can be higher as local dealers can increase them as they wish due to lack of demand and need of transportation of drugs from 3 main, biggest cities (unless local dealers import their own drugs directly from European dark net marketplaces).
In 2022 a total of 2471 persons were implemented as having committed criminal acts related to illegal possession of drugs. 897 were registered in Vilnius, 485 in Kaunas (two largest cities in Lithuania) and 188 in Šiauliai (4th city in Lithuania)[40]. This suggests that 2/3rd of all of these cases happened in three out of 5 main cities in Lithuania, further suggesting that these are the areas where drug use is most prevalent.Private parties, followed by use at home in privacy or with friends followed by nightclubs and music festivals are the most common places to use drugs according to survey conducted in 2022. I personally do agree with this (as this is somewhat obvious). However, ever rising use of NPS substances, especially cathinones, can ever increasingly be obsvered to be used by people chronically, as in daily or whenever financial situation allows it. There was a similar tendency with synthetic cannabinoids, but due to the rise of cathinones, I hear of and observe chronic and common use of synthetic cannabinoids much less often (it stays as popular as it was in prisons). The majority of the study participants indicated that they used drugs mostly at parties organized with friends (77.2%) or in a quiet environment with friends or by themselves (51.1%). 40.2% of respondents stated that they use drugs at night entertainment venues/clubs, and 35.9% at music festivals.
Places, where those, who had used any kind of drugs, tend to use drugs (1. House parties 2. Peaceful setting with friends 3.Nightclubs, bars 4.Music festivals 5.Nature 6.On visits abroad 7.Casinos, gambling venues 8.Alone, at home):

7SNYmpRaZk [41]

Use of drugs between the age group of 15-64 year-olds, 2021 data (right – one during lifetime; left – last 12 months):

Xp7hPHoyqz [42]

I would like to state that there are no official statistics on this, the state and NKATD only provides a profile of drug users only by categorizing them by ***** and age, so I will have to lean on my own personal experience. I have used various drugs, from opioids and benzodiazepines to LSD and cannabis, and have seen changes in trends and societal changes during my experience in this field since 2007.

The average drug user nowadays is sort of hard to categorize into one frame; with drugs becoming ever more popular, and user age ever dropping, and with the accessibility of drugs online, drug users are not a generalized, stereotypical social caste as it was just 10 or 15 years ago. However, there are specifics, especially for those who tend to use a specific group of drugs or a specific drug.
Opioid users are probably very similar worldwide. In Lithuania, especially in capital city Vilnius and port Klaipėda, traditionally people of ethnic Russian minority were those composing the majority of drug users – but it obviously is not exclusive to them. Opioid users nowadays are mostly of 30+ years-old, often have either done time in prison or have trouble with the law. They can be seen in public, drinking cheap alcohol (it seems that most of them have a double addiction, to opioids and alcohol, sometimes followed by the use of gabapentinoids or benzodiazepines that they get prescribed at drug treatment facilities). Many are on methadone treatment program, especially in Vilnius (capital city is where opioid use is the most widespread and no matter how ‘’dry’’ the market may be for opioids during certain times, opioid users are ever present in Vilnius). They can be seen at central train and bus stations which are always located in the city center, in areas where addiction treatment centers (RPLC) are located (most notorious and stereotypical place for an old school caricature image of an addict place to hang out in Vilnius is called Krasnūcha, Gerosios Vilties street, a neighborhood where RPLC methadone clinic is located since mid 1990’s and to this day anywhere between 10-30 and more addicts can be found on working days where they take their methadone, exchange prescription pills and try to score carfentanyl).
Users of other, more popular drugs are much harder to characterize. Cathinone and amphetamine users are nowadays usually men of 16-35 year-old group, but the use between women is becoming ever more increasing and stimulant use is seemingly as widespread as it is in male population. Stimulants like amphetamines and cathinones are being consumed on weekends, on parties, nightclubs or in a company of friends and these casual users don’t really stand out in general society that much. Drug use is as widespread in working class just as it is in middle class layer of society. I have met people of every walk of life – even police officers, that do use drugs that are the most popular – stimulants and cannabis. Whereas up until 10or 15 years ago, drug use was more confined in what is called ‘’lower layers of society’’ nowadays simply is not the case anymore. These can be *****, attractive ladies that use amphetamine, cannabis or cathinones on weekends, college or university students, ***** professionals – I would say these will be your most common, casual drug users. These people will be more inclined to buy their drugs from Telegram channels, but not exclusively.
More chronic drug use aside from opioids, such as cannabis, amphetamines and cannabis, can be observed amongst people often working unskilled, manual labor jobs, such as construction workers, factory and warehouse operatives and freelance laborers. Their drug use is very often accompanied by chronic alcohol consumption. These people tend to use drugs more often, one could say their use is already an addiction. Long working hours, lack of prosperity or opportunities for self-realization, problematic family life conditions, self imposed isolation from wider society often leaves no other options to relax after work without substances. For these people, it is socially not acceptable to use such services as therapists or to speak out when they have mental problems or just simply are having hard time, and self medicating with drugs and alcohol is usually the only option for vast portion of our society, especially amongst males. This part of drug users usually buy their drugs from street dealers.

Drug dealers

When assessing persons who have committed criminal acts related to the illegal drug trade, slightly more than half (52.6%) belonged to 18-29-year-olds. age group. In total, in 2022, 98 of them were minors, or 4% of all persons that committed such acts related to drug trade:

W1cMDQU5dz [43]

There is a long-term trend that the majority of criminal acts related to the illegal drug trade are conducted by men. in 2022, men made up 91.4% of these persons. Women made up 8.6% (baby blue – male; dark blue – female):

T2kEx6dlKW [44]

Typical street or Telegram dealer is usually a male person between the ages of 18-30 years-old, whereas people that import larger amounts of drugs or partake in wholesale are usually a bit older, I would say in their 20’s and 40’s. Again, there is no detail statistics carried out by the state or NTAKD, so this is an approximate description.
With drug trends constantly changing and evolving, so does the persons that are involved in this trade. With the rise of dark net and disorganization of drug market, long gone are the days when dealers were almost exclusively street wise, somehow to organized crime associated guys. Those who are selling small user amounts and sell on the street or administrate smaller or mediocre Telegram channels are usually users themselves, *****, 18-30 year-old guys. Unlike in the past, let’s say 10 or more years ago, dealers became more opportunistic and most are dealing drugs as if it is their second/passive income (as a side job to their regular jobs) or in order to satisfy their own drug use and if possible make some extra money for other needs. As entry level to drug dealing has dropped from having a need to be considered street wise in order for those supplying you to trust you and work with you like it was prior to dark net days, many dealers get severely discouraged to continue these activities from their first encounter with law enforcement, or they just stop all together. These ***** dealers come and go, they usually haven’t got deep and personal connection with their customers that lacks time and personal relationship, trust and other qualities that can only develop over time and with satisfying services provided by the dealer. The base or foundation on which drug trade holds is people that are in this business since before dark net days, that have established connections within their city and even country, and abroad (connections for obtaining drugs in the Netherlands, Germany or Poland). These are people in their late 20’s to 40’s and 50’s, have extensive experience with the law and often prison system (where even closer and more productive relationships regarding the trade can be formed). These can be either street level dealers that do obtain larger amounts of drugs themselves and serve their own customers themselves, trusting themselves the most, or those that partake mainly in sourcing the drugs and re-selling them to other street dealers or Telegram channel administrators. As mentioned before, most often they will have extensive criminal past, are more restraint in their behavior, are more old fashioned and often are violent individuals.

Ways to purchase cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is purchased in pretty much same ways as in rest of EU. Telegram channels usually use TrustWallet. List of most often used platforms to purchase crypto by drug dealers and users:


Both TrustWallet and Exodus are anonymous, not requiring personal details (ID for example).
There are no existing crypto ATM’s in Lithuania at the moment.
One, fully anonymous method of buying cryptocurrency in bigger amounts which is good for paying for purchases on the dark net when ordering larger amounts of products is to find a person selling/buying cryptocurrency online, like on local advertisement sites where individual people sell used items, anything from cars to mobile phones and offer various services. Contact the individual and negotiate purchase of crypto using hand to hand transaction, paid in cash, with bought cryptocurrency to be transferred directly to a marketplace, thus eliminating any digital trace. This is very important, because law enforcement will be checking for any activities on crypto exchanges and bank transfer history for people accused or arrested for activities linked with drug trafficking and/or drug dealing and even drug use in some cases. While buying and selling crypto in itself is no crime, it can and often will solidify the case against the accused and it will make it harder to prove one’s innocence. There will usually be a commission charge that can be anything from 30eu to anything really. Some sellers only partake in transactions that are above 1000eu and can charge 50eu for commission charge, however it is not difficult to find sellers that will do smaller amounts and what are above 1000eu and can charge 50eu for commission charge, however it is not difficult to find sellers that will do smaller amounts and will charge much less. Facebook groups are also good places to look at for such services. Example of such websites:


Facebook groups:


Street dealers will almost all exclusively only take cash, while Telegram channels will almost exclusively only take crypto, with rare exclusions in smaller Telegram channels, and this option is mostly reserved for long time, trusted customers. Almost every advertisement posted on these Telegram channels always states at the bottom, reminding that they accept only crypto, and if there are any exceptions, that is always stated as well. Examples below (first screen stating an option of cash drops and payments for trusted customers):


List of businesses that sell laboratory equipment and chemical materials

As mentioned before, all precursors that are covered by The Official List of Included Substances (Precursors) and fall into Category 1, can only be acquired on black market. However, many other chemicals required for drug manufacture can be purchased locally in few places locally. These are usually gardening, hardware stores, supermarkets specializing in selling construction material and chemicals such as various acids and solvents. Open air markets often have sections where certain chemicals can be sold along gardening items such as fertilizers etc.




Stores listed above have franchise of stores all across Lithuania (in all major cities) and also can deliver orders when purchased online.
There are also companies that sell specifically chemicals, but purchasing a combination of chemicals or chemicals in larger amounts can cause suspicion, so caution should be practiced. These usually have one physical store in the country (usually their main warehouse close to actual manufacturing premises), but online orders can be made:

Alytaus Chemija:





Open air markets can also be considered for very basic chemical and equipment needs. Most payments there can be made in cash:

Gariūnai open air market in Vilnius:

Kalvarijų open air market in central Vilnius:

Stores where laboratory equipment can be purchased. These are usually big warehouse type stores, often outside the capital or on the outskirts of major cities, but online orders can be placed (some very basic equipment like very few flasks or materials for improvised equipment can also be found in the already above mentioned stores like DEPO, Senukai or Moki-Veži):



Mokslo Technologijos:



Lack of thematic drug forums or online drug communities in Lithuania

At the time of writing this paper, there are no notable online drug forums, communities or websites in Lithuania. There may be very small scale, private Telegram groups that are all private and inaccessible for an outsider. I have been aware of few such Telegram groups, orientated towards research chemicals mainly, but could not find them at this time. They were small communities, even by Lithuanian standards, and mainly consisted of more niche drug users that tend to know each other personally or had built some closer relationships online. Some Telegram channels that sell drugs may have their comment sections open and some very primitive discussions may take place sometimes, but it is not anything worthy of anyone’s interest and is nothing of any concrete substance, topic or informational value-wise.

Lithuanian drug users usually get their information on drugs and news related to them, or partake in discussions related to such topics on Reddit – most cliché and most common subreddits such as r/Drugs, or subreddits dedicated to a specific drug or substance. Another source of information related to drugs and drug use are PsychonautWiki and Tor’s Dread forum.

This is an alley that one could capitalize on, as there is no one centralized, local, Lithuanian-oriented online community that could provide latest news on drugs, information and simultaneously could be a –platform for harm reduction and for exchange of knowledge and experience.

Use of Legal Substances

The only legal drugs in Lithuanian that could be considered as such under this category nowadays are tobacco, alcohol and pharmaceuticals (mainly benzodiazepines). Such intoxication methods as glue/solvent sniffing, if anything, have become extinct. I have not seen or heard about anyone using these toxins to get high for over 20 years now. More so, there is no statistics on use of these inhalants in Lithuania.
Other substances like kratom, and by now most of research chemicals are illegal in Lithuania, and the list of prohibited substances is being updated and expanded constantly. For example, I remember that over a year ago, 1*****-LSD was not included in the list of prohibited substances – now it is banned, along with a long list of other similar lysergenic drugs. Same goes with cathinones, amphetamine derivatives and other research chemicals one usually comes across on Dutch-based RC websites.
Few of most popular research chemical websites in Lithuania:





(with English translation)


1961 Schedule I of the General Convention on Narcotic Drugs

1. Aguonos ir jų dalys (išskyrus sėklas) (Poppy plant (except the seeds).

2. Aguonų ir jų dalių (išskyrus sėklas) ekstraktas ir koncentratas (Extracts and concentrate of poppy (except the seeds)).

3. Kanapių aliejus (Cannabis oil), išskyrus kanapių sėklų aliejų.

4. Kanapių ekstraktai ir tinktūros (Extracts and tinctures of cannabis).

5. Kokainas (Cocaine).

6. Kokamedžio lapai (Coca leaf).

7. Kokamedžio pasta (Coca paste).

8. Opijus (sutirštintos aguonų sultys, gautos bet kokiu būdu) (Opium (coagulated juice of the opium poppy).

9. Puošnioji vožtė ir jos dalys (Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) plant)*.

10. Puošniosios vožtės ir jos dalių ekstraktas (extract of Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) plant

1961 Schedule IV of the General Convention on Narcotic Drugs

1. A-3331 (Brifentanil, Acetamide, N-{(3R,4S)-1-[2-(4-ethyl-5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-1H-tetrazol-1-yl)ethyl]-3-methylpiperidin-4-yl}-N-(2-fluorophenyl)-2-methoxyacetamide)*.

2. A-3665 (Trefentanil, N-{1-[2-(4-ethyl-5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-1H-tetrazol-1-yl)ethyl]-4-phenylpiperidin-4-yl}-N-(2-fluorophenyl)propanamide)*.

21. AP-237 (1-[4-(3-phenylprop-2-en-1-yl)piperazin-1-yl]butan-1-one)*.

22. AP-238 (1-[2,6-dimethyl-4-(3-phenylprop-2-enyl)piperazin-1-yl]propan-1-one)*.

3. 3-alilfentanilis (3-allyl fentanyl, N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)-3-(prop-2-en-1-yl)piperidin-4-yl]propanamide)*.

4. Acetil-alfa-metilfentanilis (Acetyl-alpha-methylfentanyl).

5. Acetilbenzilfentanilis (Acetylbenzylfentanyl, N-(1-benzyl-4-piperidyl)-N-phenyl-acetamide)*.

6. Acetilkarfentanilis (Acetyl carfentanil, methyl 4-[acetyl(phenyl)amino]-1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidine-4-carboxylate)*.

7. Acetilnorfentanilis (Acetylnorfentanyl, N-phenyl-N-(piperidin-4-yl)acetamide)*.

8. Acetorfinas (Acetorphine).

9. Akriloilfentanilis (Acryloylfentanyl/Acrylfentanyl, N-(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-phenylacrylamide)*.

10. Alfa-metilfentanilis (Alpha- methylfentanyl).

11. Alfa-metilfentanil butanamido analogas (Alpha-methylfentanyl butanamide analogue, 2-methyl-N-phenyl-N-[1-(1-phenylpropan-2-yl)piperidin-4-yl]propanamide)*.

12. Alfa-metiltiofentanilis (Alpha-methylthiofentanyl).

13. Benzilfentanilis (Benzylfentanyl, N-phenyl-N-[1-(phenylmethyl)-4-piperidinyl]-propanamide)*.

14. Benzilfuranilfentanilis (Benzylfuranyl fentanyl, Benzyl FuF, N-(1-benzyl-4-piperidyl)-N-phenyl-furan-2-carboxamide)*.

15. Benzodioksole-fentanilis (Benzodioxole-fentanyl, BZD-F, benzodioxole-F, benzodioxolefentanyl, N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]-2H-1,3-benzodioxole-5-carboxamide)*.

16. Benzoilfentanilis (Benzoylfentanyl, N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]benzamide)*.

17. Benzoiloilbenzilfentanilis (Benzoyloylbenzylfentanyl, N-(1-benzyl-4-piperidyl)-N-phenyl-benzamide)*.

18. Beta-hidroksifentanilis (Beta-hydroxyfentanyl).

19. Beta-hidroksi-3-metilfentanilis (Beta-hydroxy-3-methylfentanyl).

20. Beta-hidroksitiofentanilis (Beta-hydroxythiofentanyl, N-(1-(2-hydroxy-2-(thiophen-2-yl)ethyl)piperidin-4-yl)-N-phenylpropionamide)*.

21. Beta-metilfentanilis (Beta-methyl fentanyl, N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylpropyl)-4-piperidinyl]-propanamide)*.

22. Bromadolinas (Bromadoline, U4793e, 4-bromo-N-(2-(dimethylamino)cyclohexyl)benzamide)*.

221. Brorfinas (Brorphine, 1-[1-[1-(4-bromophenyl)ethyl]-4-piperidinyl]-1,3-dihydro-2H-benzimidazol-2-one)*.

23. Butirfentanilis (Butyrfentanyl, Fentanyl butanamide analogue, N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-piperidinyl]-butanamide)*.

24. Butiril-F-fentanil N-benzilo analogas (Butyryl-F-fentanyl N-benzyl analogue, N-(1-benzylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-(4-fluorophenyl)butyramide)*.

25. Butirilnorfentanilis (Butyryl norfentanyl, N-phenyl-N-4-piperidinyl-butanamide)*.

251. Butonitazenas (Butonitazene, 2-[(4-butoxyphenyl)methyl]-N,N-diethyl-5-nitro-1H-benzimidazole-1-ethanamine)*.

261. Carbonyl-bromadol ((4-bromophenyl)-(1-(dimethylamino)-4-hydroxy-4-phenethylcyclohexyl)methanone)*.

26. 4-chlorofuranilfentanilis (4-chloro furanyl fentanyl, 4-chloro FuF, N-(4-chlorophenyl)-N-(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)furan-2-carboxamide)*.

27. Cikloheksilfentanilis (Cyclohexyl fentanyl, N-(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-phenylcyclohexanecarboxamide)*.

28. Ciklopentilfentanilis (Cyclopentylfentanyl, Cyclopentyl-F, cyclopentyl-fentanyl, *****-F, N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]cyclopentanecarboxamide, N-(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-phenylcyclopentanecarboxamide)*.

29. Ciklopropilfentanilis (Cyclopropylfentanyl, N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-piperidyl]cyclopropanecarboxamide).

30. 4Cl-iBF (4-chloro-isobutyrfentanyl, N-(4-chlorophenyl)-2-methyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-piperidyl]propanamide)*.

31. 2,2'-difluorofentanilis (2,2'-difluorofentanyl, (N-(1-(2-fluorophenethyl)piperidin-4-yl)-N-(2-fluorophenyl)propionamide)*.

311. Desmetylmoramidas (Desmethylmoramide, 4-(4-morpholinyl)-2,2-diphenyl-1-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-1-butanone)*.

32. Despropionil 3-metilfentanilis (Despropionyl 3-Methylfentanyl, 3-Methyl 4-ANPP, 3-methyl-N-phenyl-1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-amine)*.

33. Despropionil orto-metilfentanilis (Despropionyl ortho-Methylfentanyl, o-Methyl-ANPP, (N-(o-tolyl)-1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-amine)*.

34. Dezomorfinas (Desomorphine).

341. Dipyanonas (Dipyanone, 4,4-diphenyl-6-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)heptan-3-one)*.

342. Etazenas (Etazene, 2-[(4-ethoxyphenyl)methyl]-N,N-diethyl-1H-benzimidazole-1-ethanamine)*.

343. Etonitazepinas (Etonitazepyne, 2-(4-ethoxybenzyl)-5-nitro-1-(2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)ethyl)-1H-benzo[d]imidazole)*.

344. Etonitazepipnas (Etonitazepipne, 2-(4-ethoxybenzyl)-5-nitro-1-(2-(piperidin-1-yl)ethyl)-1H-benzo[d]imidazole)*.

35. Etorfinas (Etorphine).

36. 4F-BF (4-fluoro-butyrfentanyl, N-(4-fluorophenyl)-N-[(1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-piperidinyl)]butanamide)*.

37. 4F-iBF (4-fluoro-isobutyrfentanyl, N-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-methyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]propanamide)*.

38. 4-fenilfentanilis (4-phenylfentanyl, N-phenyl-N-[4-phenyl-1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]propanamide)*.

39. 3-fenilpropanoilfentanilis (3-phenylpropanoylfentanyl, N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]-3-phenylpropanamide)*.

40. Fentanil N-oksidas (Fentanyl N-oxide, Fentanyl impurity A, N-[1-oxido-1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4- yl]-N-phenylpropanamide)*.

41. Fentanil 4-N-propil analogas (Fentanyl 4-N-propyl analogue, N-(1-propyl-4-piperidinyl)-N-phenylpropanamide)*.

42. Fentanilio izotiocianatas (Fentanyl isothiocyanate, N-{1-[2-(4-isothiocyanatophenyl)ethyl]piperidin-4-yl}-N-phenylpropanamide)*.

43. Fentanilpropilacetilo analogas (Fentanyl propyl acetyl analogue, N-phenyl-N-[1-(3-phenylpropyl)piperidin-4-yl]acetamide)*.

44. Fentanilpropilo analogas (Fentanyl propyl analogue, N-phenyl-N-[1-(3-phenylpropyl)-4-piperidinyl]propanamide)*.

441. Fluonitazenas (Fluonitazene, N,N-diethyl-2-{2-[(4-fluorophenyl)methyl]-5-nitro-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl}ethan-1-amine)*.

45. 2-fluorobutirfentanilis (2-fluoro butyrfentanyl, N-(2-fluorophenyl)-N-(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-yl) butyramide)*.

46. 3-fluorobutirfentanilis (3-fluoro butyrfentanyl, N-(3-fluorophenyl)-N-(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-yl) butyramide)*.

47. 4-fluoro-ciklopropilbenzilfentanilis (4-fluoro-cyclopropylbenzylfentanyl, N-(1-benzylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-(4-fluorophenyl)cyclopropanecarboxamide)*.

48. 2-fluorofentanilis (2-fluorofentanyl, N-(2-fluorophenyl)-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-piperidinyl]-propanamide)*.

49. 3-fluorofentanilis (3-fluorofentanyl, N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-piperidinyl]-butanamide)*.

491. 3-fluorometoksiacetilfentanilis (3-fluoromethoxyacetylfentanyl, N-(3-fluorophenyl)-2-methoxy-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]acetamide)*.

50. 2-furaniletilfentanilis (2-furanylethyl fentanyl, N-[1-[2-(2-furanyl)ethyl]-4-piperidinyl]-N-phenyl-propanamide)*.

51. 3-furanilfentanilis (3-furanyl fentanyl, N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]furan-3-carboxamide)*.

511. 4F-furanilfentanilis (4F-furanylfentanyl, N-(4-fluorophenyl)-N-(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)furan-2-carboxamide)*.

52. Furanilbenzilfentanilis (Furanylbenzylfentanyl, N-(1-benzylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-phenylfuran-2-carboxamide)*.

53. Furanilnorfentanilis (Furanyl norfentanyl, N-phenyl-N-4-piperidinyl-2-furancarboxamide monohydrochloride)*.

531. Furanyl UF-17 (N-[2-(dimethylamino)cyclohexyl]-N-phenyl-furan-2-carboxamide)*.

532. 2F-viminol (2-[di(butan-2-yl)amino]-1-[1-(2-fluorobenzyl)-1H-pyrrol-2-yl]ethan-1-ol)*.

54. Heksanoilfentanilis (Hexanoyl fentanyl, N-(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-phenylhexanamide)*.

55. Heroinas (Heroin).

56. Hidrocinamoilfentanilis (Hydrocinnamoyl fentanyl, N-(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-phenyl-(3-phenyl)propionamide)*.

57. 4-hidroksibutirfentanilis (4-hydroxybutyrfentanyl, N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]-butanamide)*.

571. Izobutirfentanilis (Isobutyrfentanyl, 2-methyl-N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]propanamide)*.

58. Izobutirilfentanilis (Isobutyrylfentanyl, N-(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)-N- phenylisobutyramide)*.

59. (Izo)butiril-F-fentanil N-benzil analogas ((Iso)butyryl-F-fentanyl N-benzyl analogue, N-(4-fluorophenyl)-N-[(1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-piperidinyl)]butanamide)*.

60. 2-izopropilfuranilfentanilis (2-isopropylfuranyl fentanyl, 2-isopropyl FuF, N-(2-isopropylphenyl)-N-(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)furan-2-carboxamide)*.

61. Izopropil-U-47700 (Isopropyl-U-47700, 3,4-dichloro-N-[2-(dimethylamino)cyclohexyl]-N-(propan-2-yl)benzamide*.

611. Izotonitazenas (Isotonitazene, N,N-diethyl-2-[[4-(1-methylethoxy)phenyl]methyl]-5-nitro-1H-benzimidazole-1-ethanamine)*.

62. Kanapės (antžeminės dalys) (Cannabis plant)****.

63. Kanapių derva (Cannabis resin).

64. Ketobemidonas (Ketobemidone).

65. Krotonilfentanilis (Crotonyl fentanyl, (2E)-N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-piperidinyl]-2-butenamide)*.

66. Lofentanilis (Lofentanil, 3-methyl carfentanil, methyl rel-(-)-(3R,4S)-3-methyl-1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-[phenyl(propanoyl)amino]piperidine-4-carboxylate)*.

67. 2-metilacetilfentanilis (2-methylacetylfentanyl, N-(2-methylphenyl)-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-piperidinyl]-acetamide)*.

68. 4'-metilacetilfentanilis (4'-methyl acetylfentanyl, N-[1-[2-(4-methylphenyl)ethyl]-4-piperidinyl]-N-phenyl-acetamide)*.

681. 2-metil-AP-237 (2-methyl-AP-237; 1-[2-methyl-4-(3-phenylprop-2-en-1-yl)piperazin-1-yl]butan-1-one)*.

69. 3-metilbutirfentanilis (3-methylbutyr fentanyl, 3-MBF, N-[3-methyl-1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]-N-phenylbutanamide)*.

70. 3,4-methylenedioxy-U-47,700 (N-(2-(dimethylamino)cyclohexyl)-N-methylbenzo[d][1,3]dioxole-5-carboxamide)*.

71. 2-metilfuranilfentanilis (2-methyl furanyl fentanyl, 2-methyl FuF, N-(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-(o-tolyl)furan-2-carboxamide)*.

72. 3-metilfentanilis (3-methylfentanyl).

73. 3-metilkrotonilfentanilis (3-methylcrotonylfentanyl, N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-piperidyl]-3-methylbut-2-enamide)*.

74. 3-metiltiofentanilis (3-methylthiofentanyl).

75. 4'-metoksifentanilis (4'-methoxy fentanyl, N-(4-methoxyphenyl)-N-(1-phenethyl-4-piperidyl)propanamide)*.

76. 4''-metoksifentanilis (4''-methoxy fentanyl, N-[1-[2-(4-methoxyphenyl)ethyl]piperidin-4-yl]-N-phenylpropanamide)*.

77. 2-metoksifuranilfentanilis (2-methoxy furanyl fentanyl, 2-methoxy FuF, N-(2-methoxyphenyl)-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-piperidinyl]-2-furancarboxamide)*.

78. 4-metoksifuranilfentanilis (4-methoxyfuranyl fentanyl, 4-methoxy FuF, N-(4-methoxyphenyl)-N-(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)furan-2-carboxamide)*.

79. 4-metoksimetilfentanilis (4-methoxymethyl fentanyl, R-30490, N-[4-(methoxymethyl)-1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]-N-phenylpropanamide)*.

80. Meta-metilacetilfentanilis (Meta-methyl acetylfentanyl, N-(3-methylphenyl)-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-piperidinyl]-acetamide)*.

81. Meta-metilfentanilis (Meta-methylfentanyl, N-(3-methylphenyl)-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]propanamide)*.

811. Metodesnitazenas (Metodesnitazene, N,N-diethyl-2-[2-[(4-methoxyphenyl)methyl]benzimidazol-1-yl]ethanamine)*.

82. Metoksiacetilfentanilis (Methoxyacetylfentanyl, Methoxy-AF, Methoxyacetyl-F, 2-methoxy-N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]acetamide)*.

821. Metonitazenas (Metonitazene, N,N-diethyl-2-[2-[(4-methoxyphenyl)methyl]-5-nitro-benzimidazol-1-yl]ethanamine)*.

83. Mirfentanilis (Mirfentanil, N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]-N-(pyrazin-2-yl)furan-2-carboxamide)*.

84. MPPP.

85. N-etilkarfentanilis (N-ethyl carfentanil, 1-ethyl-4-[(1-oxopropyl)phenylamino]-4-piperidinecarboxylic acid, methyl ester)*.

86. N-izopropilkarfentanilis (N-isopropyl carfentanil, 1-isopropyl-4-[(1-oxopropyl)phenylamino]-4-piperidinecarboxylic acid, methyl ester)*.

87. N-metilnorfentanilis (N-methyl norfentanyl, N-(1-methyl-4-piperidinyl)-N-phenyl-propanamide)*.

88. Norfentanilis (Norfentanyl, NSC89293, N-phenyl-N-4-piperidinyl-propanamide)*.

89. Norkarfentanilis (Norcarfentanil, 4-[(1-oxopropyl)phenylamino]-4-piperidinecarboxylic acid, methyl ester, monohydrochloride)*.

891. Nortilidinas (Nortilidine, ethyl 2-methylamino-1-phenylcyclohex-3-ene-1-carboxylate)*.

90. N-propilkarfentanilis (N-propyl carfentanil, 1-propyl-4-[(1-oxopropyl)phenylamino]-4-piperidinecarboxylic acid, methyl ester)*.

901. O-AMKD (3-(4-acetyl-1-methylpiperidin-4-yl)phenyl acetate)*.

91. Omega-hidroksifentanilis (Omega-hydroxyfentanyl, 3-hydroxy-N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]propanamide)*.

92. Orto-metilacetilfentanilis (Ortho-methyl acetylfentanyl, N-(2-methylphenyl)-N-(1-(2-phenethyl)piperidin-4-yl)acetamide)*.

93. Orto-metilakrilfentanilis (Ortho-methyl acryl fentanyl, N-(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-(o-tolyl)acrylamide)*.

94. Orto-metilmetoksiacetilfentanilis (Ortho-methyl methoxyacetylfentanyl, Ortho-Me-MeO-Ace-Fentanyl, 2-methoxy-N-(o-tolyl)-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-piperidinyl]-acetamide)*.

95. Para-fluorofentanilis (Para-fluorofentanyl).

96. PEPAP.

961. Piperidiltiambutenas (Piperidylthiambutene, 1-(4,4-di(thiophen-2-yl)but-3-en-2-yl)piperidine)*.

962. Protonitazenas (Protonitazene, N,N-diethyl-5-nitro-2-[(4-propoxyphenyl)methyl]-1H-benzimidazole-1-ethanamine)*.

97. R30451 (Norsufentanil, N-[4-(methoxymethyl)-4-piperidinyl]-N-phenyl-propanamide)*.

98. R-32395 (N-methyl carfentanil, 1-methyl-4-[(1-oxopropyl)phenylamino]-4-piperidinecarboxylic acid, methyl ester)*.

99. 2-tiofuranilfentanilis (2-thiofuranyl fentanyl, N-(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-phenylthiophene-2-carboxamide)*.

991. 4-(trifluoromethyl) U-47700 (N-(2-(dimethylamino)cyclohexyl)-N-methyl-4-(trifluoromethyl)benzamide)*.

100. Tetrahidrofuranilfentanilis (Tetrahydrofuranylfentanyl, THF-F, N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]tetrahydrofuran-2-carboxamide)*.

101. Tetrametilciklopropanfentanilis (Tetramethylcyclopropanefentanyl, N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]-2,2,3,3-tetramethylcyclopropane-1-carboxamide)*.

102. Tienilfentanilis (Thienyl fentanyl, N-phenyl-N-[1-(thiophen-2-ylmethyl)piperidin-4-yl]propanamide)*.

103. Tiofenefentanilis (Thiophenefentanyl, N-(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-phenylthiophene-2-carboxamide)*.

104. Tiofentanilis (Thiofentanyl).

105. U-47,700 (3,4-dichloro-N-[2-(dimethylamino)cyclohexyl]-N-methylbenzamide)*.

106. U-48800 (2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-N-(2-(dimethylamino)cyclohexyl)-N-methylacetamide)*.

107. U-49900 (3,4-dichloro-N-[2-(diethylamino)cyclohexyl]-N-methylbenzamide)*.

108. U-50488 (3,4-dichloro-N-methyl-N-[2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)cyclohexyl]benzeneacetamide)*.

109. U-51,754 (U-51754, METHENE-U-47700, 2-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-N-[2-(dimethylamino)cyclohexyl]-N-methyl-acetamide)*.

1971 Schedule I of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances

1. 1-benzilpiperazinas (1-benzylpiperazine, BZP)*.

2. 1-(3-chlorofenil)piperazinas (1-(3-chlorophenyl)piperazine, m*****P)*.

21. 1- fenil-1-propanaminas (1-phenyl-1-propanamine)*.

22. 1B-LSD (1B-LSD, 4-butyryl-N,N-diethyl-7-methyl-4,6,6a,7,8,9-hexahydroindolo[4,3-fg]quinoline-9-carboxamide)*.

23. 1p-LSD, N,N-dietil-7-metil-4-propanoil-6,6a,8,9-tetrahidroindolo[4,3-f,g]chinolin-9-karboksamidas (N,N-diethyl-7-methyl-4-propanoyl-6,6a,8,9-tetrahydroindolo[4,3-f,g]quinoline-9-carboxamide)*.

3. 2C-I (2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenethylamine)***.

4. 2C-T-2 (2,5-dimethoxy-4-ethylthiophenethylamine)***.

5. 2C-T-7 (2,5-dimethoxy-4-(n)-propylthiophenethylamine)***.

51. 4-Metoksibutirfentanilis (4-MeO-BF, 4-methoxybutyrfentanyl)*.

52. A-836,339 (N-[3-(2-methoxyethyl)-4,5-dimethyl-1,3-thiazol-2-ylidene]-2,2,3,3-tetramethylcyclopropane-carboxamide)*.

53. Acetilfentanilis (Acetylfentanyl)*.

54. ADB-FUBHQUCA (N-(1-amino-3,3-dimethyl-1-oxobutan-2-yl)-1-(4-fluorophenyl)methyl-1,4-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxamide)*.

55. ADB-FUBIACA (N-(1-amino-3,3-dimethyl-1-oxobutan-2-yl)-1-(4-fluorobenzyl)-1H-indole-3-acetamide)*.

56 ADB-IATA (2-[2-(1H-indol-3-yl)acetamido]-3,3-dimethylbutanamide)*.

57. A-FUBIACA (N-(1-adamantyl)-2-[1-[(4-fluorophenyl)methyl]indol-3-yl]acetamide)*.

6. AL.

61. ALD-52 (1-acetyl-LSD, (8β)-1-acetyl-N,N-diethyl-6-methyl-9,10-didehydroergoline-8-carboxamide)*.

62. AL-LAD, (6aR,9R)-7-alil-N,N-dietil-6,6a,8,9-tetrahidro-4H-indolo[4,3-f,g]chinolin-9-karboksamidas ((6aR,9R)-7-allyl-N,N-diethyl-6,6a,8,9-tetrahydro-4H-indolo[4,3-f,g]quinoline-9-carboxamide)*.

63. AM2201 benzimidazolo analogas, 1-(5-fluorpentil)-1H-benzo[d]imidazol-2-il)(naftalen-1-il)metanonas (1-(5-fluoropentyl)-1H-benzo[d]imidazol-2-yl)(naphthalen-1-yl)methanone, BIM-2201, BZ-2201, FUBIMINA, FTHJ)*.

64 . Amphetamine derivatives and amphetamine bioisosteric derivatives group* - any 1-phenylpropan-2-amino, 1-(benzofuran-2- or 4-yl)propan-2-amino, 1-(thiophen-2-yl) propan-2-amino or 1-(indol-6-yl)propan-2-amino derivatives, with or without phenyl of alkoxy-, methylenedioxy- or ethylenedioxy-, methylthio-, halogen-, alkyl-, haloalkyl- or nitro- radicals or in the thiophene ring; a benzo-, furan, 2,3-dihydrofuran, cyclopentane or pyrrole ring fused at the 3,4-phenyl ring position; alkyl radicals in the 3-position of the propyl chain; the propyl chain forms a five-membered ring fused with phenyl; the nitrogen atom and the 1st and 2nd (or 2nd and 3rd) carbon atoms from the 2-propanamine fragment enter the morpholine, oxazolidin-2-imine or 2-aminooxazoline structure; hydroxy, methyl radicals in the 1-position of 1-phenylpropan-2-amino; in the amino group of alkyl-, benzyl-, hydroxy-, 2-methoxybenzyl-, propargyl-, purinoalkyl- radicals. Also salts, ethers or esters of these derivatives, if available.7. AH-7921 (3,4dichloro-N-[[1-(dimethylamino) cyclohexyl]methyl]benzamide)*.

71. A-PONASA (N-adamantyl-4-(pentyloxy)naphthalene-1-sulphonamide)*.

8. BDB.

81. BDMT (2,2'-(1H,1'H-[2,2'-biindole]-3,3'-diyl)bis(N,N-dimethylethan-1-amine))*.

82. Group of benzodiazepine and its bioisosteric derivatives* - any 1,4-benzodiazepine, thieno[3,2-f][1,4]diazepine, [1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a][1,4 ]benzodiazepine or thieno[3,2-f][1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a][1,4]diazepine derivatives (except substances included in Schedule II "Narcotic and psychotropic substances authorized for medical use purposes" and list III "Psychotropic substances permitted for medical purposes" and Norfludiazepam), with or without a methyl radical attached to the 1st nitrogen atom in the benzodiazepine ring; a keto- or thione group at the 2-position of the benzodiazepine ring; 2- or 4-halophenyl-, 2,5-difluorophenyl-, phenyl- radical in the 5-position of the benzodiazepine ring; a bromo-, chloro- or nitro- radical in the 7-position of the benzodiazepine ring; methyl radical in the 3-position of the 1,2,4-triazole ring; 2-ethyl-, 2-halo- or 1,4-butylene- radical in the thiophene ring. Also salts, ethers, esters of these derivatives, if available.

83. bk-2C-B (2-amino-1-(4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)ethan-1-one)*.

9. bk-PMMA (Methedrone/Methoxyphedrine, 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-2-(methylamino) propan-1-one)*.

10. Brolamfetaminas (Brolamfetamine, DOB).

101. 1-(4-bromo-2,5-dimetoksifenil)etanaminas (1-(4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)ethanamine)*.

11. Arabinio dusūno lapai ir stiebeliai (Catha edulis leafs and straw).

12. 2-CB (4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenylethylamine, MFT).

121. CH-FUBIACA (N-cyclohexyl-2-(1-(4-fluorobenzyl)-1H-indol-3-yl)acetamide)*.

122. CH-FUBBMPDORA (N-{5-bromo-1-[(4-fluorophenyl)methyl]-4-methyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydropyridin-3-yl}cyclohexanecarboxamide)*.

123. CH-IACA (N-cyclohexyl-2-(1H-indol-3-yl)acetamide)*.

124. CH-PIACA (N-cyclohexyl-2-(1-pentyl-1H-indol-3-yl)acetamide)*.

125. 1-(Cikloheksilmetil)-2-[(4-etoksifenil)metil]-N,N-dietil-1H-benzimidazol-5-karboksamidas (1-(Cyclohexylmethyl)-2-[(4-ethoxyphenyl)methyl]-N,N-diethyl-1H-benzimidazol-5-carboxamide)*.

126. 1*****-AL-LAD (4-(cyclopropanecarbonyl)-N,N-diethyl-7-(prop-2-en-1-yl)-4,6,6a,7,8,9-hexahydroindolo[4,3-fg]quinoline-9-carboxamide)*.

127. 1*****-LSD (4-(cyclopropanecarbonyl)-N,N-diethyl-7-methyl-4,6,6a,7,8,9-hexahydroindolo[4,3-fg]quinoline-9-carboxamide)*.

13. *****-47,497(5-(1,1-Dimethylheptyl)-2-[(1R,3S)-3-hydroxycyclohexyl)]-phenol)*.

14. *****-47,497-C6-(5-(1,1-Dimethylhexyl)-2-[(1R,3S)-3-hydroxycyclohexyl)]-phenol)*.

15. *****-47,497-C8-(5-(1,1-Dimethyloctyl)-2-[(1R,3S)-3-hydroxycyclohexyl)]-phenol)*.

16. *****-47,497-C9-(5-(1,1-Dimethylnonyl)-2-[(1R,3S)-3-hydroxycyclohexyl)]-phenol)*.

161. CUMYL-PeGACLONE (2-(1-methyl-1-phenyl-ethyl)-5-pentyl-pyrido[4,3-b]indol-1-one)*.

162. Deschlorketaminas (Deschloroketamine; 2-(methylamino)-2-phenyl-cyclohexanone)*.

163. Despropionil-2-fluorfentanilis (Despropionyl-2-fluorofentanyl; (N-(2-Fluorophenyl)-1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-amine)*.

17. DET.

171. Dichloropanas (Dichloropane, RTI-111, methyl 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-2-carboxylate)*.

172. 4,4-dimetil-1-fenil-1-pirolidin-1-il-pentan-3-one (4,4-dimethyl-1-phenyl-1-pyrrolidin-1-yl-pentan-3-one)*.

18. DMA.

19. DMHP.

20. DMT.

21. DOC.

22. DOET.

23. DOI (2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine)*.

231. Efinazonas (Ephinazone, 2-ethyl-3-phenylquinazolin-4(3H)-one)*.

232. Epirokainas (Epirocaine, [2-methyl-2-(propylamino)propyl]benzoate)*.

24. Eticiklidinas (Eticyclidine, PCE).

241. ETH-LAD (6aR,9R)-N,N-diethyl-7-ethyl-4,6,6a,7,8,9-hexahydroindolo-[4,3-fg]quinoline-9-carboxamide)*.

25. Etriptaminas (Etryptamine).

26. Fenciklidinas (Phencyclidine, P*****)*.

27. Group of phencyclidine derivatives and phencyclidine bioisosteric derivatives* - any 1-phenyl- or 1-(thien-2-yl)-cyclohexan-1-amine derivatives (except Tiletamine) containing (or not containing) alkyl-, amino-, halogen- , hydroxy- or methoxy- radicals in the phenyl ring; fused benzo ring

at 4,5-thienyl ring positions; 2- or 4-methyl- or 2- or 4-oxo radicals in the cyclohexane ring; alkyl-, dialkyl-, hydroxyethyl-, ω-methoxyalkyl- radicals in the amino group or the amino group can be part of pyrrolidine, piperidine, morpholine or azepane rings with (or without) methyl radicals. Also salts, ethers or esters of these derivatives, if available.

28. Fenetilaminas (2-PEA, 2-fenetilamine, 2-feniletanaminas)*.

29. Group of phenethylamine derivatives and phenethylamine bioisosteric derivatives* - any

Derivatives of 2-phenylethanamine or 2-(thiophen-2-yl)ethanamine, with or without methylenedioxy-, ethylenedioxy-, propane-1,3-diyl-, butane-1,4-diyl- or cyclopentane-1,3-diyl - radicals in the positions of the 3,4-phenyl ring; containing (or not containing) fused benzo-, 2-methyl- or 2,2-dimethyl-2,3-dihydrofuran, 2,3-dihydrofuran, furan, pyrrole rings in the positions of the 3,4-phenyl ring; having (or not) fused two furan or two 2,3-dihydrofuran rings in the 2,3- and 5,6-positions of the phenyl ring; containing (or not containing) allyloxy-, alkyl-, 4-alkylthio-, alkoxy-, halo-, 4-haloalkyl-,

4-haloalkylthio-, 2-methylallyloxy-, 4-nitro- radicals in the phenyl ring; having (or not having) alkoxycarbonyl-, phenyl-, hydroxy-, methyl- or methoxy- radicals in the 2-position of the ethanamine fragment; benzyl-, phenyl-, 2-methoxyphenyl- radical in the 1-position of ethanamine; the carbon atoms from the ethanamine fragment may be cyclopropane, bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane, or the part of the cyclopentane ring fused to the phenyl ring; The 2nd carbon atom from the ethanamine moiety may be part of a cycloalkane ring; the ethanamine fragment can be a constituent part of an alkyl- or dialkylmorpholine, 2-iminooxazolidine-, 2-aminooxazoline- or pyrrolidin-2-one ring; the amino group may or may not contain allyl-, alkyl-, benzyl-, cycloalkyl-, 2-halobenzyl-, hydroxy-, hydroxybenzyl-, 2-hydroxyethyl-, methoxy-, mono-, di-, or trimethoxybenzyl-, alkylidenedioxybenzyl-, carbamoylmethyl-, 2-methoxyethyl-,

2-propynyl radicals. The amino group and the amino group and the first carbon atom of the ethanamine moiety may be part of a pyrrolidine, piperidine, morpholine or 4-hydroxypiperidine ring. Also salts, ethers, esters or amides of these derivatives, if available.

291. Phenidate group* - any 2-phenyl-2-(piperidin-2-yl)acetate derivatives (except methylphenidate) with or without 4-alkyl-, 3-halo-, 4-halo-, 3,4-dihalo - radicals in the phenyl ring; a benzo-fused ring at the 3,4-phenyl ring position; alkyl radical in the carboxylate group. Also salts, ethers or esters of these derivatives, if available.

292. Fenozolonas (Fenozolone, 2-(ethylamino)-5-phenyl-4(5H)-oxazolone)*.

30. FLEA.

301. 4-fluorofenibut (4-fluorophenibut, 4-amino-3-(4-fluorophenyl)butanoic acid)*.

31. 3-fluorometkatinonas (3-fluoromethcathinone)*.

311. 2F-QMPSB (quinolin-8-yl 3-((4,4-difluoropiperidin-1-yl)sulfonyl)-4-methylbenzoate)*.

312. Furanilfentanilis (Furanylfentanyl, N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]-furan-2-carboxamide)*.

32. Gyslotasis vyklys ir jo dalys (Argyreia nervosa plant)*.

33. Gyslotojo vyklio ir jo dalių ekstraktas (extract of Argyreia nervosa)*.

331. HHC (Heksahidrokanabinolis, Hexahydrocannabinol, 6a,7,8,9,10,10a-hexahydro-6,6,9-trimethyl-3-pentyl-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-1-ol)*.

34. HU-210-(6aR)-trans-3-(1,1-Dimethylheptyl)-6a,7,10,10a-tetrahydro-1-hydroxy-6,6-dimethyl-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-9-methanol)*.

35. Ibogainas (Ibogaine)*.

351. Iso-3-CMC (1-(3-chlorophenyl)-1-(methylamino)propan-2-one)*.

352. Iso-(meta-methyl-propcathinone) (3-MiPC, 1-(3-methylphenyl)-1-(propylamino)propan-2-one)*.

36. JWH-018-((Naphthalen-1-yl)(1-Pentyl-1H-Indol-3-yl)methanon) arba (1-Pentyl-3-(1-Naphthoyl)Indole)*.

37. JWH-073-(1-butyl-3-(1-naphthoyl)indol) arba Naphthalene-1-yl-(1-butylindol-3-yl)methanon)*.

38. JWH-200 ([1-[2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl]-1H-indol-3-yl]-1-naphthalenyl-methanone)*.

39. JWH-250 (2-(2-methoxyphenyl)-1-(1-pentylindol-3-yl)ethanone)*.

40. JWH-398 (1-pentyl-3-(4-chloro-1-naphthoyl)indole*.

41. Katinonas (Cathinone).

42. Group of cathinone derivatives and cathinone bioisosteric derivatives* - any 2-amino-1-phenyl-1-propanone, 2-amino-1-naphthyl-1-propanone and 2-amino-1-(thiophen-2-yl)-1 -propanone derivatives (except bupropion) containing (or not) alkyl-, alkoxy-, alkylene-, alkylenedioxy-, haloalkyl-, hydroxy- or halogen radicals in the aromatic ring; having (or not having) alkyl-, alkoxyalkyl- radicals in the 3rd position of the aliphatic chain; having (or not having) a mono- or di-substituted amino group with alkyl, benzyl, cycloalkyl, or an amino group is included in the cyclic structure. Also salts, ethers or esters of these derivatives, if available.

43. Kvaitulinis šalavijas ir jo dalys (Salvia divinorum plant)*.

44. Kvaitulinio šalavijo ir jo dalių ekstraktas (extract of Salvia divinorum)*.

45. Linažiedis sukutis ir jo dalys (Ipomoea violacea plant)*.

46. Linažiedžio sukučio ir jo dalių ekstraktas (extract of Ipomoea violacea)*.

47. Lizergidas, lizergo rūgšties amidas, izolizergo rūgšties amidas ir analogai ((+)-Lysergide, LSD, LSD-25, lysergic acid amide, isolysergic acid amide and analogues).

471. Lizergo rūgšties 2,4-dimetilazetididas (Lysergic acid 2,4-dimethylazetidide, LSZ, (8ß)-8-{[(2S,4S)-2,4-Dimethylazetidin-1-yl]carbonyl}-6-methyl-9,10-didehydroergoline)*.

472. Lizergo rūgšties metilo esteris (Lysergic acid methyl ester, methyl 7-methyl-6,6a,8,9-tetrahydro-4H-indolo[4,3-fg]quinoline-9-carboxylate)*.

473. LSA ((8ß)-9,10-didehydro-6-methyl-ergoline-8-carboxamide)*.

474. M-ALPHA-HCMA (3-(2H-1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-hydroxy-N,2-dimethyl-3-(methylamino)propanamide)*.

48. MBDB.

481. MDA-19 (MDA 19, N-[(Z)-(1-hexyl-2-oxoindol-3-ylidene)amino]benzamide)*.

49. MDE.

50. MDMA.

51. Mefedronas (Mephedrone, 4-methylmethcathinone, 1-(4-Methylphenyl) -2-methylaminopropan-1-one)*.

52. Meskalinas (Mescaline).

53. 4-Metilaminoreksas (4-methylaminorex).

531. Metil 2-fenil-2-(pirolidin-1-il)acetatas (Methyl 2-phenyl-2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)acetate)*.

54. Metkatinonas (Methcathinone).

541. Metoksetamino bromintas darinys (Methoxetamine brominated derivative)*.

55. MMDA.

56. 4-MTA (4-methylthioamphetamine).

57. N-etil MDA (N-ethyl-MDA).

571. N-ethyl zolpidem (N-ethyl-2-[6-methyl-2-(4-methylphenyl)imidazo[1,2-a]pyridin-3-yl]acetamide)*.

58. N-hidroksi MDA (N-hydroxy MDA).

581. Okfentanilis (Ocfentanyl)*.

582. Oktodrinas (Octodrine, 6-methylheptan-2-amine)*.

59. Paraheksilis (Parahexyl).

591. Pagoklonas (Pagoclone, 2-(7-chloro-1,8-naphthyridin-2-yl)-2,3-dihydro-3-(5-methyl-2-oxohexyl)-1H-isoindol-1-one)*.

592. 1P-ETH-LAD (N,N,7-triethyl-4-propionyl-4,6,6a,7,8,9-hexahydroindolo[4,3-fg]quinoline-9-carboxamide)*.

60. pFBT (3-pseudotropyl-4-fluorobenzoate)*.

61. Group of piperazine derivatives* - any 1-phenylpiperazine derivatives containing (or not containing) halogen, mono-, di- or trihalomethyl radicals in the 3rd or (and) 4th position of the phenyl ring, 2,3-dichloro-, 4 -methoxy-, 2,5-dimethoxy-, 3,4-methylenedioxy- radicals in the phenyl ring; haloalkyl radical in the 4-position of the piperazine ring. It is also 1-benzylpiperazine and its derivatives containing (or not containing) 4-methyl-, 4-benzyl-, 4-cyclohexyl- radicals in the piperazine ring, benzyl- radical in the methylene group, halogen-, methyl-, 2,5- dimethoxy-, 3,4-methylenedioxy- or

3,4-difluoromethylenedioxy- radicals in the phenyl ring. They are also 1-benzoylpiperazine derivatives with (or without) 4-alkyl-, 4-benzyl-radicals in the piperazine ring and 4-alkoxy-, alkylamino- radicals in the phenyl ring; benzoyl can be replaced by pyridyl. Also salts, ethers, esters of these derivatives, if available.

62. Group of Pyrovalerone Derivatives and Pyrovalerone Bioisosteric Derivatives* - Any 1-phenyl-, 1-(thiophen-2-yl)- or 1-naphthyl-2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)propan-1-one or 1-phenyl- 4-(piperazin-1-yl)propan-1-one derivatives with or without alkyl-, halogen-, methoxy-, 3,4-dimethoxy-, 3,4-methylenedioxy-, 3,4-alkylene- phenyl radicals in a ring; a 2,3-dihydrofuran ring fused at the 3,4-phenyl ring position; methyl radical in the 2nd position of the propan-1-one fragment; alkyl-, alkoxy- radicals in the 3rd position of the 1-propanone fragment; The 3rd carbon atom of the 1-propanone fragment enters the cycloalkane or phenyl ring structure; alkyl radical in the 4-position of the piperazine ring. Also salts of these derivatives, if available.

63. PMA.

64. PMMA (Paramethoxymethylamphetamine, N-methyl-1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-2- aminopropane)***.

65. Psilocinas, psilotsinas (Psilocine, Psilotsin).

66. Psilocibinas (Psilocybine).

661. PTI-1 (N-ethyl-N-[[2-(1-pentylindol-3-yl)thiazol-4-yl]methyl]ethanamine)*.

662. PTI-2 (N-(2-methoxyethyl)-N-[[2-(1-pentylindol-3-yl)thiazol-4-yl]methyl]propan-2-amine)*.

663. PTI-3 (N-({2-[1-(5-fluoropentyl)-1H-indol-3-yl]-1,3-thiazol-4-yl}methyl)-2-methoxy-N-methylethanamine)*.

67. Glotniagalvių (Psilocybe) genties grybų vaisiakūniai ir jų dalys, turintys psilocibino ar psilocino, ir šių grybų sporos, grybiena.

671. Neteko galios nuo 2022-08-09

68. Roliciklidinas (Rolicyclidine, PHP, P*****Y).

681. Sibutraminas ((±)-dimethyl-1-[1-(4- chlorophenyl) cyclobutyl]-N,N,3-trimethylbutan- 1-amine)*.

69. A group of synthetic cannabinoid derivatives *:

69.1. Subgroup 1. Indole-, indazole- or carbazol-3-ylmethanones and azaindole-, indole-, indazole-, carbazole- or 5-halophenylpyrazole-3-carboxamides and 3-carboxylates - any indole-, indazole- or carbazol-3-ylmethanone, azaindole-, indole-, indazole-, carbazole- or 5-halophenylpyrazole-3-carboxamide or 3-carboxylate derivatives, as well as 3-(4-halophenyl)-1H-pyrazole-5-carboxamide derivatives with (or without) alkyl -, haloalkyl-, alkenyl-, halobenzyl-, cycloalkylmethyl-, bicycloalkylmethyl-, cyanoalkyl-, cycloalkylethyl-, cyclohexylsulfonyl-, (1-methylmorpholin-2-yl)methyl-, (1-alkylpiperidin-2-yl)methyl-, 2-(morpholin-4-yl)ethyl-, 1-methylazepan-3-yl-, pyridyl-, (tetrahydro[2H]pyran-4-yl)methyl-, tosyl- radicals attached to azaindole, indole, indazole, a nitrogen atom of a carbazole or pyrazole ring; the carboxamide moiety may be part of a pyridin-2-one ring fused with indole; containing (or not containing) adamant-1-yl-, benzyl-, phenyl-, cumyl-, methoxybenzyl-, 2-methoxyphenyl, naphthyl-, halonaphthyl-, alkylphenyl-, alkylnaphth-1-yl-, 1-pyrrolidinyl-, 2 . ; the amide nitrogen atom may be part of the 4-alkylpiperazine ring; containing alkyl- or quinolin-8-yl- radicals in the carboxylate group and with or without further radicals in the azaindole, indole, indazole, pyrazole, carbazole, phenyl or naphthyl rings. The indole nitrogen atom may be part of the morpholine ring condensed at the h,i-edges. Also salts, ethers, esters or amides of these derivatives, if available.

69.2. Subgroup 2. Naphthylmethylindoles - any 1H-indol-3-yl-(1-naphthyl)methane derivatives containing alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl, cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl or 2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl radicals attached to an indole ring nitrogen atom and with or without more radicals in the indole and naphthyl rings;

69.3. Subgroup 3. Naphthoylpyrroles - any 3-(1-naphthoyl)pyrrole derivatives containing alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl, cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl or 2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl radicals attached to the nitrogen atom of the pyrrole ring and having or having no more radicals in the pyrrole and naphthyl rings;

69.4. Subgroup 4. Naphthylmethylindenes - any 1-(1-naphthylmethyl)indene derivatives containing alkyl-, haloalkyl-, alkenyl-, cycloalkylmethyl-, cycloalkylethyl- or 2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl- radicals attached to the carbon atom of the 3-indene ring, and with or without more radicals on the naphthyl and indene rings;

69.5. Subgroup 5. Cyclohexylphenols are any derivatives of 2-(hydroxycyclohexyl)phenol containing alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl, cycloalkylmethyl, cycloalkylethyl or 2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl radicals attached to the 5-position of the phenol ring and having or having no more radicals in the cyclohexyl ring.

69.6. Subgroup 6. Oxysides - any 2-oxoindolin-3-ylidenebenzohydrazide derivatives containing (or not containing) alkenyl-, alkyl-, cyclohexylmethyl-, haloalkyl- radicals attached to the nitrogen atom in the indole ring. Also salts, ethers, esters of these derivatives, if available.

691. SL-164 (5-chloro-3-(4-chloro-2-methylphenyl)-2-methyl-4(3H)-quinazolinone)*.

70. Svaigusis kvaitulis ir jo dalys (Banisteriopsis caapiplant)*.

71. Svaigiojo kvaitulio ir jo dalių ekstraktas (extract of Banisteriopsis caapi)*.

72. STP, DOM.

73. Tenamfetaminas (Tenamfetamine, MDA).

74. Tenociklidinas (Tenocyclidine, T*****).

75. Tetrahidrokanabinolis (THC, Tetrahydrocannabinol; jo izomerai ir jų stereocheminiai variantai:

7,8,9,10-Tetrahydro-6,6,9-trimethyl-3-pentyl-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-1-ol (D6a,10a-THC; delta-6a,10a-THC);

8,9,10,10a-tetrahydro-6,6,9-trimethyl-3-pentyl-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-1-ol (D6a-,7-THC; delta-6a,7-THC);

6a,9,10,10a-Tetrahydro-6,6,9-trimethyl-3-pentyl-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-1-ol (D7-THC; delta-7-THC);

6a,7,10,10a-Tetrahydro-6,6,9-trimethyl-3-pentyl-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-1-ol (D8-THC; delta-8-THC);

6a,7,8,10a-Tetrahydro-6,6,9-trimethyl-3-pentyl-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-1-ol (D9-THC; delta-9-THC);

6a,7,8,9-Tetrahydro-6,6,9-trimethyl-3-pentyl-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-1-ol (D10-THC; delta-10-THC);

6a,7,8,9,10,10a-Hexahydro-6,6-dimethyl-9-methylene-3-pentyl-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-1-ol (D9,11-THC; delta-9,11-THC).

751. Tetrahydrocannabinol in mixtures or solutions *.

76. TFMPP (1-(3-trifluoromethylphenyl)-piperazine)*.

77. TMA.

78. TMA-2 (2,4,5-trimethoxyamphetamine)***.

79. Group of tryptamine and tryptamine bioisosteric derivatives* - any derivatives of 2-(1H-indol-3-yl)ethanamine or 2-(benzofuran-3-yl)ethanamine (except Tryptamine and Serotonin) containing (or not containing) halogen-, hydroxy-, methylenedioxy- or methoxy- radicals in the 4th or (and) 5th position of the indole or benzofuran ring; a methyl radical at the 2-position of the indole ring; methylene radical connecting the 1st carbon atom of ethanamine with the 4th carbon atom of the indole ring; allyl-, alkyl-, dialkylaminocarbonylalkyl-, butane-1,4-diyl-, cyclopropyl- radicals in the amino group; 1-ethyl-, 1-methyl- radicals in the ethanamine fragment. Also salts, ethers or esters of these derivatives, if available.791.Troparilis (Troparil, methyl 8-methyl-3-phenyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-4-carboxylate)*.

80. Valerylfentanilis (Valerylfentanyl, N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-piperidyl]pentanamide)*.

801. 1V-LSD (N,N-diethyl-7-methyl-4-pentanoyl-4,6,6a,7,8,9-hexahydroindolo[4,3-fg]quinoline-9-carboxamide)*.

81. WIN 35428 (methyl 3-(4-fluorophenyl)-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-4-carboxylate)*.

1971 Schedule II of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances

1. Amfetaminas (Amfetamine).

2. Deksamfetaminas (Dexamfetamine).

3. Fenetilinas (Fenetylline).

4. 4-fluoramfetaminas (4-fluoroamphetamine, 4-FMP)*.

5. Levamfetaminas (Levamfetamine).

6. Levometamfetaminas (Levomethamphetamine).

7. Metamfetaminas (Metamfetamine).

8. Metamfetamino racematas (Metamfetamine racemate).

9. N-metil-ciklazodonas (N-methyl-cyclazodone, 2-[cyclopropyl(methyl)amino]-5-phenyl-4(5H)-oxazolon)*.

1971 Schedule III of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances

    • Katinas (Cathine,(+)-norpseudoephedrine).
1971 Schedule IV of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances

Etilamfetaminas (Etilamfetamine).

Fenproporeksas (Fenproporex).

Fenterminas (Phentermine).

Mefenoreksas (Mefenorex).

Zaleplonas (Zaleplon, N-[3-(3-cyanopyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidin-7-yl)phenyl]-N-ethylacetamide)*.

* Substances are included in the list at the suggestion of the Department of Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Control, based on the decision of the Interagency Risk Assessment Commission for New Psychoactive Substances.

*** Materials are included in the list by decision of the Council of the European Union.

**** Except for fibrous hemp and its certified seeds, which are regulated by the Fibrous Hemp Law of the Republic of Lithuania.

The isomers (if any) and possible derivatives (ethers, esters, salts) of the listed substances are subject to the same control regime.



1961 Schedule I of the General Convention on Narcotic Drugs

1. Acetilmetadolis (Acetylmethadol)

2. Alfacetilmetadolis ( Alphacetylmethadol)

3. Alfameprodinas (Alphameprodine)

4. Alfametadolis (Alphamethadol)

5. Alfaprodinas (Alphaprodine)

6. Alfentanilis (Alfentanyl)

7. Alilprodinas (Allylprodine)

8. Anileridinas (Anileridine)

9. Benzetidinas (Benzethidine)

10. Benzilmorfinas (Benzylmorphine)

11. Betacetilmetadolis (Betacetylmethadol)

12. Betameprodinas (Betameprodine)

13. Betametadolis (Betamethadol)

14. Betaprodinas (Betaprodine)

15. Bezitramidas (Bezitramide)

16. Dekstromoramidas (Dextromoramide)

17. Diampromidas (Diampromide)

18. Dietiltiambutenas (Diethylthiambutene)

19. Difenoksilatas (Diphenoxylate)

20. Difenoksinas (Difenoxin)

21. Dihidroetorfinas (Dihydroetorphine)

22. Dihidromorfinas (Dihydromorphine)

23. Dimenoksadolis (Dimenoxadol)

24. Dimepheptanolis (Dimepheptanol)

25. Dimetiltiambutenas (Dimethylthiambutene)

26. Dioksafetilio butiratas (Dioxaphetyl butyrate)

27. Dipipanonas (Dipipanone)

28. Drotebanolis (Drotebanol)

29. Ekgoninas (Ecgonine)

30. Etilmetiltiambutenas (Ethylmethylthiambutene)

31. Etokseridinas (Etoxeridine)

32. Etonitazenas (Etonitazene)

33. Fenadoksonas (Phenadoxone)

34. Fenampromidas (Phenampromide)

35. Fenazocinas (Phenazocine)

36. Fenomorfanas (Phenomorphan)

37. Fenoperidinas (Phenoperidine)

38. Fentanilis (Fentanyl)

39. Furetidinas (Furethidine)

40. Hidrokodonas (Hydrocodone)

41. Hidroksipetidinas (Hydroxypethidine)

42. Hidromorfinolis (Hydromorphinol)

43. Hidromorfonas (Hydromorphone)

44. Izometadonas (Isomethadone)

45. Karfentanilis (Carfentanyl)*

46. Klonitazenas (Clonitazene)

47. Kodoksimas (Codoxime)

48. Not valid since 2015-03-19

49. Levofenacilmorfanas (Levophenacylmorphan)

50. Levometorfanas (Levomethorphan)

51. Levomoramidas (Levomoramide)

52. Levorfanolis (Levorphanol)

53. Metadonas (Methadone)

54. Metadono tarpinis produktas (Methadone intermediate)

55. Metazocinas (Metazocine)

56. Metildezorfinas (Methyldesorphine)

57. Metildihidromorfinas (Methyldihydromorphine)

58. Metoponas (Metopon)

59. Mirofinas (Myrophine)

60. Mitragininas (Mitragynine)*

61. Monoacetilmorfinas (Monoacetylmorphine)

62. Moramido tarpinis produktas (Moramide intermediate)

63. Morferidinas (Morpheridine)

64. Morfinas (Morphine)

65. Morfino metobromidas (Morphine methobromide)

66. Morfino-N-oksidas (Morphine-N-oxide)

67. Nikomorfinas (Nicomorphine)

68. Noracimetadolis (Noracymethadol)

69. Norlevorfanolis (Norlevorphanol)

70. Normetadonas (Normethadone)

71. Normorfinas (Normorphine)

72. Norpipanonas (Norpipanone)

73. Oksikodonas (Oxycodone)

74. Oksimorfonas (Oxymorphone)

75. Oripavinas (Oripavine)

76. Petidinas (Pethidine)

77. Petidino tarpinis produktas A (Pethidine intermediate A)

78. Petidino tarpinis produktas B (Pethidine intermediate B)

79. Petidino tarpinis produktas C (Pethidine intermediate C)

80. Piminodinas (Piminodine)

81. Piritramidas (Piritramide)

82. Proheptazinas (Proheptazine)

83. Properidinas (Properidine)

84. Racemetorfanas (Racemethorphan)

85. Racemoramidas (Racemoramide)

86. Racemorfanas (Racemorphan)

87. Remifentanilis (Remifentanil)

88. Sufentanilis (Sufentanil)

89. Tapentadolis (Tapentadol)*

90. Tebainas (Thebaine)

91. Tebakonas (Thebacon)

92. Tilidinas (Tilidine)

93. Trimeperidinas (Trimeperidine)

1961 Schedule II of the General Convention on Narcotic Drugs

Acetildihidrokodeinas (Acethyldihydrocodeine)

Dekstropropoksifenas (Dextropropoxyphene)

Dihidrokodeinas (Dihydrocodeine)

Etilmorfinas (Ethylmorphine)

Folkodinas (Pholcodine)

Kodeinas (Codeine)

Nikodikodinas (Nicodicodine)

Nikokodinas (Nicocodine)

Norkodeinas (Norcodeine)

Propiramas (Propiram)

1971 Schedule II of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances

1. Amineptinas (Amineptine)

2. Buprenorfinas (Buprenorphine)

3. Cipeprolis (Zipeprol)

4. Dronabinolis (Dronabinol, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and its stereochemical variants)

5. Neteko galios nuo 2016-07-01

6. Fenmetrazinas (Phenmetrazine)

7. Flunitrazepamas (Flunitrazepam)

8. Harmalinas (Harmaline)*

9. Harminas (Harmine)*

10. Meklokvalonas (Mecloqualone)

11. Metakvalonas (Methaqualone)

12. Metilfenidatas (Methylphenidate)

121. Nitrometakvalonas (Nitromethaqualone, 3-(2-methoxy-4-nitrophenyl)-2-methylquinazolin-4-one)*.

13. Salvinorinas A (Salvinorine A)*

14. Sekobarbitalis (Secobarbital)

15. Tramadolis (Tramadol)*

* Substances are included in the list at the suggestion of the Department of Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Control, based on the decision of the Interagency Risk Assessment Commission for New Psychoactive Substances. The isomers (if any) and possible derivatives (ethers, esters, salts) of the listed substances are subject to the same control regime.



1971 Schedule III of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances

Amobarbitalis (Amobarbital)

Butalbitalis (Butalbital)

Ciklobarbitalis (Cyclobarbital)

Glutetimidas (Glutethimide)

Pentazocinas (Pentazocine)

Pentobarbitalis (Pentobarbital)

1971 Schedule IV of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances

1.Adinazolamas (Adinazolam, 1-(8-chloro-6-phenyl-4H-[1,2,4]triazolo[4,5-a][1,4] benzodiazepin-1-yl)-N,N-dimethylmethanamine)*.

11. Adrafinilis (Adrafinil, 2-[(Diphenylmethyl)sulfinyl]-N-hydroxyacetamide)*.

12. Alobarbitalis (Allobarbital)

2. Alprazolamas (Alprazolam)

3. Amfepramonas (Amfepramone)

4. Aminoreksas (Aminorex)

41. Armodafinilis (Armodafinil, 2-((R)-(diphenylmethyl)sulfinyl)acetamide)*.

5. Barbitalis (Barbital)

6. Benzfetaminas (Benzfetamine)

61. Bisfluoromodafinilis (Bisfluoromodafinil, 2-((bis(4-fluorophenyl)methyl)sulfinyl)acetamide)*.

62. Bromantanas (Bromantane, N-(4-bromophenyl)adamantan-2-amine)*.

7. Bromazepamas (Bromazepam)

8. Brotizolamas (Brotizolam)

9. Butobarbitalis (Butobarbital)

91. Cinazepamas (Cinazepam, 4-[[7-bromo-5-(2-chlorophenyl)-2-oxo-1,3-dihydro-1,4-benzodiazepin-3-yl]oxy]-4-oxo-butanoic acid)*.

10. Chlordiazepoksidas (Chlordiazepoxide)

11. Delorazepamas (Delorazepam)

12. Diazepamas (Diazepam)

13. Estazolamas (Estazolam)

14. Etchlorvinolis (Ethchlorvynol)

15. Etil loflazepatas (Ethyl loflazepate)

16. Etinamatas (Ethinamate)

17. Etizolamas (Etizolam)*

18. Fenazepamas (Phenazepam)*

19. Fendimetrazinas (Phendimetrazine)

191. Fenibutas (Phenibut, phenybut, 4-amino-3-phenyl-butanoic acid)*.

20. Fenkamfaminas (Fencamfamin)

21. Fenobarbitalis (Phenobarbital) bei jo preparatas Valocordin

211. Fladrafinilis (Fladrafinil, 2-[bis(4-fluorophenyl)methylsulfinyl]-N-hydroxyacetamide)*.

212. Flubromazepamas (Flubromazepam, 7-bromo-5-(2-fluorophenyl)-1,3-dihydro-2H-1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one)*.

2. Fludiazepamas (Fludiazepam)

23. Flurazepam (Flurazepam)

231. Gama-hidroksibutiratas (GHB, Gamma-hydroxybutyrate).

24. Halazepamas (Halazepam)

25. Haloksazolamas (Haloxazolam)

26. Kamazepamas (Camazepam)

27. Ketaminas (Ketamin)*

28. Ketazolamas (Ketazolam)

29. Klobazamas (Clobazam)

30. Kloksazolamas (Cloxazolam)

31. Klonazepamas (Clonazepam)

31¹. Kloniprazepamas (Cloniprazepam, 5-(2-chlorophenyl)-1-(cyclopropylmethyl)-7-nitro-1,3-dihydro-2H-[1,4]-benzodiazepin-2-one)*.

32. Klorazepatas (Clorazepate)

33. Klotiazepamas (Clotiazepam)

34. Kodeino turintys preparatai**

35. Lefetaminas (Lefetamine, SPA)

36. Loprazolamas (Loprazolam)

37. Lorazepamas (Lorazepam)

38. Lormetazepamas (Lormetazepam)

39. Mazindolis (Mazindol)

40. Medazepamas (Medazepam)

41. Meprobamatas (Meprobamate)

42. Metilfenobarbitalis (Methylphenobarbital)

43. Metiprilonas (Methyprylon)

431. Metizolamas (Metizolam, 4-(2-chloro-phenyl)-2-ethyl-6H-thieno[3,2-f][1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a][1,4]diazepine)*.

44. Mezokarbas (Mesocarb)

45. Midazolamas (Midazolam)

451. Modafinilis (Modafinil, 2-[(diphenylmethyl)sulfinyl]acetamide)*.

46. Natrio oksibutiratas (Natrii oxybutyras, Sodium oxybutyrate).

47. Nimetazepamas (Nimetazepam)

48. Nitrazepamas (Nitrazepam)

481. Nitrazolamas (Nitrazolam, (1-methyl-8-nitro-6-phenyl-4H-[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a][1,4]benzodiazepine)*.

49. Nordazepamas (Nordazepam)

50. Oksazepamas (Oxazepam)

51. Oksazolamas (Oxazolam)

52. Pemolinas (Pemoline)

53. Pinazepamas (Pinazepam)

54. Pipradrolis (Pipradrol)

55. Pirovaleronas (Pyrovalerone)

56. Prazepamas (Prazepam)

57. Propanididas (Propanidid)*

58. Sekbutabarbitalis (Secbutabarbital)

59. Temazepamas (Temazepam)

60. Tetrazepamas (Tetrazepam)

61. Triazolamas (Triazolam)

62. Vinilbitalis (Vinylbital)

63. Zolpidemas (Zolpidem)

64. Zopiklonas (Zopiclone)

* Substances are included in the list at the suggestion of the Department of Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Control, based on the decision of the Interagency Risk Assessment Commission for New Psychoactive Substances.

** Medicinal products containing codeine in combination with one or more active substances and if one dose of the medicinal product contains more than 100 mg of codeine or its concentration exceeds 2.5 percent.

The isomers (if any) and possible derivatives (ethers, esters, salts) of the listed substances are subject to the same control regime.



1. Amilnitritas (Amyl nitrite)*.

2. 1,4–Butanediolis (1,4–BD, 1,4–butanediol)*.

3. Butilnitritas (Butyl nitrite)*.

4. Cikloheksilnitritas (Cyclohexyl nitrite)*.

41. Diazoto monoksidas (Diazoto oksidas, Nitrous oxide) (except when it is supplied to the market, used and/or consumed as a food additive in accordance with the procedure established in Regulation (EC) No. 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on food additives with all amendments)*.

5. Gama-butirolaktonas (GBL, Gamma-butyrolactone)*.

6. Izobutilnitritas (Isobutyl nitrite)*.

7. Izopropilnitritas (Isopropyl nitrite)*.

* Substances are included in the list at the suggestion of the Department of Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Control, based on the decision of the Interagency Risk Assessment Commission for New Psychoactive Substances.

[1] https://www.infolex.lt/ta/66150:str259
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[28] https://ntakd.lrv.lt/uploads/ntakd/documents/files/2023_metinis+virselis.pdf (page 38)
[29] https://ntakd.lrv.lt/uploads/ntakd/documents/files/2022 metinis (galutinis).pdf (page 38)
[30] https://ntakd.lrv.lt/uploads/ntakd/documents/files/2023_metinis+virselis.pdf (page 38)
[31] https://ntakd.lrv.lt/uploads/ntakd/documents/files/2023_metinis+virselis.pdf (page 39)
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[34] https://ntakd.lrv.lt/uploads/ntakd/documents/files/2022 metinis (galutinis).pdf (page 41)
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[40] https://ntakd.lrv.lt/uploads/ntakd/documents/files/2023_metinis+virselis.pdf?__cf_chl_tk=fxpatF64_vQRpQKZp.JKedTW7zjUi6dg3vnOKerpY60-1713532579- (page 77)
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[43] https://ntakd.lrv.lt/uploads/ntakd/documents/files/2023_metinis+virselis.pdf?__cf_chl_tk=fxpatF64_vQRpQKZp.JKedTW7zjUi6dg3vnOKerpY60-1713532579- (page 77)
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[45] https://vvkt.lrv.lt/lt/narkotiniu-ir-psichotropiniu-medziagu-sarasai/ (as of 2024/04)